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Tim Hall

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Tim Hall

  1. Until six weeks ago I'd never seen a Police car chase. I've now seen three.

  2. It's Christmas Time....

  3. Overt Fritillary

  4. We are looking after sister outta laws parrot over the festerive season, an Oceanic Grey called Kiwi who is eager to add to his vocabulary... he's definitely found the right babysitters ;)

  5. Big bag, check. No bath, check. Not enough cash, check. I'm ready for warley.

  6. We're Black Friday free!

  7. We're Black Friday free!

  8. I vow not to buy products whose ads are populated by puerile furry animals

  9. I'll find the person who took my copy of Microsoft Office - you have my word

  10. "In the chocolate box of life the top layer's already gone. And someone's pinched the orange creme from the bottom." Tara Bob.

  11. well i think i need to seperate my breakdown cranes, i put my two red cranes in the shed last night and found them with a BR Black one, who knew cranes could multiply like that

  12. how dare the organisers of warley have the show the same week aldi sell 3D printers, got no spends if i go now!

  13. is off to Welshpool for a day. Anything worth visiting on the way?

  14. is off to Welshpool for a day. Anything worth visiting on the way?

  15. My hovercraft is full of eels..

  16. He who is tired of breakfast is tired of life.

  17. That annoying moment when you desperately need the track cutters but can't find them!

  18. I am only prepared to entertain the prospect of top quality fruit and vegetable suppliers.

  19. I am only prepared to entertain the prospect of top quality fruit and vegetable suppliers.

  20. Na lyubuyu russkuyu sekretnuyu sluzhbu chitayut eto ... otryvayutsya.

  21. Don't look at me in that tone of voice...

  22. I see Asda are selling a cheese themed advent calendar this year. Not just in Cheddar either !

  23. Heavy shelling tonight.... When I was young, if Bonfire Night fell on a Sunday we always had fireworks on the Saturday, never on the Sunday..... O tempora o mores!

  24. Home on my own tonight so bit of modelling then to the pub.

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