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Status Updates posted by spenc

  1. Wheres all the special interests threads gone am i missing something ?

    1. JDW


      They've moved to the Prototype section.

      Prototype > Special Interest - UK Prototypes

    2. spenc


      Ok thank you.

    3. Mallard60022


      Took me 10 minutes to find that the other day.


  2. Anybody know why 2 GWR 150s parked up in the ridings at Weymouth?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spenc


      Don't know they not coupled together

    3. Liam


      Do they not use a HST any more?

    4. 25901


      Maybe they don't need them and want the far better 142's lol

  3. Tuesday I had a angina attack took to hospital, yesterday i had a angiogram lucky no damage to the heart now been released recovering at home now wife's bit strict can't do this can't do that ,it has it's bonus cannot use me right hand for 24hrs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Re6/6


      Same here. Wishing good health to you.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Yep. Take it easy chief. Hope a suitable resolution is quick in the offing.

    4. PaulRhB


      Yeah take it easy, glad to hear no damage :)

  4. Snow day today first job clear snow of car

    1. cromptonnut


      I use a broom, clears lots of snow quickly.


  5. No modeling for 2 weeks,holiday in the sun

    1. Chris116


      My condolences!

    2. spenc


      Lanzerorote or modeling 2 weeks in the sun wins

  6. No modeling for 2 weeks,holiday in the sun

  7. Just seen green 37 and colas 37 with network rail coaches passing burton-on-trent heading towards derby

  8. Been to hospital today not good air line fracture on hand so back to hospital 1st march no work or modeling

    1. spenc


      Thanks done it 2 weeks ago good job I did it at work so getting full pay

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      You have an air line in your hand? That must make air brushing and weathering a joy to behold!

    3. spenc
  9. That fall on ice I had yesterday and banging my head I have just brought a 0 gauge green 31 to paint blue arrives friday oops cannot paint it hand in plaster b####r

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Much sympathy, get well soon!

    2. spenc


      Thanks as I am right handed there's not a lot you can do got to go back to hospital next week but they say it could be another 6 weeks before plaster will come off

  10. That fall on ice I had yesterday and banging my head I have just brought a 0 gauge green 31 to paint blue arrives friday

  11. Well that's me out of action for a few weeks first got stuck up a hill driving my bus on ice blocked the road then went to help to put some grit down next thing I know looking at the sky I now have right hand in plaster bad back lump on back of my head the size of a golf ball no modeling or work for a few weeks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      I'd keep that last bit to yourself.... :-P

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Mrs tried washing me once - I now just sleep in the shed...

    4. Castleacreshunter


      I remember Harold Steptoe giving his father a bed bath OUCH!

  12. Well that's me out of action for a few weeks first got stuck up a hill driving my bus on ice blocked the road then went to help to put some grit down next thing I know looking at the sky

  13. We'll long day at work but easy Schools then rail replacement between Dorchester & Weymouth until they sent a 158 down then on stand by at tea time until they got the juice back on.159 was there aswell

  14. sad day today will see me mom for last time but memories will last forever

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rembrow


      so sorry. Was with my mum for her last week a year ago, played her favourite music and dvds together. Am thinking of you

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Thinking of you at this awful time... :-(

    4. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      Hold on to your memories.They will stand the test of time.

  15. sad day today lost my mom RIP will miss her always

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. KalKat


      My condolences. As long as you remember - she is not gone

    3. spenc


      Thank you all for your kind messages it has helped me get through this sad time

  16. well me &the wife set of for bristol at 09.00to spend what I saved for model stuff gets about 20 mile from there steering goes heavy sign say steering fault calls AA they say it's the electric power steering broke he said it will cost about

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. muddys-blues


      Oh Spenc, I feel your pain Mate, I really do feel your pain.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Goodness, I'd have been happy spending

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Was it A Chevrolet Captiva?


      Thats the problem with cars today - complex and expensive.

  17. wind & waves flood warning could be sleepless night tonight one good thing cleans seagull dung of the windows

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spenc


      Waves coming over its the wind gusts which are the problem making roof creak

    3. devonseasider


      It's a bit lively here but doesn't seem too bad. Take care.

    4. Horsetan


      I find RainEx works quite well too....

  18. sitting in A&E with the wife waiting for doctor to see her. don't thing I will at work at 5.am

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      All the best and may she be well soon!

    2. spenc


      Thanks after all the tests they did and another load of pills she has got to take no work today got home at 4am nice drive from Dorchester on the A35 road to ourself

  19. Man Flu has landed feel like crap started few days ago nothing done wife said the amount of alcohol I have drank over Christmas body should be 100% proof so should not get man flu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I always thought alcoholic beverages were part of the solution - getting drunk - which then ensures you get off to sleep & get a decent night's sleep.


      Well - that's the theory, anyway ... .

    3. Horsetan


      Man Flu have much to do if hey want to get past Man City in the Premiership.

    4. spenc


      Just shows how much the flu jab protects you not.hopeful bottle Whisky tonight will give me sleep tonight

  20. back off our holidays it's flipping cold think it's back to Egypt

    1. Horsetan


      Egypt is still a bit "hot" in all senses of the word. If you didn't go, would that make you a bit of an al-Sisi?

  21. Cannot be leave it we have just had a text from the environment agency we have a flood warning for West Bay at 21.30 high tide

  22. just seen my first Colas 70 at Eastleigh station could not get number as I was driving (07.35)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. surfsup


      It should be 70802, as both 802 & 809 worked down from Westbury last night but 809 then continued on further.

    3. spenc


      Thanks for the info

    4. petethemole


      The loco parked there this pm was 807.

  23. Starting to feel a bit better now not coughing as much chest feels more relaxed.Still taking 8 steroid tablets & 2 antibiotics a day 3weeks of work starting to pee me off

    1. Mallard60022


      Good luck & GWS mate.

    2. spenc


      Thanks,this illness hit me hard all I wanted to do was sleep & I don't do illness.now to wait for results from hospital

  24. Well this bug/virus better hurry up & get out of my body had it for over a week now it's decided to play its ace card & spread to my chest/lung I feel like somebody has drained me can't eat, all i'am doing is sleeping & drinking water.now on antibiotics.no work/modelling

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hope you manage to shake it off soon - all the best!

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      The important thing is to rest - if you are thinking of modelling, you are getting better!

    4. spenc


      Not awake long enough

  25. well survived last night and this morning no sleep now to sort the insurance out two new windows leaking roof.Its a big thank you to Dorset coast guard, police, fire service& army for getting us all out safely

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spenc


      Sea has calmed down now until high tide later.When the second 6ft x4ft window broke we knew it was time to get out. Thanks

    3. skipepsi


      Glad you are safe.

    4. spenc


      Thanks to you all.

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