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Everything posted by Grafarman

  1. Spent most of the weekend trying to scratchbuild a roadbridge; fingers and eyes just not working together it seems; ah well, it'll be done eventually...!

  2. Well, my Pulse and Blood Pressure are ok, but my weight needs to come down; there goes the sweet treats...!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      At least you have a pulse.......

    3. steve22


      I'm like you then. Trouble is, there's me reading this whilst eating my wife's home-made ice cream. Guilt buds as well as taste buds being tickled...

    4. Grafarman


      Haha looks like I'm not the only one then; lean meat, veggies and lots of cycling seems to be a plan to start with for me...!

  3. Just clocked 10,000 views on my Prestatyn thread; considering it's still very much a work in progress, that's pretty good; thanks for looking folks!

    1. Jack00


      Me too!! 10,000+ we'll be catching up with DitD...umm...soon?

  4. Hornby Magazine's providing the plans, buildings and step-by-step instructions for a small layout; interesting side project methinks...!

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Yeah I seen that, It could be very interesting indeed.

  5. Standing by the laptop waiting for updates and pics from TINGS...!!

  6. Steaming hot cafetiere of Taylor's Italian Rich Roast coffee - Bellissimo!!

  7. Sorry I don't know much about the Pullmans although they do look great, but I just had to say that Type 4 looks awesome - is it D287? (can't make it out that clearly...) Excellent stuff David
  8. 'One Step Beyoooooond!'

    1. Horsetan


      Don't watch that! Watch this!

    2. yorkie_pudd


      watch your step with your baggy trousses

  9. Eldest Daughter got her GCSE results today; very proud and very happy!

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Well done. This year is my big year, ahh!

    2. trisonic


      Great! I heard they were all harder this year too....

    3. Grafarman


      Yes I heard that too Pete, but there seemed to be only one or two nasty surprises amongst her classmates...

  10. Kato do this in N scale; the 'on the floor' market is huge in Japan, and by the look of this thread is catching on over here too...!!
  11. Watched the Titfield Thunderbolt after giving my Dad the Hornby set for his birthday; happy times :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RJS1977


      Great film, not so sure about the set though... :-(

    3. Castle


      Outstanding movie - one of my absolute favourites! I remember watching this one as a child on TV and I still love watching it today.

    4. Coldgunner


      Forget low loaders, any loco can be moved by a large enough crowd...

  12. Keep making coffees and forgetting to drink them; work's so distracting!!

  13. Yay, bought a new laptop; but what's with these multi-coloured boxes all over the screen...?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grafarman


      Gee, thanks! I've finally found the desktop with icons so I'm pitching camp on it and nowt's gonna shift me!

    3. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      Windows 8 Bl***y awful

    4. Grafarman


      So far I've found it's like W7 but with an Apps screen which is pretty useless...!

  14. Today I'm half way to 94 according to my children; thanks kids!!

    1. gridwatcher


      Well you will be please to hear that I am halfway to 96!!


    2. 69843


      Happy 47th mate

    3. Grafarman
  15. We're coming up for a holiday in Prestatyn a week on Sunday so it'll all come then like as not...!
  16. I have a Marks & Spencer Evening Star trainset which my Father gave me a number of Christmases ago; I model in N gauge so have no use for it on the layout, but I find it hugely therapeutic to simply lay it out on the dining table, mats and all, and just watch the train go by for a while...! Playing Trains; can't beat it... David
  17. Wondering why Cav just launched an attack only to be overhauled and left behind by the peloton...?!?!

    1. Mallard60022


      'cause he's not Mr Froome! I think he's burnt out to be honest.

    2. Grafarman


      Looking that way...

  18. Postman Pat has a helicopter?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. beast66606


      He's now a director of a private company

    3. Grafarman
    4. Jim49


      Is this for air mail?

  19. Terrible Tudors, Gorgeous Georgians, Slimy Stuarts, Vile Victorians...

  20. Parisienne Walkways

    1. dvdlcs


      I remember Paris in '49.

      The Champs Elysee, Saint Michel

      And old Beaujolais wine.


      Gary Moore did so much more than this.

    2. Grafarman


      Oh yes; was just watching the 2010 Montreux concert and was struck by his incredible rendition so near to his demise...

  21. Airfix Honda 750 four...

  22. 'This town is coming like a ghost town'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beast66606


      All the clubs have been closed down


    3. big jim

      big jim

      the irish national anthem according to father ted

    4. gwrrob


      As appropriate today as when it was written 30+ years ago.

  23. Just adding my thanks and appreciation for what has been an eye-opening, informative and engaging thread with some truly memorable pictures... Only thing for it now is to go back and re-read the whole thing... Oh, and another vote from me for the printed and published copy! David
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