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Par Station & St Blazey Depot, 1980's Cornish Mainline in N scale

cornish trains jez

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been considering seasons for Par. I'm kinda thinking height of Summer however Spring is tempting too. Anyone else as mad as me to model a particular season or is this something everyone does??


I think choosing the season is vital. Summer is always good but how about autumn with all those colours?



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Well. I've been "slabbing" happy tonight and have almost finished the island platform on board 2. I've added some filler to the joins of the non slabbed area and also a little to bring the slabs and concrete areas together. A bit late now to take photos as they always seem to come out with a yellow tinge from the light in the modelling room.

I'll take a few photos tomorrow morning before work and then post them on when I get back home. RSLR Reece, I'll take one with a DMU as you requested this in a post a little while back.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been considering seasons for Par. I'm kinda thinking height of Summer however Spring is tempting too. Anyone else as mad as me to model a particular season or is this something everyone does??



My layout when I get around to the scenery will be set in Autumn to reflect the decline of the line.





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Well here are some shots of the completed slabs on the island platform on board 2. There is still some filler to sand down but it gives an idea and I'm quite pleased with the result, well worth the effort of scribing all the strips of plastic. The pattern of slabs is almost accurate and true to the original.













Next will be to build the island canopy, which once built, will finish off the island platform nicely!



Best regards,



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Cheers guys. Glad to know my efforts have paid off. Been looking at numerous photos of Par today and it looks like I'll need a fair mixture of variations of grey to paint individual slabs and then a wash of all the colours followed by a wash of dirty black to bring it all together.


Tonight's work has been to rebuild the Y turnout where the line diverges to Newquay as I still wasn't happy with it. I've now soldered a brand new V crossing together and it looks a whole load better and neater. I'll finish this off over the next couple of evenings.


Day off work on Satuurday and I plan to spend the majority of the day on Par.........don't tell the wife!!!

Edited by cornish trains jez
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Thats a proper labour of love!


The cat shouldn't be Tiddles though, we did have a station cat at one point .....who one day went "walkabout" :(

Just giving an example, all the Proper stations have cats ;)

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Cheers guys. Glad to know my efforts have paid off. Been looking at numerous photos of Par today and it looks like I'll need a fair mixture of variations of grey to paint individual slabs and then a wash of all the colours followed by a wash of dirty black to bring it all together.


Tonight's work has been to rebuild the Y turnout where the line diverges to Newquay as I still wasn't happy with it. I've now soldered a brand new V crossing together and it looks a whole load better and neater. I'll finish this off over the next couple of evenings.


Day off work on Satuurday and I plan to spend the majority of the day on Par.........don't tell the wife!!!

Been looking into doing something similar myself although in the slightly larger scale of 4mm on my platforms, I'll probably do like you and use a few mixes of greys mixed up to a couple of pics with a wash of blackish colour between the joins. I look forward to seeing your efforts.


I think the platform paving stones are are a mix of cut granite and cast replacements.

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Spent the evening last night working on the track work. Still not being entirely happy with the V crossing on the Y turnout which gives access to the Newquay line, I decided to rip it up and have a 4th attempt to get it right. It now looks spot on and I'm pleased with it now. I also manged to lay one of the curves that runs round to the Newquay branch and also the line which heads back onto the mainline. Just need to add the dropper wires and then finish the last few sleepers and it will be done.


I'll post some photos over the weekend and hope to spend more time on the layout tomorrow with hopefully some more progress to report.


My "Par mojo" is certainly back now!!


Best regards,



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Good evening,


Over the last few evenings I have managed to get some work in on the trackwork as detailed in my previous post. With a bit of a hangover today and family over, the modelling room door has remained closed and work will resume later tonight and tomorrow.


However, I have manged to take a couple of progress shots to show how the easitrac is coming along.








Best regards,



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Well, I've been back on it today! (The layout not the beers!!)


The final bits of easitrac have been laid and I have soldered all the dropper wires into position ready for connection underneath the board. Here are some more progress shots.













Another close up shot of the slabs, seems to show them a bit better.





This week I'll be cracking on with the track work on board 1 and then probably back to more buildings.


Well it's off to the outlaws now for a few beers in their garden and a catch up!


Best regards,



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Good morning,


On the agenda for tonights modelling session will be sorting out the island platform canopy. I started this little structure quite a while back so it will be nice to see this progress a little now as it will make the island platform feel a little more like Par.


Photos to follow....


Best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good afternoon,


The platform canopy is making slow progression but here are a couple of progress shots. As mentioned before, I'm building it to as close to the prototype as possible by using various shapes and sizes of plastic strip and some parts from Ratio's GWR island platform canopy kit. While the detailing on these parts isn't quite like the one at Par, it's as close as!!


So I have fitted the "I" section support girders and have added 4 of the cross trusses. I just need to source one more canopy kit from somewhere to provide me with the part for the last cross truss. In the meantime, I'll press on with the other parts that form the canopy.











More to follow soon!


Best regards,





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