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A New Start


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  • RMweb Gold

Brilliant job, love it!


I especially like the tarpaulin over the end of the roof...




Thanks, both.  Hope I'm not too far down the slippery slope of building "to the prototype" ;)


Err, yep, I think you probably are :)



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For anyone interested, here's the sketch of the building.  As I may have noted i drew this from a reference picture & it was not until I was well down the line I realised the "concrete" bits were actually the brick and brick and flint painted over.  I couldn't replicate the latter so stuck with concrete for the pillars and stucco for the wall:




For the wall here is the cutting diagram.  This should be scaled so the long side of the whole image is the same length as the long side of a piece of A4 in landscape:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Work, Rugby & other projects mean I haven't had much to show lately.  I do have a trip to Wallington planned for the weekend, partly for Mothering Sunday.  


Therefore I've been collecting together items that have been sitting around here to take home and plant on the layout or try for size.  One thing I really needed to sort was my Dapol water tower so I gave that a weathering this evening, or at least an initial coat of rust before I mucky it up with black on Friday when I get home from a course:




I somehow contrived to lose the water pipe which goes up inside the tower.  I have improvised that with a bit of TLHC's cake supports which was surplus to requirements.  It's not square like the original piece, but I think it will work.


There is also lurking behind the tower a little hint of the other thing that has been underway.  I've been building one of these:




Just love how the Microsol & Microset make those decals sit down:




Only thing is that the pictures show up my ropey masking on the wing tips and the preshading of the panels!

Edited by C&WR
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Excellent, finally got home to do some work on the railway & drive some trains.  It was just too nice a couple of days to spend that long indoors, though.


First of all something The Small Controller has been working on at School.  Very proud to see there's a toggle switch in the circuit, and at the age of seven he's been taught to solder:




Got the fence done round the memorial garden:






Yes, that will be the water tower:






I planted the goods shed, although it looks like it needs a few more cinders to cover the bottom edge:




The idea this gets it out of the way in my new home, and I can leave the roof unfinished, chimney pots off etc. until I sort out some contents:




Last shot of the day while tidying up:



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The Boy was certainly as keen as mustard, Kal, at least when it came to showing the thing off!  Sadly it came away from its base and there seems to be a loose connection somewhere which means the thing is either on or flickers randomly and my diagnostics suggest the problem is in the popper connector to the battery pack...

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You could set up a small motor and Worm drive to a Toothed wheel, with a small card drum attached. A strip of Copper Adhesive backed tape across the top from one side of the Drum to the other and run it between 2 x Brass brushes to time the light on/off.   ........   :senile:



PS. You might persuade your D&T man to make up a very small Bi-metal strip - attach that to a suitably small fuse wire at one end and a contact at the other - run the current through and the light comes on  :sungum:  - the strip warms up and curls, breaking the connection, light out  :O  - and then when it cools it goes straight again and makes the contact again, light on  :sungum:  ----   and so on until you disconnect the power.   ..   :locomotive:


Enjoy the temptation  .......   :angel:

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I did actually wonder if the flickering was deliberate, although one would expect to be able to turn it off.  DT Master says it is only supposed to be on or off, though.


As for bimetallic strip I remember making those myself when about 11 or 12.  Physics lessons were great!


I was, in my relatively recent past, a keen yachtsman so I'd have to consider what sequence of flashes to put on!

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Pink Rugby Kit  .......   put on Flashing, in sequence  .....  



I was, in my relatively recent past, a keen yachtsman so I'd have to consider what sequence of flashes to put on!



.....     "Hello Sailor"  .... 


Ok jokes apart  ...   the lighthouse does your young lad great credit, particularly as it involves Soldering and it really looks the part too. 

He is well justified in wanting to show it off, it is no mean feat for a youngster, that age. Well done to him!  :sungum:  :sungum: :sungum:  

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As it's so popular here's another shot:




It seems to have floated about a bit!  I am really trying to get him to finish off his Hawker Tempest (1/144 scale, I am impressed by his nimble little fingers) , but there are all sorts of other distractions at the moment.  Perhaps over the holidays...

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Life really does have a habit of taking over sometimes!  A big flap on at work last week, then celebratign my sister's birthday at the weekend.  An old friend at Sunday drinks asked how I was, then before I could answer said, "because you look weary".  I am!


Nothing railway-related done since last weekend, but I did take time on Friday night do some more of this:




And pretty much finish this:




Although it's not until I looked at the photos today that I realised the canopy needs redoing & there are smears round the nearside light cluster:




Perhaps I will weather it after all.  I am still considering painting the ropes on the canopy...

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Thanks, Jaz!  I did have a bash at painting the ropes some time back, but even my finest brush wasn't fine enough.  I may have to look out for the microbrushes you recommended or have a go with tiny amounts of paint on a cocktail stick.


The ropes themselves used to fade to a silvery-grey colour from a sort of light brown.  Can't remember if it was here or elsewhere that someone reminded me that it was actually quite common to paint the trucks with the canvas on so the ropes ended up body-coloured anyway!


Whatever happens I'm going to need a jar of Tamiya NATO green paint to touch up various bits as I can't spray such small areas & I need the paint for my Chieftain which is getting under way...

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