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Tim Dubya

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Everything posted by Tim Dubya

  1. is still trying to recover from the joke at the end of yesterday's Kernow newsletter

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I'm still trying to recover from seeing an ice cream van come up our road just now, melodiously warbling for some custom that unfortunately didn't materialise.


  2. and never forget; a Yorkshireman is just a Scotsman with all the generosity kicked out of him.
  3. Is there any recent news about Mr Geen's kits being made available again under new ownership? I've had a gander but couldn't see anything recent. Cheers
  4. This is utter filth!


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Not from your usual supplier?






    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I am sorry, I made a mistake, which I hope I'll never repeat again... ever.


      Mr Titfield will be alright this month, I can't let the old boy starve can I.   I've got three in the basket already and there are definitely more books to add.


      I am sorry.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well then, let that be a lesson to you, young man.


  5. Best described in pictures, I'll try and find some out. The secret to success is in here, but it's for members eyes only (I don't want to get a debagging like I had the last time I let something slip. As for Scalefour, I don't even want to find out what they'll do to me, I'm still waiting for one of them to notice that I snuck into the Members Lounge overnight a couple of weeks ago and installed Cheddar Valley in the bar)
  6. Don't think the stores sell the complete crossing, like C&L do.
  7. Personally, I find making v's the easy part. Construction of the complete common crossing (even with the jig) is where I have a few difficulties but I always get there in the end. It's just practice and muscle memory.
  8. Latest EMGS / Scalefour prices (+ membership and worth every penny of it). https://www.emgs.org/ https://www.scalefour.org/
  9. In barmy Bath it is (according to the weather station thingy in the garden and the BBC*) still 26.7°C. I can also confirm that Engine Wood is still there and looking fine and fruity, having assessed it from South Stoke on our way to Sainsbury's, Odd Down for urgent supplies (my first visit since March). * BBC not in our garden, just for the avoidance of doubt.
  10. Hotter here today that's for sure, we've hit 31.9°c, beating yesterday's record of 31.7°c. Need refreshments...
  11. Has been furloughed for another month... gutted :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I stared out wfh, but they soon realised it would cause less damage, paperwork, alcoholism etc if they just got comrade Sunak to pay.


      So hear I am, led on my sofa saving the planet. 

    3. 57xx


      Damn shame. In the same boat here. Current 4 week stint (3rd one so far) due up end of next week. Pretty sure it will extended again to take full advantage of Sunak's generosity!

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Furlough, what's that? (Or, if you know Farscape, who's that...)

  12. I don't know what your sensible price bracket is but I stumbled across this trader the other day who specialises in unbuilt second hand 'new' kits. No Toplights at the moment but it may be worth keeping an eye out for when he does. http://www.wmcollectables.co.uk/ A very happy customer myself, placed an order 8pm on Monday night and received my two kits yesterday morning. £38:50 delivered for the two. Look away GWRer's
  13. I didn't bother with the planning stage, I just built the baseboards and gave up (after a little kicking and muffled silence). The top of one survives as the bench covering to my extensive workshop facilities. Templot is for whooosies
  14. Just a heads up about a, new to me, trader I came across mentioned over in the D&S thread, in small suppliers. W M Collectables, a supplier of loads of second hand, but new, kits. Very happy to have placed an order with Andrew on Monday evening, after hours, and I now have them in my greasy mitts today Wednesday. http://www.wmcollectables.co.uk/ Cheers
  15. Yes, I believe they are/were used as the basis for coaching stock at Pendon. Stephen Williams describes building an LSWR Ironclad* in vol 2 of his books on coach building. *could rtr manufacturers please wait until I've got all I need from building kits BEFORE announcing their production runs of LSWR Ironclads!
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