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Everything posted by 55020

  1. There was me thinking I could easily 3D print something similar and refine the length to suit both individual stock and the curves on my layout.
  2. The PSU supplied in North America is the same unit, but with a US plug and cord. It is very easy to change this. Bottom line is that you can use it in Europe as it is does accept 100-240V. My unit was bought in Canada, but the US version is the same.
  3. Earlier this month I was trying to get back into a really old iTunes account, so I could close it down. Up pops one of those obscure security questions that were no doubt selected from a drop down list: "What was your first concert?". Much head scratching when "ahh yes, it was Steve Hillage". My kids just went "Who?"! Then I was really surprised a few days later to get an email saying that Steve Hillage is doing a UK tour this year. It's good to see so many "oldies" are still going. But I do wonder if they would be just as good as back in the day. I don't remember a Saturday Rock Show, just a Friday Rock Show with Tommy Vance (TV on the radio). What a star he was, but what a shame rock never really got any mainstream exposure in the UK. Steve
  4. One simple option that sometimes produces great results if a Loksound decoder is acting up is to disable DC running. Maybe give it a try. Lokprogrammer shows the following CV changes: CV29 = 26 CV50 = 0 Before you change the CVs make a note of what they are at the moment, in case you want to reset them back again. Steve
  5. I'm guessing filament, due to the layer lines. Resin tends not to produce such a rough finish. Even if it is PLA (or similar), it ain't going to be cheap. Steve
  6. I don't understand why it would quieten running. 3D printed materials are solid, so there's no sound deadening qualities. I'm sure I must have misunderstood? Steve
  7. Hi Gordon, I just thought I'd check that you don't think that the MAC-address quoted by the ECoS has anything to do with your MAC? It doesn't. If your interested (and you certainly don't need to know any of this) you can learn more from the Wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address Steve
  8. Thanks Iain, that's a great suggestion and not something I've tried. I'm away from home at the moment, but will see how I get on this weekend and report back. Steve
  9. Did you have any success with this configuration? I've tried and failed. The ECoS will recognise the fact there is a detector present, but will not accept Railcom via the L.Net converter, so all I get is basic occupancy detection. Perhaps changing some of the options available in the DR5088RC will produce a better outcome, but I couldn't find anything that made a difference. If anyone has managed to get this equipment combination to work please divulge how Steve
  10. I don't think Fran/Accurascale really gives a monkey's what you think as an individual, they'll produce something they think will be a commercial success. Which is why all this froth is a bit of fun at best, but actually quite meaningless.
  11. Dust or sand? Well, having kept chinchillas in the past I don't think there's any difference with what you get, no matter what they call it. As skipepsi says, just nip down to your local petstore and buy some, then give it a go. It's cheap. Probably the only consideration to take into account is that it is very uniform in size, so to get a realistic look you'd have to mix it with something else from time to time to represent pebbles, etc.
  12. "I’ve got a sound fitted Voyager which chirps up every time I turn the controller on, and I’ve not used it in months; it’s not in the roster for easy access." This is a function of the decoder, not the ECoS. It is enabled via a CV. However I don't know which CV this is for a Loksound decoder. Can any one advise which CV toggles this function?
  13. Books arrived safely, travelling from one end of the country to the other unscathed. Thanks Stu
  14. Happy New Year Dave. The photo's you post are inspirational. This is my daily "go to" thread. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to keep us all entertained.
  15. Lee - Happy New Year to you and yours. Looking at the photo you are blessed with a great family, including the dog
  16. Many thanks Stu. My money is waiting like a coiled spring Steve
  17. Hi Stubby, I'd be very interested in the following 4 books: Class 40s at Work; Freightmaster (freight timetable); Railway Freight Operations and British Rail Class 20 operations. If still available, just pm me once the can guess the postage cost and I will send you the appropriate amount. Steve
  18. Flood, I think we need a new thread made up of your scanned notebook. There's so much great info there regarding coach formations. Please! Steve
  19. Just to throw some more retail options into the mix, I have also ordered ESU products from ArsTECNICA (url is www.model-railway.expert) and Lokshop (url is ssl.lokshop.de). All orders have been dealt with swiftly and delivery was very quick. Pricing is very attractive, so one of these might give you a cheaper deal than MSL? As others have mentioned I wouldn't bother with a 51113. When I want a "mobile" option I use a tablet connected to the ECoS via a VNC client. This provides a full interactive capability with the ECoS (nice video here): There are also specific apps that you can install on Android and IOS devices. Steve
  20. "Railcom Ctr - Alt - Del" with both controller and loco, good to know what worked. Glad the forum was able to assist you getting to a solution. There's nothing more frustrating than when things don't go to plan and you can't figure out why. Steve
  21. Yup, Railcom+ will automatically place decoder info into ECoS e.g. address and functions.
  22. The LokProgrammer will update the decoder firmware. The latest ECoS firmware is 4.2.6, which was released in May. Let me know if you need any assistance getting things updated. Steve
  23. ESU have been very busy producing updates to the V5 decoder firmware, but there's no mention of an impending ECoS update on the ESU website. Perhaps your customer issue has been addressed via a decoder update? I'm assuming the op has updated the decoder firmware on his problem loco?
  24. Where did you get to learn of the "issue"? I've just scanned the ESU forums and there's no mention of anything. I am sure if there was a fundamental issue the Forum would be full of messages. BTW, my Loksound 5s work just fine with my ECoS. Back to the original post, it's quite possible the problem is being caused by Railcom+? Do you have it enabled? If so and you have a duplicated address in the ECoS then it will simply not work. Could this be your problem? Have a look through the addresses in your loco list. Perhaps try turning off Railcom on the decoder via the LokProgrammer. Steve
  25. A "stay-alive" unit hidden in a permanently attached match truck transformed the running of my 03. Another option would be a permanently attached brake van. Steve
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