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Everything posted by Peter749

  1. Shame the Genesis pewter cab is not available any more. I wonder if Hornby might make the prototype - they have a chassis
  2. I have a 158 in an old livery and I wondered if the body would fit on a current chassis - or should I just pay to have it DCC Fitted? Thanks peter
  3. Has anything happened with this project - I looked on the Pegasus Designs page but found nothing Thanks Peter
  4. Do you have any info on how you made this loco? I presume it is on a CL 68 chassis and a modified body? Thanks Peter
  5. If you had one loco pulling a train of x weight it would draw a lot of current to move it - two locos should, in theory, draw less current as they don't need to work as hard.
  6. 88007 worked 6Z05 1244 Carlisle N.Y. to Crewe Bas Hall S.S.M seen arriving at Warrington Bank Quay - 25th October 2021 The train was 4 wheel EWS wagons which I have normally seen on engineers trains
  7. Thanks for the offer Ian - that is very generous. I have done something as a temp but I think a better version is required Peter
  8. I had contacted Squirrel but I have not sent the loco yet as it is not reliable enough on DCC. If I get that problem sorted I will look at it again Peter
  9. Watching the video of how you made the diagram was very instructive. I will investigate Inkscape further Peter
  10. Thanks again Brian - Ordered on ebay Peter
  11. Thanks Brian - I had look in to that ebay link. The best is 2Amp output and I wonder how many signals that might feed? Peter
  12. Having decided to use some Berko Signals on my layout they require a 12v DC Power Supply. I looked thru this forum and a few suggestions were to use a Maplin item - but no loner available My layout is DCC and I wish to keep the Points and Signal separate from each other. Any suggestions please for something suitable Peter
  13. Does anyone know of somewhere I can get a Dapol Class 73 repainted in to BR Blue? The default colour that comes with the locos is not BR Blue I have seen places that do weathering but not a full repaint and I'm not up to doing something like that. Any suggestions please Peter
  14. I would be after a very simple diagram It is not going to have any signals on it for now as the railway does not have any - so far. Keeping the track plan separate from the point switches make it easier to change I'm going to use Peco Point switches, PL-26B, along with Peco Point motors The low level fiddle yard has Fleischmann point switches on a simple Excel diagram
  15. Somebody suggested Gimp as a program and another person suggested Delta Cad which will run for 45 days before I need to purchase it https://deltacad.com/demo.html
  16. The problem for me with the various graphics programs is the learning curve to use them and at 65 and a bit I find some of this stuff difficult One of the reasons my Point and Signal control will be DC leaving the DCC to run the trains
  17. Sorry - I was doing it quickly by searching and another thread of the same name has been created I knew it existed as my pictures are on page 6 Peter EDIT - somebody beat me to a reply.
  18. That might be a very good idea Robert. I had use Anyrail to create a Trackplan to make sure everything worked so I can do the entire station area and resize to fit. Thanks for the idea Peter
  19. I think it is of a good enough standard for what I want - I did try to use those graphics from DCC but they did not work as I expected.
  20. The graphics of the lines are on the DCC Word document and I copied them across to a new Word Document and just pasted them in place. When I tried to edit them is where the problem occurred.
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