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Everything posted by Grafarman

  1. "'Undeliverable'; that's what you are..."

    1. MarkC


      Computer say "NO"...

  2. Bit disappointed you didn't model the spiral staircase inside the wall structure and the floor supports which are visible down the centre of the original But seriously, looking really good...can't wait to see the whole castle made up in due course... David
  3. So are the BCB team up for taking over the N gauge layout in BRM I wonder...?!

  4. Quote of the Month...?! Not sure I would even have the eyesight to see where they went let alone glue them in exactly the right place each time!! Thanks for sharing Ron; your updates never fail to amaze me... David
  5. Just wanted to say GB that your article in BRM is really interesting and has some cracking shots by Tony and Andy; a bit like having this thread condensed into an afternoon's reading! Looking forward to the rest of the series... David
  6. "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davefrk


      Wi dont neid no educashun.

    3. dvdlcs


      All in all, you're just another brick in the wall.


      Part 2.

    4. 69843


      Hey! Teacher! Leave us kids alone!

  7. Now has a Hive on the living room wall!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Resistance is futile

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Operation: Assimilate.

    4. Jawfin


      But where did you put all the bees? ;)

  8. Outbid 3 out of 3 on Ebay :( why do people pay such ridiculous prices for things...?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. surfsup


      @michael delamar Very risky business indeed...unless your after FGW rolling stock that is.

  9. Off for a day in Oxford on Saturday; can't find any model shops listed though...? :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 46444


      Howes in Kiddlington. Very good bus service from town.

    3. Horsetan


      They keep all of the diesel detailing bits hidden way behind the counter, so you can't actually look for what you want to buy until they bring it out to you!

    4. Grafarman


      Cunning plan! Thanks folks...

  10. Finished the Z gauge layout; back to the N gauge one now!

  11. The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grafarman



      Mine was from Qui-Gon Jinn to Jar-Jar Binks!!

    3. Jim49


      He must have read Puckoon as well!

    4. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      So what made you speak? ;-)

  12. I'm sure you've seen this but this is the only 'free' source I know: http://www.2d53.co.uk/TT/TTmenu.htm but it might be too far after your dates. A quick Google came up with this for sale: http://britishrailwaybooks.co.uk/wtt/lmregion/br31010-acdeg-060367.php?bcsi_scan_6ff3f37d49d6906c=QMxHd7zyVI+KN1v9g9ywaqKqOpkSAAAA+PR0Cg==&bcsi_scan_filename=br31010-acdeg-060367.php which includes a section on Crewe - Holyhead for 1967; bit pricey but worth the investment if it carries the information you need. Otherwise it may be a good idea to contact the National Archives (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/) as they keep copies of just about everything from that time; a quick query on their site using 'Freight working Holyhead' came up with 100's of items!! Regards David
  13. No more training do you require. Already know you, that which you need.

    1. RedgateModels


      doesn't sound like our drivers LOL

  14. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I thought you were talking about the train operator that can't provide reliable lavatories... ;-)

    3. skipepsi


      Westminster was a better answer.

  15. Tony If there's mention made of a certain resort town just east of Rhyl I may well be tempted to obtain a copy when available...?! Either way, any book on BR Blue will be welcomed on my bookshelf, for research or just for pleasure, so I look forward to its publication. Thank you for the advanced warning! David
  16. Driving to Prestatyn tomorrow morning; hoping for clear weather,,,

    1. MartinWales


      Drive a bit further to Llandudno and you'll find a swapmeet/train fair!

  17. Fantastic GB; and for me the aerial shot of the coal train makes up for the lack of EE traction this time; I could imagine a Type 4 on the front of that just as easily!! Best wishes David
  18. I believe that was the Toll House to accept payments for crossing the chain bridge; I'm pretty sure it's still there as part of the National Trust presence.
  19. The first photo shows the entrance to the chain bridge from the east end looking towards the castle ie the reverse of the third photo; the new road passes to the right of the picture, and the wall to the left is the retaining wall behind which runs the railway. David
  20. Thank you! Yes, that's just one of his little inventions; 1/4" dowel rod running through screw-eyes; metal angle bracket and plastic tubing I believe with a stiff wire to link to the point, the 'levers' being disguised as packing crates on the canalside eventually...!! He's always coming up with that sort of thing...!! David
  21. Hope no-one minds but in context I'd like to post a few pics of my Dad's current 'train set layout' which he is building in their garage; it's a work in progress, and he loves it as it gives him something creative and fun to do with his time. He's always looking for new bits to add to and change the existing arrangement; he's constructed all the buildings, bridges, barge etc out of wood, card and paper (apart from the footbridge and water tower I think) and it's given me loads of inspiration to just go and enjoy watching the trains run and seeing his enthusiasm for his layout...oh, and it's called 'Hornby Junction' 'cos that's where he was born, not due to him being a supporter of a certain manufacturer; he likes Bachmann and Dapol too...!! David
  22. Found this thread: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&p=611674 Post #153 gives the last update I believe... David
  23. Only thing I found was this:http://www.osbornsmodels.com/peco-setrack-oo-plan-7--bredon---a-classic-scenic-oval-layout-22372-p.asp I couldn't get the picture to load though... David
  24. Ah, ok that would make sense; I was only introduced to Hamleys I think in around '83/84 on a family weekend in the capital so it would have been in its newer incarnation... David
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