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RMweb - 10 Years Old

Andy Y

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Does RMWeb now turn into a stroppy teenager?





No, we have a couple of years yet. My daughter's 12 going on 15 and is a whirlwind wrapped up in an anxiety-riddled blanket of "know-it-all"ness...


Edit: actually, come to think of it, I can see some similarities...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold



Andy Y announced that at 5pm UK time there will be a 6G phone/webcast where he interviews Dave Jones, President for Life of DJ-Hornby.  He will talk about Hornby’s dark days after the Blue Box of Barwell was beatified, and the drastic measures taken by Hornby to re-assert its position in the market.


He will also talk candidly about the problems involved in moving his own, and now Hornby’s, production from China to Morocco.


Andy said it had taken quite a bit of effort to set this broadcast up, but with complaints about RMWeb Buy-and-Sell now down to 5 or 6 a day he recently had more time on his hands.


Meanwhile an RTR version of the F*ll has finally been announced but it’s taken a Canadian company to actually do it.  Having worked their way through the APT, Kerosene Castle, 10800 and E2001, Jason Shron said there really were very few challenges left in life.  Apparently he’s given up on seeing the Blue Jays win the World Series so wants to devote himself to something that might actually be a success.


The Fatwah on Kenton has not been lifted.  However, as a special 20th birthday gesture, Boris has been allowed off the naughty step (under licence) after his 2 year stint there.


Congratulations to Ian and Sherry who will soon be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.  They’d like to thank all their friends who helped them through a bumpy start to their marriage.  As we all know gauge-wars can take their toll.


The final printed editions of BRM have been dispatched from the printers and should be in the shops soon.  Govt pressure to ‘Save The Trees’ led to misguided inducements to push everything into ‘The Cloud’.  After the big battle in ’23 to gain control of the Cloud, a resurgent MS was the victor and e-magazine prices seem to be rising faster than inflation.  No-one saw that coming – yeah right.


Here’s to the next 10 years…..

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Finally in the small print Dave Jones acknowledged that when he spoke with the Managing Director at Kernow International Model Superstore (KIMS) it was felt that the time was not yet right to commission centre trailers for the Thumper units but that the door of opportunity there was not yet closed.  

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Sorry that Jason missed it when it happened.  Their right to win it ever again was bargained away to achieve the free trade agreement.

  Apparently he’s given up on seeing the Blue Jays win the World Series so wants to devote himself to something that might actually be a success.


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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations on 10 years. Like so many others have said, it's a wonderful achievement and a fantastic resource.

I discovered RMWeb having been on another forum, where I'd become disillusioned with the constant bickering and egotistical ranting.

Sure there are times on here when it can get a bit lively, but generally people behave themselves!

I've always liked the environment where you can ask the most basic question and find there's someone who's prepared to help. Ive made some good friends along the way and I'm extremely thankful to Andy and the team for all their efforts.

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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations on 10 years. Like so many others have said, it's a wonderful achievement and a fantastic resource.

I discovered RMWeb having been on another forum, where I'd become disillusioned with the constant bickering and egotistical ranting.

Sure there are times on here when it can get a bit lively, but generally people behave themselves!

I've always liked the environment where you can ask the most basic question and find there's someone who's prepared to help. Ive made some good friends along the way and I'm extremely thankful to Andy and the team for all their efforts.


I couldn't agree more. This site has always been an excelllent resource - and 10 years is something of an achievement.



I agree completely about some of the "politics" on certain other forum sites.


I'm still a member (albeit, effectively, in name only) on one of the sites in question - a UK site where, amongst the rubbish, they also have some useful stuff and some decent members. I still look there very occasionally - but have never really felt at home there.


I don't think I'm alone in my experiences of the site in question. Last year, I was on a shuttle bus, returning from a show - and some RMweb members were chatting about forum sites in general. One guy commented about a site - which he branded as "NOT RMweb.co.uk" - a USP which probably only really appeals to individuals who've been shown the door here.


He went on to say that a lot of people had joined the site in question - quickly become disillusioned with the openly hostile atmosphere and all the "pleasantries" there - and returned here, saying that they "had friends on RMweb".


I know the feeling - except that I never left RMweb - and I have no intention of doing so.



Since I have no wish to "rock the boat", I'm not about to name names - but I know such nonsense does go on in a number of places.



While on the subject of "pleasantries" elsewhere on the web, they were actually among the triggers which led to me finding and joining RMweb (and, at the same time, FreeRails {a US site} - I still enjoy the privilege of being on both these sites):


  • I was looking to find some model railway related information, for a planned personal project. Web searches for information and pictures threw up interesting links to both of these sites.


