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durham light infantry

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Everything posted by durham light infantry

  1. "All modern aircraft have four dimensions: Span, length, height and politics" Sir Sidney Camm
  2. Shortly follwed by a "Cease and desist" letter from your Wife's solicitor.
  3. My 4 arrived 45 minutes earlier than the stated delivery slot. They are truly outstanding. There must be a lot of people planning micro parcels depot layouts at the moment.
  4. I have 2. 1 on the anniversary of my birth, and another one on the anniversary of the day I shook hands with the bloke with the scythe. We agreed to meet up later, much later hopefully.
  5. It came from a shop with some interesting and different merchandise, not the usual tat with donkeys on... This card came with it, definitely me.
  6. How about this for inspiration? Let's say the canal survived, and a light railway linked it to Wadebridge. Perfect. I have a Southern Region totem for Whitewater....
  7. Correct. Woodbridge Tide Mill, late in working life and with the original wooden structure covered in wriggly tin. Right up the Sheepmeisters street for adaptation of rtp and weathering.
  8. Have you grasped the concept of this thread?
  9. Hello O Sheepmeister, and convener of the ovine flock. I think we have now reached the correct level of schoolboy humour, inane wit, slight pre watershed smuttiness and double entendre that brightens even the dampest day. You gotta love this thread.
  10. Amateurs... It is clearly. Board, Reshuffling, Arranging, Stock, Transhipping, Relocating, And, Placement. B.R.A.S.T.R.A.P.
  11. So you are replacing F.A.R.T.S. with something bigger to deliver stock to the layouts. I am assuming they will have size boosted distribution or S.B.D.?
  12. Why I am minded of the Professor Branestawm books of my childhood... Or something very Heath Robinson powered by sheep, in the style of Wallace & Gromit
  13. Rob, don't even think about experimenting or changing your methods. What you have as well as fantastic skills in the use of powders, is the restraint to not go outside of that medium. If you did it would ruin the homogenous feel of all your Sheep layouts and stock. I would love to use your methods, but I am firmly wedded to my AK and MiG enamel washes, filters and oils. So similarly all my stock has the same homogenous look too, and anything weathered differently would look like a brother from another planet. Vive la weathering difference
  14. Coates butchers of Coxhoe do the best ones. Occassionally they do these... Black pudding and blue cheese, mmmmm
  15. Now look ewe lot, there is only one contender to narrate the Sheepatorial sagas. Proper Welsh, and proper gorgeous. The extremely Tidy Cerys Matthews
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