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Status Updates posted by Coldgunner

  1. For a change I have the desire to do some modelling, but lack the supplies I need :(

  2. Quite a nice day now, sitting out in the garden on rmweb.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      No offence mate, but can RMweb take your weight?! ;-)

    2. Coldgunner


      Maybe the new servers will hold out :P

  3. Is saddened by the slow disappearance of Pool tables and Dartboards from pubs :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oggy1953


      Not enough money in it

    3. Horsetan


      Next you'll be mourning the loss of dominoes.

    4. Leicester Thumper

      Leicester Thumper

      as long as they don't get rid of the deal or no deal bandit machines I am not fussed. lol

  4. Layout has had no attention for weeks :(

    1. wootang


      to involved with the olympics are you

  5. See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me, Heal Me...

    1. gwrrob


      A classic and I wonder what they will play at the Olympics closing ceremony.

    2. Ozexpatriate


      Tommy's Holiday Camp?

  6. Watching Papyrus trundle around the layout, it doesn't sound fun to most people, but its incredibly therapeutic.

    1. Coldgunner


      and now its stopped... :(

    2. Coldgunner
    3. wootang


      that didnt waste anytime

  7. Und wir sind dann helden...

    1. beast66606


      We could be ...


    2. Coldgunner


      fur einen tag!

  8. unwittingly subjected my Dapol 'Papyrus' to a 3ft drop test. Landed on carpet on its side, all the happened is the drive shaft popped out. I guess it passed the test?

  9. All wings report in...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kylestrome


      Bandits at six o'clock. Tally ho!

    3. 69843


      Dakka! Dakka! Dakka!

    4. wootang


      this is THUNDERBIRD 1 INTERNATIONAL RESCUE is on standby

  10. For today I shall not be modelling or doing anything constructive! I'm gonna go put some beer in the fridge for later...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Hmm, adding a third modelling scale could be tricky.

    3. ozzyo


      If it's going to take you all day to put the beer in the fridge, drop us your address and we'll help you drink it.

    4. Coldgunner


      I could, but can't promise any will be left when you arrive :P

  11. Now to wait for the call for the second NVR induction!

  12. Knackered after a brilliant day out yesterday. First tie on Javelin, spotted 91110 at KGX and a win for GBR ladies hockey team.

  13. Olympics tomorrow, NVR induction Wednesday. Busy week for me!

  14. Accident at Greslington! Goods train failed and DP1 sent to assist. Vans crushed and derailed in the ensuing 'push'. Reports of around 14 1:148 scale people mildly annoyed.

  15. DCC conversion headaches :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Good ones Jon. :-)

    3. Coldgunner


      Think I may have blown the chip :angry:

    4. devondynosoar118


      DC- Doubly Complicated


  16. Thunderbirds vs Stingray? All out Battle Royale...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nick_bastable


      only one word Marina

    3. nick_bastable


      only one word Marina

    4. gwrrob


      All great including Joe 90.Cue theme music.

  17. has been ording chips, of the dcc kind...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Well, one socketed and one wires only. The Jinty will be an adventure to wire.

    3. Horsetan


      "ording"? Or hoarding?

    4. Coldgunner


      *ordering, although hoarding could be an acceptable alternate...

  18. Cool Runnings is on, so full of win!

    1. oggy1953


      John Candys last film, what a shame.

    2. Horsetan
    3. wootang


      jamaican bob sleigh team

  19. Quick beer then off to see 60163...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wootang


      did you miss it or was she late

    3. Coldgunner


      Late, about 9:45 I got word she was still in Doncaster, it'd be gone 11 if I waited.

    4. wootang


      not a true elizabethan anyway or did she have 2 tenders

  20. Just in from seeing The Elizabethan go past, will go back to watch the 'up' trip go through tonight.

    1. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Will it be as good as the old BTF film version?

    2. Coldgunner


      nar, but caught 91110 going through a few minutes before which was a nice bag.

    3. wootang


      that is a stunning locomotive

      east coast outdone themselves with that engine

  21. Aww ######, one of my rapido's fell out of the carriage and got no spares :(. At least it was a brake end.

  22. NVR Membership arrived today, need to wait now until a volunteer position is found for me.

    1. trisonic


      Let's hope it is not cleaning out the bogs...

    2. 69843


      Congratulations. Hope you get a good position (like driving)!

    3. Coldgunner


      Specified anything from engine cleaning upwards really. Though want to avoid customer facing and admin/it duties as thats my day job!

  23. Programmed slow acceleration and deceleration into my loco. Takes a real knack now to stop at stations correctly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      at the moment I need to start slowing down at the other end of the layout.

    3. coachmann


      I get the same with brake control on a DC Gaugemaster controller. It certainly makes U think about braking in time.

    4. devondynosoar118


      I set the momentum to zero or 3 at most, much easier for shunting.

  24. Papyrus DCC fitted, Greslington has gone digital!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devondynosoar118


      Well done. You can't be proper DCC til you have fried your first chip....

    3. Coldgunner


      Still find it weird, clicking a button on my PC and the train moves!

    4. devondynosoar118


      So your Sprog worked then. Try Wii Throttle over the wireless network with a smartphone, that is really cool.

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