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Status Replies posted by woodenhead

  1. And he never got a telegram from his wife. 

  2. What's the age definition for being middle aged then.

  3. CTMK is dyeing large quantities of fabric green. This is an activity in which my participation is mandatory. I now have green arms. I am deeply overjoyed.


  4. After much delay I am now pleased to present the start of Gippeswky Road, an N Gauge layout based on Ipswich station and Freightliner depot and set around 2015. 


    The layout is a 4m by 1m tail chaser with the fiddle yard hidden under scenic a hillside covering replicating the landscape of the real location.   


    DCC Train control and accessory electronics are 100% MERG modules (https://www.merg.org.uk/) and the layout is intended to be fully automated via JMRI.  


    Sound will be provided by external room speakers using JMRI Virtual Sound Decoder.  


    I will update here as the build progress and if I film anything that might be interesting i'll also upload to Youtube.


    At the moment the baseboard is complete and ready to accept a cork covering before track laying.  


    GR Revised2.jpg


  5. Expanded social intercourse from Monday?

  6. Am I the only one not watching #LineOfDuty #neverseen 

  7. Am I the only one not watching #LineOfDuty #neverseen 

  8. Whilst wandering around Dunham Massey yesterday realised I no longer understood youth, I've crossed the Rubicon into old age and I am that person who cannot relate any longer with the problems of being young.

  9. Am I the only one not watching #LineOfDuty #neverseen 

  10. As my favourite old railway saying goes.


    ”Remember, things are never so bad.... .that they can’t get worse!”

  11. Thank you for travelling with SpaceX - please leave the rocket as quickly as possible and ignore the fire around the base.

  12. Why do scantily clad ladies keep appearing in my RMweb Google ad feed?

  13. The Handforth Parish Council Planning & Environment Committee. 

  14. If it looks like a Class 25, then it must be a Class 25.



  15. If it looks like a Class 25, then it must be a Class 25.



  16. Reading RM from Oct 1990 and getting depressed about the prices of things.

  17. I always get excited receiving a revised set of CADs to review, working on a few different prototypes this week at opposite ends of #railwayhistory #modelrailways #enjoyabledayjob #tease

  18. I always get excited receiving a revised set of CADs to review, working on a few different prototypes this week at opposite ends of #railwayhistory #modelrailways #enjoyabledayjob #tease

  19. Feeling right royally down this evening - I have a call tomorrow to look at some software development, I have a ready made solution to the problem I will be faced with but there is another way to do the same thing and I am attempting to get my head around it.


    But can I get it to return even the most simple dataset as it should do - no I cannot, spent two days, seen some progress but not enough.


    Sometimes I feel like I am a total failure and my imposter syndrome is banging all the drums it can muster at present to make me feel much worse.


    Hopefully, now I've said this out loud I will knuckle down and sort it.

  20. Feeling right royally down this evening - I have a call tomorrow to look at some software development, I have a ready made solution to the problem I will be faced with but there is another way to do the same thing and I am attempting to get my head around it.


    But can I get it to return even the most simple dataset as it should do - no I cannot, spent two days, seen some progress but not enough.


    Sometimes I feel like I am a total failure and my imposter syndrome is banging all the drums it can muster at present to make me feel much worse.


    Hopefully, now I've said this out loud I will knuckle down and sort it.

  21. Feeling right royally down this evening - I have a call tomorrow to look at some software development, I have a ready made solution to the problem I will be faced with but there is another way to do the same thing and I am attempting to get my head around it.


    But can I get it to return even the most simple dataset as it should do - no I cannot, spent two days, seen some progress but not enough.


    Sometimes I feel like I am a total failure and my imposter syndrome is banging all the drums it can muster at present to make me feel much worse.


    Hopefully, now I've said this out loud I will knuckle down and sort it.

  22. Lose watch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy new watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find lost watch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go figure that one out.



  23. Busy day today, what order do I do things:

    • Work - pays the bills
    • Delivery of a gym quality spin bike (for Mrs W) - needs building
    • Shopping - Offers expire today
    • Delivery of sound cards for my class 40 and class 50 - need installing and testing
    • Delivery of new socks and a jumper for Mrs W - need trying on??

    So top is work, has to be, it pays for my trains!!


    But after that, I really want to hear my locos, but the food offers expire today and Mrs W also wants her bike built so it looks like last on the list will be the locos, the socks can wait.

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