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Status Updates posted by Coldgunner

  1. Yay, new tripod arrived!

  2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, definitely the best Indy film of them all. A great example of how classic film-making techniques surpass the soulless CGI prevalent today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devondynosoar118


      We called the dog Indiana...

      Still not as good as Raiders tho. Agreed about cgi.

    3. Coldgunner


      Whats great is Indy films don't take themselves too seriously, and it makes it fun. Theres been very few films I've seen since that I can say was truly fun to watch.

    4. Horsetan


      I remember "MAD" magazine did a spoof series called "Inbanana Jones and the Temple of Goons"

  3. Is amazed how much better the layout looks under the softer living room lights, compared to the hard lights in my bedroom. Don't think parents would appreciate a new fixture in the living room though!

  4. Finally bought a camera tripod, some loco reviews may be in order.

  5. New TV show, "Full Regulator". I review the latest loco's, race trains and do a "star in a reasonably polished loco"?

    1. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Alan Partridge to present?

    2. eastwestdivide


      won't include anything under 3000hp

  6. is thinking how great Fray Bentos pies are, truly the pie of Kings.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coldgunner


      I admit the pukka pie is a close contender, but fray bentos goes down better.

    3. Castle


      Plus, it comes in a can thing!

    4. Coldgunner
  7. Layout is hooked up for DCC, but I've no DCC fitted loco's :( Wheres that DC controller?

  8. Hmm, delivery seems to be taking a while, perhaps give it till the end of the week.

  9. ...be better than just sitting around here all day on our elbows.

  10. Bit nervous about my induction tomorrow, finally getting to see and work in railway preservation.

    1. 69843


      Good luck with it, and all the best.

  11. Moment of madness, bought myself a farish FNA and brake van.

    1. 69843


      Did you also get 46009 and 3 blue and grey Mk1s?

  12. Got my induction day down the NVR on Wednesday, can't wait!

  13. Another day, another pile of incompetence from our friends at the Job centre.

  14. The sheer incompetence I have had to suffer today is unbelievable.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Although the good news today is that Bottom is back!

    3. Jan


      Is it endemic? Or is it just that more people have more avenues to comment on what they perceive?

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Perception or not, I think that there are a great many people out there who would agree that there is a general tendency towards lazy sloppiness in many areas, with competence generally being in rather short supply...

  15. She's a witch!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ed-farms


      She looks like one!


      BURN HER!

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      thats a fair cop

    4. Jon020


      Wellllll, we did the nose!

  16. Another chip popped, a good one this time. No idea whats up!

    1. RedgateModels


      ask the Q in the DCC section ;)

    2. Coldgunner


      you read my mind :P

  17. Who'd have thought Batman would turn out to be Luke Skywalkers father?

    1. Debs.


      I thought Luke`s Pa was 'daft-Ada' :-)

    2. Coldgunner


      No, he was Simba's...

  18. da da da dum... click, click... da da da dum... click click...

  19. Dark Knight Rises at iMax was incredible!

  20. Yet another rejection, why is it the ones who are honest and upfront never get anywhere eh?

  21. Girls are only after one thing, your train set! (if only it were that simple eh?)

    1. newbryford


      Just don't tell them it's 4mm.........

    2. AndyB


      Just mention Broad Gauge.

    3. Horsetan


      I've never heard it called that before!

  22. Another Bachmann chip dead, buy cheap, buy twice eh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Coldgunner


      That was what attracted me in the first place.

    3. steveb860


      never had a Bachmann chip let go

    4. steveb860


      never had a Bachmann chip let go

  23. Feels so full.... BBUUUURRRPPPP... I'm cured!

    1. SHMD


      What! No more beer?

    2. Coldgunner


      bit of gas lol, had cider this afternoon.

  24. Damn you Ixion, making the case for O gauge stronger!

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Lovely little loco there latest offering & the price is right too. From what tower models are saying they are a excellent runner too.

    2. Coldgunner


      Half tempted to get black and repaint it as Derek Crouch.

  25. As a result of the last two weeks, my mind has been on the Hockey Stick I have in the wardrobe...

    1. Horsetan


      Is it jolly?

    2. Coldgunner


      I regret having to give it up, as I'm not in a good position right now to start up again.

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