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A New Start


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Thank you all!  It's been a massively busy Christmas & I've only just been able to get the laptop out to look in here.


I'm almost intimidated by the concept of five days with no commitments other than driving us to a NYE party & back.  I must, however, take TSC out to do something as he is glued to the Kindle Fire his naughty Godfather bought him for Christmas more firmly than hen I had the superglue incident.  Then I hope to get a couple of small tasks done.


Best wishes to all for a peaceful & prosperous New Year!

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Here we are, have achieved something.  Only finishing off the Op BUILD IT yard shelter, making up a Coopercraft wheelbarrow from a set of barrows & tools and getting some more done on some figures, but I am pleased to have finally got the modelling stuff out!




Had been really worried that the mojo was gone as it has on the military stuff.  It's been a really tough couple of months, but in certain areas things have improved so I can face others...


Happy New Year and happy modelling to everyone!

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Thanks all. Was hoping to do some more weekend gone, but TLHC broke a bath tap & I spent a chunk of the day mending the plumbing. Thank goodness my friendly plumber was on the end of the phone to assist.


Sunday was TSC's Rugby followed by a London Irish match which we won at the death...

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Hopefully the win shows your luck has changed, I do think that some times you have a bad streak, I just lay off whatever is effected, and come back to it later. 

I like the way you have painted he figures, and suspect once on the layout the shadows and highlight you have achieved will make them look pretty neat.As you have gone with a grotty building, I would add some pale green for lichen or moss, on the top, not too much and some dirt mud or grass round the bottom, that sort of not quite loved look,which will help bed it in. I think some very only just there streaky green along the edge of might look good, but it does depend on how you planned to use it...

I think it would need to be subtle, as with older station in general they were kept cleaner, but if it was off to the side you might get away with it.


I'd avoid the blue tack on the layout LOL, I use one pot goes a very long way i have barely touched mine and as we know i play with a lot of figures...



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Cheers, Jaz.  Was going to use a light application of lichen once the thing is in place.


A really close look at the figures shows some slight imperfections like the cap peaks, maybe hair and putting some shiny buttons on the uniforms.  Otherwise I'm pleased with them.  I tend to fix to the layout with a tiny dab of Evostik or superglue!

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  • 3 weeks later...

No work to report.  However in honour of my birthday today I have taken tomorrow off to allow some time at Wallington-Super-Mare (the rest of the weekend being a bit busy for railways) and with luck may have a small construction to show tonight, if I pull my finger out!

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              :yahoo:   HAPPY BIRTHDAY..... :yahoo: .........


will look forward to seeing some work.....if enjoying your holiday doesn't roll into the day off......which of course would be perfectly understandable...... :sungum:  

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No work to report.  However in honour of my birthday today I have taken tomorrow off to allow some time at Wallington-Super-Mare (the rest of the weekend being a bit busy for railways) and with luck may have a small construction to show tonight, if I pull my finger out!

Happy Birthday.


Mine today as well but can't afford to take time off at the moment

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Afternoon, all. Finally back from weekend of celebrations.  Thanks for best wishes & hope Duncan gets a rest - many happy returns to you too.


TLHC has taken TSC off to a bash for two of his classmates, so I'm relaxing with the laptop and some of my late Uncle's record collection which I ripped to the iPod over the weekend.  Just had Big Bill Broonzy on, currently Alexis Korner, then there will be some Woody Guthrie.  I'm saving a 5-CD collection of Pogues rarities I downloaded on my own account until later, perhaps to make herself and TSC go to bed ;)


Anyway, as promised a bit of work done:




The base for the yard crane is a fairly simple card box with the usual brick papers over it. Still needs a bit of work, including adding a small ladder that's in the spares box.  I've also been adding lamps to the locomotives as you can see on the Pannier Tank here.




The Sheps wagon was a little present to myself.  It came from the Erith Model Railway society to go in my beer van rake.  The significance of this one is that the late Uncle who's music I am enjoying now lived all his life just up the road from Erith and was the first, along with my Dad to teach me to enjoy real ale, good pubs, grown-up pub conversation, jazz and blues.  I'm raising a nostalgic glass of St Austell Proper Job to him now...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed another quick trip home. No modelling done, apart from sticking a few of the figures I'd painted to the railway, but there will be some as it seems while shunting I managed to knock a few of my ground pint lever off.  Ho-hum.


Did however run some trains:




Only had phone camera with me so not the best, but here goes a rake past the rather busy parcels yard...


