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Everything posted by Grafarman

  1. Shouldn't the new girl in Dr Who have screamed the place down when the alien grabbed her head...?! Talk about wooden acting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grafarman


      Yeah with very cold fingers lols...re-watched it last night and have to say her reactions to scary/surprising situations are so poor...

    3. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      But she is as cute as a button....

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I think she was sparing the poor monster's feelings...

  2. Now that's what I call forward-planning...!! Looking good; I'm sure the team from Grand Designs could make a whole episode out of this build... David
  3. RIP Margaret Thatcher; none like her before or since...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Pitmen unite.

    3. Jawfin


      RIP. Apperantly even Argentina are mourning.

    4. gwrrob


      I bet Arthur Scargill isn't.

  4. Today I've mostly been tracklaying in code 55...

  5. The world is changed...

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      to self destruct in 5..4..3..2..1.. BOOM

  6. Control Panel finished!! Now, what was I supposed to be doing again...!?!

    1. steve22


      Converting the lot to clockwork?

  7. Only cassettes I know of are made of plastic and carry a threaded spool of magnetic tape, and when you insert them into a 'Walkman' there eminates various noises some would associate with music; ah, those were the days...!! Getting older by the day hour David
  8. I do sometimes wonder if the posts I make are invisible to others on the thread, or are they just being deliberately ignored...?!

    1. Horsetan


      Depends how very naughty they are?

    2. Grafarman


      Not at all; in fact quite the opposite...

    3. 69843


      I looked, but I didn't see any of the posts :D

  9. I hate soldering; two hours, one burnt thumb and three re-starts to wire up just one side of twenty switches... :(

    1. SHMD


      Don't forget the hole burnt into your sleeve, the two dry joints and at least one intermittent contact! ;)

    2. Grafarman


      Why can't they do pre-wired toggle switches to go with pre-wired point motors, signals etc...?!

    3. Michael Woolford

      Michael Woolford

      That would be too easy!

  10. For modelling: Bob Denham - his Springwood layout in N gauge was a first for me; proper length trains running through realisitic (for then!) scenery...not sure if he's still around now; that was 1979... For writing: Allan Downes (now of this manor) - his descriptions of structural builds and uniquely- styled scenics over the years have been ongoing highlights...
  11. Yahoo email hacked again; you'd think they'd have tougher servers really...

  12. Bought a Prototype 2mm LMS station kit off Ebay for less than a tenner! Another one went for over

  13. Eric Bibb on Radio 2 last night still soothing my ears...

  14. My late Grandfather had a white moggy thou' for years and gradually replaced all the woodwork with bits of spare timber. Someone still offered him a grand for it in 1984; he didn't take it but part-exchanged it for something more modern which didn't require double-de-clutching as his ankles were wearing out!! That maroon one is first-rate though...
  15. Remember when you were young, - you shone like the sun

    1. dvdlcs


      You crazy diamond :-)

  16. Calm You Shall Keep and Carry On You Must

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Strange you are talking.

    3. steve22


      'Take you to him, I will.'

    4. Salopian


      Questions why are they so often asked on forum with the words in the wrong order?

  17. Can't believe the Hornby Announcement thread is still going; maybe it'll change after Sunday...;)

  18. Utterly fantastic - some of the best views to date IMO... This layout is a huge inspiration for me and I know many others and to see it in all its expansive splendour is breathtaking... Thanks for sharing; hugely appreciated David
  19. Yes that's it; cracking shot thanks GN - so good to get an overall look at the layout and this gives an excellent view of the way all the buildings juxtapose with each other - some fine railway architecture there... David Edited for too much type...!
  20. Personally, and this is only my opinion, I actually prefer the pictures that depict a model railway rather than an attempt to recreate a perfectly-captured portrait of realism; this gives me a greater appreciation of what has been created and how it's been done, and places the whole in its setting so giving the full effect. I know the main idea is to recapture some of the magic of a bygone era, and this is done remarkably well here, but enjoyment of the models for me far outweighs the striving for prototype-inspired perfection... So more helicopter shots for me please, and don't worry about bookcases, lighting and fiddle yards - if you can get an odd shot that looks super-realistic all well and good, but just take pleasure in displaying examples of great modelling and I for one will be a happy chappie Keep 'em coming David
  21. "No money, no parts, no deal!"

    1. Coldgunner


      Now this is Podracing...

  22. Raisin and Biscuit Yorkie...

    1. steve22


      Wish you'd said that last week - it's Lent now. Heartless is what you is!

  23. "We couda been anythin' that we wannid ta be..."

    1. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      i'll supply the splurge gun!

  24. RM March '79 - Springwood by Bob Denham; first time I'd ever seen N gauge in a proper setting - I still have the mag along with February's issue of the same year - that one for Mawddwy Road by Trevor Hughes; wonderful use of space and local features. But my favourite all-time layout has to be Allied Marine & Locomotive Company - RM Nov '78 - such atmosphere and creative use of clutter and grime; brilliant! Later on saw Gransmoor Castle and Kingswear but those early layouts have stuck with me... David
  25. Bit of a tear in the eye seeing this one; like two great layouts coming together...
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