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Status Replies posted by woodenhead

  1. Not quite the burning of The Chancellery this evening , but a close run thing...................

  2. T'was the week before Christmas.. started by evaluating some excellent Engineering Prototypes, reviewing livery artwork specifications for one project and now studying a great looking set of Cads for another project! #enjoyabledayjob @Kernow MRC https://grahammuz.com/

  3. Every night at this time, I have a owl go into twit- twoo mode until 23:00, it is great to hear this wild bird. One of my favorite animals along with foxes.

  4. I love cold chicken curry - that is cooked chicken leftovers carefully reheated in a curry - yum.


    Today I am experiencing for the first time - cold cold chicken curry, the cold leftover cold chicken curry made carefully from cooked chicken leftovers from the day before yesterday.

  5. What to do first?


  6. A really enjoyable day today evaluating a large number of outstanding Engineering Prototypes. Some great variations and exquisite attention to every detail. #stunningmodels #enjoyabledayjob

  7. What to do first?


  8. What to do first?


  9. The CIA is looking for other detectives.
    The KGB is smarter than you think.
    Brainwash mentalities to control the system.
    Using TV and movies - religions of course.

  10. The excitement of waiting for a parcel to arrive!

  11. The excitement of waiting for a parcel to arrive!

  12. The excitement of waiting for a parcel to arrive!

  13. xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx


  14. Awaiting delivery of my first mobile phone 

  15. It's interesting which locos you have an affectionate bond to one day and will toss into the sale pile the next.


    As I move into DCC I now look at a pile of N gauge locos from the pre-DCC period and recognise I will likely never run them again if I keep them.


    Even some of my OO stuff is now going into the pile as regretted purchases and things that I wouldn't run if I did another OO gauge layout need to go.


    My very first railway from the 1970s is in the pile too, it hasn't seen proper use since I was a child, I kept hold of it whilst my dad was alive, but it has no chance of being used, it was mostly second hand when I received it.  It's sad but what can you do, you can't keep everything forever.


    No point keeping stuff you're not going to use only for your family to find it when you're gone and have to dispose of it.

  16. Having watched a couple of videos this week on simply DCC conversions in N gauge I am actually considering buying some chips (of the six pin kind) and a controller.

  17. When attempting to send a letter to an address in Germany yesterday, I now find that instead of an 'EU destination' stamp, I now have to put three separate stamps on the envelope, to the total value of £1.45. Of course, there is no £1.45 stamp. You need one for £1.42, then one for 2p and (incredibly, they still exist) one for 1p.

    Is this some kind of Bre*it-related farce, I wonder?

  18. Minutes away from my first proper moderated exam in something like 30 years.


    Sweaty palms and I have to do this with said moderator watching my (and possibly only my) every move remotely on camera whilst I operate their machine remotely to write my answers.


    I am sure it was more fun doing O levels

  19. Minutes away from my first proper moderated exam in something like 30 years.


    Sweaty palms and I have to do this with said moderator watching my (and possibly only my) every move remotely on camera whilst I operate their machine remotely to write my answers.


    I am sure it was more fun doing O levels

  20. When you wander into random topics almost by accident and realise that virtually all of RMweb is small groups of online friends chattering about everything except toy trains 

  21. A serious breakfast incident was recorded at Kernow Towers this morning, when a quantity of almond milk was discovered in the Captain's porridge.


    An investigation is now underway.


  22. Blimey was it really 24,107 days ago I arrived on this planet ! :locomotive:

  23. If the stupidity and selfishness of some people who don't take anti-coronavirus sufficiently seriously isn't enough, there's this - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-54217327

  24. If you havent the slightest interest in cars it becomes very difficult to buy one.  I end up wandering around dealers forecourts, taking photographs of anything that takes my fancy then Googling it to read the test reports.  Do that for long enough and you come to the conclusion that there isnt a car on the market worth buying!

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