Edit to add:


The Small Controller had some fun driving the Class 220 about, but I am astonished he sees the Railroad Car Transporter as more a source of cars to play with than something to run round the layout.  The Pt Way Dept is quite impressed by the amount of BR Blue stuff that has appeared, even if it is old Hornby & Lima stuff & his true love is when I get the GWR stock out.  He has been known to crawl underneath and have a play hmself when The Long Haired Controller, The Small Controller & I are out & the railway down.


A couple of slight disappointments are that the BR Blue Coaches have a massive derailing problem.  It's not just at the usual dodgy spot but all over. It's not just the Mk2 at the end of the rake which has slightly tight bogies which causes the problem, nor a stretched coupling issue like with the Hachette Jobs.  I also discovered that a coupling on my Class 166 has snapped off, so was limited on running that...

Edited by C&WR
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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks!


Anyway,it's been too long so back to the cutting board. As you know I am rather keen on dilapidation and tired old buildings.  Just off the road from Central Reading to the Madjeski Stadium where we go to watch London Irish is a disused warehouse (I think it was formerly to do with Porcelanosa) for rent.  To stop squatters the large vehicle access has been closed up with big black blocks.  I'm making an impression of this in low relief.


To work, first scribing some polystyrene pizza base for the blocks:




I'm glad I did the experiment at the top.  I had hoped the paint would go into the mortar courses and I could then wipe off the excess leaving the blocks grey/black.  Sadly not as they are textured, so back to the drawing board!


I then cut out the shape of the cladding.  The material is cut from the boxa Christmas present came in a couple of years ago - the Handyman at work who gave me this finds it most amusing his gift keeps on giving!


This was given a coat of primer, then a coat of Tamiya Iron Grey acrylic, and when dry a dry brush of Humbrol Rust enamel.  I overdid it a bit on the left hand side of the access door and the photo hasn't picked up the colour well,but in the flesh it looks good:




This has now had a coat of Plasti-kote.  I will then do hairspray weathering on the thing with a suitable top coat.

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This morning's work was fitted in round a game of "Escape From Colditz" with TSC.  I went fairly gently on him, and each of his teams managed one escape so he was happy & so was I as I'd dragged him away from games on his Kindle!


A slightly better shot to show the rusty metal effect:




With the first coat of the main colour:




And finally, hoping the Plasti-kote protected the card from the water, I took a damp toothbrush to it:




Shortly time to take TSC out for an additional Rugby practice, and then watch the First XV where he will be ball boy...

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Thought I might do a quick update with regard to the Shed at High Wycombe.  This is just outside my favourite local pub with a really rather splendid range of real ales, craft beers and about 3-400 international bottled beers, so I see a far bit of it but not as much as I would like as they have only recently started admitting nippers, so I can't take TSC.


Strangely enough TLHC, who doesn't drink beer, goes there pretty regularly as her knitting group meets in the place.  Ho-hum!


You might remember the shed looked like this:








I rendered it like this:






Imagine my surprise when in the pub last summer when I saw the shed had been transformed thus:




I got back to take a quick close up early this year:




There's a sign board to explain what had gone on:




I think they've done a really good job.  My only nit pick is why they insist on referring to a "train" terminus ;)

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Well C&WR you have certainly done the picture Scoop again.  I particularly like your Rainbow Frame.


Thought I might do a quick update with regard to the Shed at High Wycombe.  This is just outside my favourite local pub with a really rather splendid range of real ales, craft beers and about 3-400 international bottled beers, so I see a far bit of it but not as much as I would like as they have only recently started admitting nippers, so I can't take TSC.


Strangely enough TLHC, who doesn't drink beer, goes there pretty regularly as her knitting group meets in the place.  Ho-hum!


You might remember the shed looked like this:








I rendered it like this:







Imagine my surprise when in the pub last summer when I saw the shed had been transformed thus:




I got back to take a quick close up early this year:




There's a sign board to explain what had gone on:




I think they've done a really good job.  My only nit pick is why they insist on referring to a "train" terminus ;)


I can't help considering whether anyone travelling out from the Metropolis in 1854, may have been of the firm opinion that there was nowhere further out than High Wycombe  ....  and a Terminus may have been considered appropriate  ...    :scratchhead:


........   after all, they did consider that anyone travelling at a greater speed than 25 mph would be in for certain death  .....   something I believe that politicians and the designers of the M25 still firmly believe  .....    :O

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