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Everything posted by stevel

  1. I have been drawing and printing, my design now for a year or so and, for my planned layout of the Falmouth branch, set in the year 1908. I have chosen the period and location, because of two requirements, I wanted a Brunel viaduct or two, and wanted to model the Edwardian period, with a strong tie to real locations. After many years away form the hobby, I realised most of what was required for the period and location was not available from current suppliers, so decided it was either scratch build, or draw them in Fusion 360, and then 3d print them. The attached image is a small sample of what I have done up to the present day. Prints are from the Anycubic mono SE or the recently acquired Mono X, which gives me the ability to print bogie coaches up to 54ft.
  2. I have looked at the MJT 6w set up, and I see they have been retooled, with some useful updates, I will give them a try. Just read the new instructions, and according to the radius chart solebar spacing won't be a problem.
  3. I should probably start my own thread, with the S6 I have been experimenting with a floating centre axle, but have issues with geting enough sideways movement, it works for a radius of 4'6" !. I have thought of just using the cleminson, but I have quite a few 6 wheel coaches in the works, so it wood be nice to figure it out.
  4. Blu is what they call a tough resin, it helps keep some flexibility and makes the final product less brittle, Tenacious is probably the better one to mix, so I will switch once the Blu has been used up.
  5. Very nice, I also have the E39 Falmouth coupe ready the go, but this one I have done the chassis separately, so we will see which one works best. Fortunately the dreadnoughts didn't head down the Falmouth branch.
  6. when I first started printing, that the raft would warp, well before the print dried after cleaning. So switched to printing without the raft, which had 2 benefits, 1: less warping and 2: easier to get off the build plate. But I still got some warping so did some research online and temperature was something which came up, quite often. I purchased a small 6 watt reptile heater, and placed it under the printer with the cardboard box over top to contain the heat, which helped, but did not eliminate it. I had tried heating the resin before printing but it was not practical. When I switched to Siraya Tech and started l turning on the printer a couple of hours before printing, was when I got the best results. Image 1 is Anycubic resin preheated and poured in then printed. Notice that once the printer warmed up the print is very clean, the Siraya resin is less likely to do this at the same temperatures. Image 2 is Siraya Tech mix with all the heating etc.
  7. this is what they are designed for, now I get to try out my new Anycubic mono X. wish me luck.
  8. I am using Lychee slicer, the free version, I use light supports without a raft, as the raft always adds warping to the model. the resin mix is 25% of the Blu, but once I run out of Blu I will switch to Tenacious. Siraya resins do need to be 25C or warmer, otherwise the first part of the model is distorted. Support pics give an idea of layout.
  9. I have managed to find time to finish the design work and printed the first couple of prototypes. the most prototypical version was too flexible, so I added in bracing where it won't be seen. Printed on the Anycubic mono SE, with Siraya tech navy grey, with Blu for added cracking resistance.
  10. the Templot site has a drawing of code 75 bullhead, somewhere on the forum.
  11. this link may help https://www.railscot.co.uk/Dowlais_and_Merthyr_Joint_Line/index.php
  12. It would be easy enough to print without the footboards, but I am basing these on a photo from the Falmouth branch, which shows them as a separate units.
  13. Originally it was just side with footboards, to be glue to brass bogies, but since working on the CSB wagon chassis which is progressing well, I'm thinking of complete bogies. For the Edwardian period I will print them with the footboards.
  14. seeing the layout on YT would be cool. I rather enjoy watching Mouldy Raspberry
  15. I'm part way into doing these two bogie sizes. Trying to design them with CSB's, to give them a smooth ride, currently testing prototypes on a 9ft wagon to make sure it works. here is the current state of drawing.
  16. The drawing from the back of the GW wagons plan book, shows them as being 1' 9-1/2" high, for a 20 ton later version brake van. This seems to match when scaling the drawing you have, of the locker in the cut away, bottom R/H side.
  17. I have been looking for the same thing and came across this today, on the Didcot Railway centre. https://didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/article.php/124/no-290-dean-4-wheel-composite-1st-2nd Stephen
  18. Try adding a little resin to the Vat, just enough to cover the surface, and then expose it for 30 or more seconds. this will give you a solid that can be removed, with a light pressure too the underside of the FEP. there are some videos on YT showing this.
  19. When you run your finger over the surface can you feel a raised surface. I had something very similar, was able to free it by pressing from the underside of the FEP, after exposure in the UV chamber, for a minute.
  20. I have found them on Ultrascale's website, https://www.ultrascale.uk/eshop/products/cat015 not sure if they have stock though.
  21. there is an align function, but half the time they don't end up in the right position.
  22. The easiest way I find to align the parts back as one, is to note the distance moved away for future reference, and then just return them the same distance, and join.
  23. Jeff i thought of you the other night when I saw the Starlink satelite's streaking across the night sky, have they affected you in your photography efforts. Stephen
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