  • I had already been on some Yahoo groups - some of which were (and still are) well run. However, I had become increasingly frustrated by threads on certain groups being overrun with waffle - discussions going off on (sometimes very) odd tangents - ad hominem attacks - and ineffective, biased or non existent moderation.


  • About the same time, I was visiting a local model railway show - and got chatting to one, thoroughly decent, guy who was exhibiting a layout. I found out that he was (and still is) a member of RMweb - and decided that if he was, in any way, typical of the members here, I really wished to join ASAP.


    This was a bit of an issue at the time, because the site was down for a few days. By the time the site went back up, I'd become aware of another trigger - which, for me, was effectively the "tipping point".


  • The final trigger was one individual who'd just been "invited to leave" this site. I won't go into the reasons for this - or who the individual is - but they were whingeing on a number of other forum sites - and their own personal website - about how "hard done by" they felt.


    It quickly became apparent to me that Andy had been more than justified in showing this individual the door. I liked the fact that he was prepared to take effective action against trouble makers.


    As far as I'm concerned, a site (such as RMweb) where trouble makers get stopped in their tracks is the sort of site I wish to be a member of.


At this point, I think I should stress that, I'm actually a member of a number of forum sites. A lot of them are well run - run by decent people, whom I've got time for - and a privilege to be involved with - even if I only visit some of them when I'm trying to find out something specific to their subject "areas". They are not the target of my criticism.



Unfortunately, there are also a minority of sites where ad hominem attacks against sites like this (and the people running them) are not only tolerated but actively encouraged.


We all know such nonsense goes on routinely on some rogue sites - it doesn't go on here. If it even starts, Andy and the mods are ready to deal with the individuals responsible - and that's one of the things that make this site a safe, welcoming, environment.



Another thing I really like here is the way in which, if people have questions, they also get answers - useful, helpful, answers - offered in a pleasant, non judgmental, way. People here seem willing to help - and supportive of other people here - which says a lot about most of the members here.


It also says a lot about this site - and all the people who run it - that this sort of mindset has always been actively encouraged here.



RMweb has always been a well run virtual club - and an excellent resource. I'm glad that, 10 years ago, Andy had the vision to set this site up. I'm glad that he's also had the tenacity to keep it going for this time. I hope this site continues - not just to survive - but also to grow and thrive.



Well done, Andy - thanks for everything over the last 10 years - here's to the future.



All the best,



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I can hardly believe it! That bit was way past my bedtime, so I didn't stay up to watch...!


You missed a very entertaining part of the programme ! As well as the eventual winner Liam, a number of other very strong candidates was featured, including 'Terry Henry' (Thierry Henri) and the Chuckle Brothers, however none had the stature of Andy Y.

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  • RMweb Gold

I missed the very first version of RMweb but have been around for almost all of those 10 years and well remember the 'Poopex' time when the site would disappear for days on end and there were doubts if it would ever come back. As you say, our Members' Day in 2007 was a memorable occasion with Puds and Sunshine Coast coming from Eastbourne and the Good Captain and his SWAG crew from deepest Devon - all the way to Derby to join many other people they had never met before who all had a common purpose - membership of RMweb and the enjoyment of model railways. (With apologies to the others who were there for not naming them all !)


Over that time we have seen a lot of members join, a few leave for various reasons and of course we have lost some good friends. . . .


Here's to the next ten years




I've posted this pic taken at that first member's day a few times over the years, but it's worth another :)



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No automatic timer and a table top (or Sepp Blatter*) then...? ;)


* one for 'The Now Show' listeners

Edited by Ian J.
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10 years? Wow, time really flies. I remember being active on the ModMod, then DEmodellers Yahoo! groups, neither of which I cared for but there was little else at the time. And I still lived in the UK!! I caught on with RMWeb a few weeks after it started, threw my teddy out a few years later then rejoined a couple of years ago and I'm glad I did. At least in 10 years I've learned that I shouldn't be so easily provoked into comment, even through a computer and miles of wires!!


Anyway, Happy Birthday and all that. Still a marvellous resource, just takes a little more filtering through these days... ;)

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Well what can I say that hasn't been said already? What a journey! Firstly, huge, huge thanks to AndyY for everything over the years; for creating a fantastic community, for his commitment, and for his hard work. 

I'd also like to share some thoughts. 

