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A Nod To Brent - a friendly thread, filled with frivolity, cream teas and pasties. Longing for the happy days in the South Hams 1947.


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It really means a journey (however short - the exit signs on motorways say 'Ausfahrt': a source of constant mirth to schoolboys).


......constant mirth to schoolboys.....these station announcements have hardly changed in more than forty years apart from self closing doors getting a mention nowadays



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The Spagnoletti family also made motorcycles.


Here we see Giuseppe Spagnoletti riding one of his own creations to a 49cc world land speed record in 1932 at Pendine sands.


Regrettably, Giuseppe turned his hand to the world of bird men and met his end flying from Slapton pier in July 1935. Here we see Giuseppe practising in the hills above Kingsbridge in 1933


As he launched himself from the pier, he suffered a bird strike from several seagulls disturbed by his descent. He landed in the safety steam boat, passing through the deck. In doing so, the boiler came adrift and followed Giuseppe down to the sea bed....


Also included is an image of the steam launch, Poseidon in happier times. She was later raised from the seabed and took part in Operation Dynamo but was lost off Dunkirk. In a remarkable coincidence, F/Lt Gerald Tiddle bailed out and landed directly on the Poseidon as it headed for the beaches. He knocked Percy Gibbet, the helmsman over board causing the Poseidon to collide with HMS Slapton, a Devon class minesweeper. Both were lost. Official Royal Navy records show that the Slapton was sunk by a torpedo.

It was not until Percy was captured fighting with the Germans in North Africa that the truth came out.






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  • RMweb Gold

Your WD looks fantastic Graham, thanks for posting it. I've always thought WDs in this condition are a distinctive feature of the 1946/47 period and I'm keen to re livery one along these lines but I've not been sure what transfers to use for the cabside number - would you mind sharing with us which ones you used?

Many thanks,


Sorry Ben just noticed your question.


She was based on an actual picture of her at just out shopped from Brighton works and the numbers were the closest match I could find and were in fact from the Pressfix SR. Wagon sheet.

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I was quite disconcerted to see that advance elements of 20th Tank Destroyer Brigade of the Soviet 62nd Army had reached ANTB after a 4,090 km. trek West from Stalingrad. I went to investigate and found this rather sinister looking van, with a large aerial, parked by the River Avon just outside Brent.




It was guarded by a large unfriendly looking chain smoking Russian lady in Red Army uniform.


Gingerly I approached her and, to my surprise, she said, in slightly accented but jovial English, "Don't vorry, Comrade,zis van is not vot it seems. You sink it is a Gaz-AAA Radio Van sent to spy and report to Moscow on activities in the South Hams don't you?"


Well I couldn't get a word in edgeways before she continued "Vell it is not. Ze van has been specially converted for our mission. Vud you like to look inside?"


"Oh, alright then" I blurted out, not knowing what to expect, and this is what greeted me:




"Ve have come to ze South Hams in a spirit of Glasnost to finally put an end to sausage rationing" she said with a beaming smile.


."Vud you like to take some avay viv you?"......


Historical note: Sausages were only rationed between 1942  and 1944 but were full of bread and other rubbish at other times.



Edited by cary hill
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  • RMweb Premium

attachicon.gifrussian anti-tank brigade.jpg


I was quite disconcerted to see that advance elements of 20th Tank Destroyer Brigade of the Soviet 62nd Army had reached ANTB after a 4,090 km. trek West from Stalingrad. I went to investigate and found this rather sinister looking van, with a large aerial, parked by the River Avon just outside Brent.




It was guarded by a large unfriendly looking chain smoking Russian lady in Red Army uniform.


Gingerly I approached her and, to my surprise, she said, in slightly accented but jovial English, "Don't vorry, Comrade,zis van is not vot it seems. You sink it is a Gaz-AAA Radio Van sent to spy and report to Moscow on activities in the South Hams don't you?"


Well I couldn't get a word in edgeways before she continued "Vell it is not. Ze van has been specially converted for our mission. Vud you like to look inside?"


"Oh, alright then" I blurted out, not knowing what to expect, and this is what greeted me:


attachicon.gif1a Russian Sausage.JPG


"Ve have come to ze South Hams in a spirit of Glasnost to finally put an end to sausage rationing" she said with a beaming smile.


."Vud you like to take some avay viv you?"......


Historical note: Sausages were only rationed between 1942  and 1944 but were full of bread and other rubbish at other times. INCLUDING The Fallen Madonna with the BIG B##BIES?

Blood* hilarious......have had to take medication.


Comments wanted, see my new blog entry:



Far too serious (rather good weathering though.......)


Edited by Mallard60022
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  • RMweb Gold

Anyone from the ANtB crew going to Stafford show this weekend? I'll be around on Sunday.

Alas not going this year recent expenses have been a bit high ('puter repair, two new tyres on the car, and a fence rebuild) plus Mrs Stationmaster has been a tad under the weather and my well established seasonal cold/man flu' remains in place.  Even the trip to Guildford knackered me a couple of weeks ago so the long trek train ride north to Stafford is being given a miss.

Next planned outing is Alton in a couple of weeks from now.


​But I trust those who were going will have a good time and enjoy the different climate zones this show seems to offer.

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I'm being forced into going to Donny by a mate that needs to see N gauge in action. Ummmm, I suppose I'll have to go. Chris F might well be there too but I'm going late on Sunday. So........I won't be at Stafford either. Shame.


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  • RMweb Gold

I'm being forced into going to Donny by a mate that needs to see N gauge in action. Ummmm, I suppose I'll have to go. Chris F might well be there too but I'm going late on Sunday. So........I won't be at Stafford either. Shame.




And they call it Ducky love......


Edited by nhy581
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I do like a nice bit of fruit cake.


You could be in luck if you can track down the Russian sausage van over the weekend.


Yesterday Olga was giving out complimentary Russian Fruit Cake to the people of South Brent as they queued for their free sausages:




Only 537 calories per serving. :O

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Comments wanted, see my new blog entry:



Very nice Sierd and just how I like them although weren't you tempted to scrape some of the lettering off too.Nice all the same.I have an Exeter Gas to do one day.

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Very nice Sierd and just how I like them although weren't you tempted to scrape some of the lettering off too.Nice all the same.I have an Exeter Gas to do one day.

Thanks Robin. As this was an exercise in basic weathering, I didn't attempt to fade the lettering, replace planks, etcetera. But I will probably go the whole hog next time!

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Thanks Robin. As this was an exercise in basic weathering, I didn't attempt to fade the lettering, replace planks, etcetera. But I will probably go the whole hog next time!

I do like Bachmann wagons but the first thing to go is the white rimmed wheels.I wish Bachmann wouldn't do them.

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