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Terry Pratchett passes on


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  • RMweb Gold

Really sad :( His Discworld stories might be classed as fantasy and with mythical creatures, but I still think they reflected the human condition and spirit to a T. I keep re-reading them as they provide escapism in a positive way.

What a great loss, to his family but also the many, many fans who are being denied further brilliance. Rest in peace, sir.

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I am... well "devastated" may be too strong a word, but my feelings are heading in that direction. His work has brought me so much pleasure, that to loose him is akin to loosing a very good friend.


Not only was he a great author, but by all acounts a really nice bloke. One of my treasured possessions is a letter written and signed by him in response to a note I had sent him about a book of his. And now, once I have bought and read his last book: The Long Utopia (with Stephen Baxter, due June 2015). There will be no more Long Earth or Discworld books, ever. Nor will we see a future Tiffany Aching, would she have become another Granny Weatherwax? we'll never know.


So many much-loved characters, no more.


I suppose all I can do is to quote UU's librarian: "Oook" - which really must say it all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sad news. I had a weird feeling a week or so ago about TP and that he would soon pass away. Probably just coincidence though.


I'm still working through what are now the last few books of the Discworld series, and it's poignant knowing there will be no more to follow.  R.I.P. Terry, you've given us many hours, nay, weeks of reading that helps to make us laugh. I for one will treasure your stories on my re-reads of them.

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I suppose all I can do is to quote UU's librarian: "Oook" - which really must say it all.

Sad news. UU always felt oddly familiar, but if they're all effectively joined via L-Space that would explain it.


It's not Discworld, but I think I'll have to dig out a copy of Good Omens to reread soon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Once had the pleasure of a long chat with Terry after a book signing where he asked anyone with all the series to wait to the end, (my mate had the full bag full with him but I had only taken one ;) ) Once he realised we were also widely read it turned into over an hour of highly entertaining discussion. I thought his books were good but the bloke was even better.

Thanks for Discworld Terry and the thoughts you provoked of how ridiculous much of our world can be ;)


I'll miss the adventures but remember all the characters like friends.


Saw him again in town only a year or so ago and said thanks for the tv work,


No doubt helping Alfred keep THE BOSS in line ;)

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 I've read and reread every single one of his books, and loved every single one. Many thanks for the Discworld series, Sir Terry, and for the many hours of reading pleasure! You'll be greatly missed.

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I have lost a personal hero here - I am very saddened by the passing of this great man. I too had the pleasure, ne, privilege of a brief conversation with him many years ago and he did not disappoint as so many heroes can - he was every inch a thorough gentleman and a great wit. I will always treasure my signed first edition of Soul Music.


Ever since I was a boy, his humour and philosophy which pervades Discworld have been a constant source of pleasure and inspiration and like others here I can't believe I will never again tread new ground over the beautiful, magical world he created. I have just and I mean just finished an audio book marathon while commuting of all the Discworld books and to get to 'THE END' today is just wierd... Another great talent taken by a cruel condition, far too soon. My condolences and thoughts are with his family and friends.


He meant so much to so many people and for a range of reasons but along with the hours of pleasure and inspiration his books gave me, he also has another special meaning for me. I had a cousin who had a terminal condition who was also a huge fan of Discworld and it helped her a great deal through her final days. One of the last things she said was that she had "an appointment with the big man in the black robe" and it was said with a smile. I wish I could have told him how he helped. I can't tell him personally now but there is only one note on which to end:


Thank you Sir Terry for everything...



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A fantastic storyteller who added humour to many lives. Believable characters in unbelievable situation's which they dealt with in the most humanistic way, generally arguing and bickering.


I swear I have met some of the characters he wrote about.


Hope he was met by a black robed old friend.





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Guest Moria

RIP TP and thank you for the years of enjoyment and laughter.


Having just re-read Iron Girder and Mrs Bradshaws guide, I was wondering if a layout from Effing to Swine-Town would be an interesting model :)


Be at peace and perhaps you will find out how many angels can dance on the head of a pin :)



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  • RMweb Gold

Such a sd loss, I wonder if the coffin will have lots of legs and a will of its own.


The world is a much rounder place now


R.I.P. TP.


Made of sapient pearwood

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