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Status Updates posted by Coldgunner

  1. Gah, issues with my Farish DP1 again :(

    1. Coldgunner


      I need to get her running right, before DCC'ing her.

    2. 69843


      Phasing gear oil leak?

  2. Well, thats my NVR membership sent off, I wonder what I've gotten myself into...

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      A whole lot of fun and good experiences, I expect!

    2. Coldgunner


      Yup, specified workshop and loco stuff. Restoration, firing and maybe one day driving.

    3. SHMD


      Good answer.

  3. Not a bad day today. Read Simons book, had a burger king and off out for a pint (or three) soon.

  4. Just had his first experience with DCC. Now I see what all the fuss is about!

    1. SHMD



  5. Another rejection email...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      What 10800 said. I had been job seeking for two years before my current job and am now staring redundancy down.


      There are no problems: only solutions in my book. Keep going, it gets better.

    3. Horsetan
    4. Coldgunner


      Heh, got a call back that was good.

  6. Has a wiring diagram drawn up in his head. I think I'm going mad...

  7. Business Analysts, does anyone know what they are there for?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Debs.


      The first four letters of the second-word, tells all!

    3. Mythocentric


      They're a bit like Bankers. Expensive to maintain and ultimately useless!

    4. halfwit


      AFAIK they tell business en what they want to hear and charge a small fortune for it..

  8. Thinking about volunteering, but unsure about what I may be committing to.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Partially, my local is the NVR. If anyone is a member there can they PM me?

    3. Tom Bayford

      Tom Bayford

      While not a member of the NVR i am a member of the Mid Hants and Shillingstone and i can say that it makes employeers look at your CV and they realise that your commited and its good fun learn new skills and drink lots of tea

    4. Castle


      You will also find that you don't have to commit to anything other than what you are able or willing to do. There are regulars on the 4079 team but here are also semi regular attenders and the group is grateful for any input that is given. It is all man hours that bring us closer to a finished locomotive in the end... The key word here is volunteer!

  9. Going through the motions of planning dcc conversion of the layout...

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      you sound enthused by the idea!

    2. Coldgunner


      Drawn up a circuit diagram in preparation.

  10. Thats Didcot covered, GCR next I think.

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      if youve never been you wont be disapointed, never been to didcot myself

    2. Coldgunner


      Throughly nice chaps at Didcot, well worth the long journey, especially if you're into GWR stuff.

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      yeah its just a far way away for us, will get there one day.

  11. Nice to go see 73050 bring the Olympic torch to Peterborough.

  12. On another note, as well as Didcot today, I also copped Tornado near KGX and 71000 near Ealing. Not bad eh?

  13. I get home only to find spammers have been in my email, hang 'em I say!!!

  14. A suprisingly quick trip home. A good day overall, I highly recommend Didcot!

  15. 2 sleeps and 1 trip to the pub before I go to Didcot!

  16. Too warm, need to turn of electronics and read a magazine for a bit!

  17. Payday tomorrow, Didcot Saturday. I feel I may be skint by Sunday!

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I feel something similar coming up...

  18. Job searching, maybe I should try the rail industry?

    1. SquireBev


      Best of luck!

    2. 69843


      hope it all goes well for you.

  19. Hoping I've not made an immense wiring cock up...

    1. Mallard60022


      Rearrange some words for a hilarious version of your comment......

    2. Horsetan
  20. 5 sleeps...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Till I go to Didcot.

    3. 69843


      Hope you have a fantastic time (I envy you). You going on the railmotor?

    4. Coldgunner


      Mainly shooting for Firefly, but if its running, I'll have a go!

  21. kill, kill, kill them all! oops, thinking out loud again...

  22. Escape to Victory, a rubbish film that is somehow great! Loving it!

    1. Debs.


      Good film, and the 'score' is good too! :-)

    2. Horsetan


      What I wanna know is how Pele ended up in a German prison camp.

    3. Coldgunner


      Was probably up to no good!

  23. Can't wait for Didcot next week, always wanted to ride behind Firefly!

  24. Hmm, to go DCC or not go DCC, that is the question?

    1. Timara


      Hand on heart, only you know the real answer to that! ;-)

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