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Everything posted by DavidH

  1. I don't feel so bad now about burning smokeless fuel at home.
  2. Not by the meaning of the term, but it's targetted advertising. Anyone who frequents these pages sees your strapline, and hears from time to time about new sheets. You also pop up now and again to recommend ways of applying transfers or other modelling ideas, and those posts of course always have CCT at the end. I put it to you that you are an influencer ... 😄
  3. Thank you. I had a hunch it would be by email, but I can't be the only person who uses several email accounts for different purposes! All sorted ...
  4. The question I'm not clear about is, how do you know which account has ordered something? or put another way, how will you link the accounts on your website to the accounts that have the Hattons pre-orders?
  5. With regards to the donation, should I put you down for a "no"?
  6. If someone donates me the money I'll be happy to add it to my Museum of Pointless Wastes of Earth's Resources
  7. Oh ye prophet of doom fear not for a light of hope shineth yet in the darkness ... people are still shopping in towns and cities with stuffed shopping bags in a way that suggests they haven't noticed your total lack of "very little else".
  8. Out of interest, how many samples are usually reviewed in the model railway journals?
  9. It is a K's K, with "lots of extras", built by Andy Jones.
  10. It wasn't. Although it's a compelling idea, it's just a long-standing enthusiasts' myth.
  11. Jonathan is correct - it's not a model railway show as such, I think three layouts, including our Bishop's Castle circa 1932 model of the town's station, and a military vehicle group in the yard. In the town - separately provided - there are likely to be half a dozen or more traction engines in steam. If the steam crane is out, there probably will be a lifting demonstration. The weighbridge also has a GWR banana van which houses our second-hand books. And of course the restored weighbridge, the last remaining building in town from the Bishop's Castle Railway. David
  12. until
    The Bishop's Castle Railway Society's (BCRS) new layout, "Bishop's Castle circa 1932" is on display in the restored station weighbridge, and will be operating on Sunday, 16th July, in conjunction with events to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the town's charter. There will also be a small railway themed mini carboot sale, with stalls coming from local modelling groups, as well as a well-stocked second hand bookstall in the BCRS's restored GWR banana van body. All books £2 or £10 for a bag. There is room to bring your own sales items, for £5 per car. To book please phone 07553 010196 or email mail@ludfordpark.plus.com.
  13. Slightly flippant suggestion .... but I'd study the posts on Facebook that get the friendliest KRM responses, and adopt the same tone in your email ;-)
  14. Whilst on the face of it, Keith's reply seems unnecessarily hostile (surely any sensible business sees a non-customer as a potential customer?), to best judge the tone of the response I would need to understand the tone of your contact with them.
  15. It's been happening for years, and mostly with the willing connivance of the customer. And not just in model railways.
  16. My experience of the reformulated Klear, applied onto dry ballast, with the subsurface being plywood, was that it flaked off quite quickly. I use watered down Copydex now. So, applying transfers to wet Klear - does this allow for repositioning/fine-tuning, or is it "get it right first time"?
  17. There are so many of the Ratio van available second hand, it's dead cheap to modify them and repaint rather than cut up/modify a nice new Rapido Mink. The transfers are black anyway, so a sheet of transfer paper in the laser printer doesn't need any special inks. And they come in two colours - "stone" or "white" (plus rust and dirt), but we're not really sure when each colour was applied to which ones ... and because they were hand lettered, the transfers aren't ... quite ... any known font. So my transfers are something of a compromise. But Rapido, if you do ... please do have a word with the Bishop's Castle Railway Society, keeper of the only remaining railway building in Bishop's Castle! I'm sure we can sell some, or even take a small donation for every model sold. Hint Hint :-)
  18. Yes. I'm pretty sure this is one of those things where until someone tells you, you blithely assume they are all much of a muchness. It's only obvious then. It's obvious that people use unsuitable materials, often because that is what is to hand ... and you only have to look at any house over a few decades old to realise that even professionals don't know which materials are suitable for certain applications. Well, that's assuming it was a professional that put in our wiring ...
  19. Has anyone done any research on modelling forums to find out how many posts are required before any given topic turns into a wishlist? A railway version of Godwin's Law
  20. A more accurate description would possibly be, "I'm not an employee of ..."? As a freelance, doing one-off but varied and obviously ongoing work (taking payment or goods for creating social media videos is still "work"?), @Jenny Emily have you obtained professional indemnity insurance in the (hopefully very remote) instance that the relationship with KR Models sours? (I can think of a couple of nightmare scenarios where you'd not necessarily have to fall out with them: some of your repairs have to be redone, causing them to pursue costs; or worse, a van incident where they sue you for loss of/damage to goods, etc.)
  21. Assuming enough of the steam punk community actually have a model railway to make the marketing effort worthwhile, from a chat with people at Whitby or the Asylum/Lincoln, I think you'd get enough conflicting ideas on the aesthetics of steampunk transport to confuse your designers for a year! But the pros and cons of the Hornby steampunk range have been done to death elsewhere on RMWeb, no point going too far down that particular clockwork rabbit hole again ...
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