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Washout at Dawlish

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Well all i can say is well done to everyone concered with this rebuild and recomission of the line. I hope that there would be a comemortive plague put some where to recognize all the hard working orange clad people.


In decades times fairy stories will be told to children of the orange clad people who invaded Dawlish and battled on the sea wall with the Big Red Spidery Thing that spewed concrete on the land. And how the fire brigade did pump water and made the cliff fall into the sea and behold didst though sea turn red with the blood of the Big Red Spidery Thing. And the mighty Cap'n Kernow who came from the land beyond the Tamar to save the Dawlishians. And there was great rejoicing and the Dawlishians did once again walk upon the beaches.

Unfortunately someone built a Dawlish avoidance line and the lifeblood was drained from Dawlish and it self imploded.

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  • RMweb Premium

Given the significance of the containers role in the reinstatement of the breach, maybe they should be designated as "heritage assets" and listed; then they won't be able to take them away and they'll be a permanent reminder to the people of Dawlish and visitors of the great achievements of the Orange Army. :jester:



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  • RMweb Premium
The Stationmaster, on 21 Mar 2014 - 10:22, said:

The interesting bit is going to be how 'they' remove the containers - their structural strength must be somewhat impaired and they would appear to be rather overloaded as well.  Tip them onto the foreshore?

Ive been pondering the same thing Mike.

They're  20 footers and filled to the brim with wet sand and stone so probably about 30 tons each. That's far to heavy for any road railer to lift with even one at each end.

RR machines are notoriously feeble for lifting capacity at the best of times, couple of bags of ballast is about ya lot and they become unstable.

Cant see a road crane being used even if the road was reinstated as it wouldn't be wide enough to extend out riggers.

I can see maybe a Kirow being brought in?

It will be interesting to see what happens to them.

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  • RMweb Premium

... or tow them by tugboat just down the coast to Branscombe beach. The locals there will think it's the MSC Napoli all over again.




Nah - there's no motorbikes in the Dawlish ones ;)  But there's still a few unregistered bikes in use around Branscombe and Beer when no-one important is looking and sometimes on the tracks over the fields.  Not to mention a few other items of dubious provenance.

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  • RMweb Premium

Even in this relatively calm weather with no strong winds (I assume as the drone seems to keep on course with no problems), spray is breaking over the top of the new L shaped castings. I assume this was at high tide on a day when the maximum was pretty much at its highest?


Many thanks to NR for this video. A much better use for a drone than in the Middle East.

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cheers Gary for posting that drone vid.


very impressive footage and more so the clarity of it and an even better fuller understanding of the site. for me was from the 4:00 minute mark how the oversea shot showed how vastly effective the containers were at breaking the wave action the the original sea wall was doing further along in the vid. Again a massive work in progress site but also a tip of the ice berg of other major rail site repairs going on throughout the land that nature threw at us.



It`s amusing how folk took to the spider thing :sungum:


Hope we get see some more drone footage and maybe so from other rail sites in the future.




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  • RMweb Gold

Listing will last for a few years only before they are declared to be in such a poor condition they will have to be removed.


Best way will be to take all the roof off then with a grab empty most of the content then remove them as one unit, or scrap on site and remove the metal and the rest of the content.

I can confirm that they will be cut up on site and the material in them disposed of.

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  • RMweb Gold

Here's the forecast for Saturday from NOAA:






Looking pretty chilly but the winds are coming out of the North West quadrant i.e. offshore at Dawlish.


Best, Pete.


Thanks for putting these up Pete. It's useful to see an understandable synoptic chart (with explanations).


The Met Office ones aren't as useful (to me anyway!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Even in this relatively calm weather with no strong winds (I assume as the drone seems to keep on course with no problems), spray is breaking over the top of the new L shaped castings. I assume this was at high tide on a day when the maximum was pretty much at its highest?



Don't forget that the masonry facing of the outer wall has still to be rebuilt, so the tops of the 'L' sections are not going to have to face the sea on their own in future.

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  • RMweb Premium

A bit on the Spotlight news, DfT looking to extend electrification from Newbury to Bedwyn, also the Mid-Devon mp asking the minister to look at the Okehamton route ministers reply it would all be in the Network Rail report due in July.

The mods may like to shift this to the other thread on the diversion thread.


ADMIN - or you could have put it in the right topic to start with!  You can delete this yourself and repost if you wish.

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  • RMweb Premium
Siberian Snooper, on 21 Mar 2014 - 13:29, said:

The sand they're chucking in the sea at the Teignmouth, that's left to drift up the coast to Dawlish.

There were certainly a few square miles of very 'red sea' when I was there yesterday!

It would have ended up in the sea sooner or later anycase, without any human intervention I reckon.

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