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Status Replies posted by DonB

  1. What's going on? had 11s outside then lunch, now it's too hot to sit. Sunny West o' Scotland.

  2. Is wondering why I keep getting strange looks of my English literature. When was asked to write a Essay on a influential person. What's up with the great Humanist. .. Paddington Bear!

  3. Just had a snow warning from the Met Office for Northants. Are they looking out of the window?

  4. Lady in newsagent this AM, buys a copy of every newspaper. shopkeeper:- "Are you setting up in opposition?" -- "no. they're for a Leicester City supporter, first time he's had anything to cheer about in 40 years as season ticket holder!"

  5. Wed 30 years today, and she still doesn't like model railways...

  6. The worst toilet in the universe

  7. Chickens! Aaaargh!

  8. Ferrous Polymers

  9. My Dirtier Habits volume 39

  10. Game of Ladies cricket to umpire tomorrow.Really looking forward to it!

  11. they smash him, but they know he'll return, to live again

  12. Camera down the gob job tomorrow. Not my idea of fun :(

  13. So who exactly was Isambard Kingdom Brunel's stunt double ?

  14. Just bought 600 metres of cable for the layout.... will it be enough?

  15. Found them! They were in the last place I looked which was, strangely enough, the last place I used them too.

  16. Supermassive black hole

  17. Still can't find them.

  18. Has anyone seen my good pair of side cutters?

  19. Maybe, just once, someone will call me 'Sir' without adding, 'You're making a scene’.

  20. The Nobody Inn...

  21. Anyone got a tip for the National.

  22. Millikittens :-D

  23. It was like that when I got here!

  24. Wish the weather would make its mind up. You'd think it was April with all of these showers.

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