According to my profile I've been a member since October '09, but I seem to be remember being part of the "1%" as I think we were called, after the switch of hosts in that month. So actually it was probably a while before then that I first joined (just checked and it was: Sun Jul 27, 2008. ). Y'know what, it's strange looking back at the old archived forum. Not just because it's exactly how it was on the last day, but also because all my incriminating and frankly embarrassing first posts are still there for all to see! Thread upon thread of indecisive posts and layouts that got nowhere (although in 2008 I would've been 14 so I guess it is to be expected). I remember someone at the time said watching me design the original Calshot layout was effectively just me "thrashing about for an idea". That will always stay in my memory, and I think that was probably the point that gave me some direction finally. But that was (and still is!) the great thing about RMweb. People always willing to help you, always having jokes and light-hearted comments, or even just having a chat.


Anyway, I think it's fair to say RMweb has been a big part of my life (and I'm sure it's the same for many others). Not only through having somewhere to talk about my latest projects and sharing ideas, but also through meeting like-minded people and generally creating somewhere really enjoyable to be. I haven't yet made it to a members day (I will do one day, I promise!), but I have met some members IRL. Not only that but they have helped me out with layouts, or invited me to operate at exhibitions, or willingly attended our exhibition at short notice.

Sitting here, it's hard to believe it's been so long, but yet there's no other website that I visit that has such a strong community feel (amongst many other things). If there is one thing I do miss, it is the (relatively short-lived) "RMweb Showcase". It's been so long that I honestly can't remember the reason for it being axed. But I do remember the excitement I felt of being asked by AndyY to join this portion of the site, and how happy I was to be a part of such a thing. Regardless, I have always welcomed change, and I think AndyY has had to make some hard decisions over the years. And for what it's worth, the site only continues to improve. The only downfall is its' popularity - it becomes a lot harder to find stuff.

Anyway I've waffled on for far too long and it's getting late. So once again, many thanks Andy, and anyone else involved in the day to day running of RMweb. Here's to 10 more exciting years!


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I've only been around here for about five years and despite a few run-ins with some more judgemental commentators for the vast majority of the time it's been an excellent few years.  This place has helped me clarify what I need to do for the new shed-based modular layout I'm planning to start this year (modular so I can change era using the same structure) which despite being planned around the twin evils of kitbashed scenery and largely rtr stock will be given regular progress updates on here.  The other thing the site has prompted me to do, when our Village Hall needed a layout for their model show, was of course to build Kings Oak as a quick and dirty demonstration piece for the show, which gave me the chance to get some practice in.  Thanks to the RM Web Live event last year, it's now been transformed into something that will be taking a tentative step into other public shows this year.  So, RMWeb has effectively kickstarted my return to model railways after some twenty years of armchair modelling.  I'm sure that is probably one of the things Andy had in mind with the site when it started, to act as a catalyst to get people doing something and not just reading and talking about it, so it's worked in my case.


Talking of the late RMWeb Live, given it is the 10th anniversary I was wondering if there is scope for an informal members gathering somewhere in the Midlands in the style of the now defunct St Leonards Centre "bring a cake" get togethers of old?  I know there's a lot of organisation involved which might kill the idea stone dead and the closure of the old GEC social club makes finding a venue difficult, but something in the Midlands would be relatively accessible to probably a good number of members and would be a nice way to celebrate the 10th anniversary.  We could even bring along birthday cakes...

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  • 4 months later...

Congrats Andy and a well deserved pat on the back mate, (not that your choking of course), Long may RM Web continue, I've INSTRUCTED TWO PEOPLE to look at it today and get signed up and Post.


All the best,

Andy. (the one with just a little more hair than you, but not a lot) hahhahah. :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  

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  • 3 years later...
  • RMweb Gold

Something brought me back to this topic today and I had a dig around in the depths of my files and the RMweb Archive to reveal that although records show I did not join RMweb until March 2007 I had been lurking and posting on the old BRM forum since March/April 2005. I may have been a member of the abortive Pipex/RmWeb2, can't tell.


My first go at the RedgateModels logo was created April 28th 2005, George had not even been born then (although he was cooking LOL)

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 I may have been a member of the abortive Pipex/RmWeb2, 


Happy days! The thrill of a 50/50 chance of the site making it through a day without crashing.  :shout:


In a bid to recreate this in the next couple of weeks I'll be turning the site off for a day or so* whilst a major software version upgrade is implemented. :)


* That's what I'm telling people, I will actually be lying in a darkened room.

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Ahhh 2005 the days of just four model companies Hornby, Bachmann, Heljan and Dapol then someone said choice was a good thing, the world went Digital and now we have Freeview a free for all

With modellers chuntering how much better European models were and that they'd be happy to pay more for better quality. :D

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