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County of Yorkshire

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Status Updates posted by County of Yorkshire

  1. Whoever pinched the GWR Mink F kit from my basket on eBay, I will find you, and you will not like it! 

  2. Where's Coachmann gone? Not seem him in a while...?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      If you want to chat to him go to the DCC Concepts new chathouse.

    3. beast66606
    4. nzgresleyfan


      Sad to hear that. Used to love reading his modelling posts. Pity we can't all keep things civil.

  3. Could my modelling mojo of well come back?!

    1. Rowsley17D


      No, but it could well 'ave come back.

    2. NXEA!


      Mine is, I did some detailing Saturday night and can feel it coming back. Slowly!

  4. Hmm. In what Manor are Hornby sponsoring this? https://www.facebook.com/events/the-big-train-move/1478381655595154/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Since when were engines 'he'? Though I guess they could be non-binary in this day and age.....

    3. Mallard60022


      Can't be a light engine any more, it has to be a light locomotive as engine is the cylinders and stuff.

    4. irishmail


      Thomas the Tank locos were/are He, though you have Mavis & Daisy.

  5. So the most expensive RTR loco I've ever bought arrives by post and is totally fine in every way... expect for moulded smokebox number plate which is not supposed to be there on my version. Back it goes!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Regularity


      Does it go forward as well?

    3. Brit70053


      Is that 'factory error' not why it is the most expensive RTR Loco you've ever bought then ?

    4. Horsetan


      They probably couldn't give a 47xx...

  6. Is someone drip feeding a stash of Slaters Toplights onto Ebay of late?

    1. sharris


      More ridiculous bidding?

    2. Hroth


      Worse than the Royal Wedding Goodie Bags?

    3. Horsetan


      What if the Slaters Toplights had ended up in the Royal Wedding Goodie Bags?

  7. Betrayed my membership of the GWR fan club today by having a ride behind a B1 and a J27 in some LNER coaching stock and thoroughly enjoying it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hroth


      Red, yellow or green?

    3. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      Both engines are schools of the standardisation of design. NER/LNE examples are often good company for each other!

    4. Mallard60022


      I had no idea the ECML was already using decent loco's. Thought it was a few weeks away?

  8. Got home from work and had to reiterate to myself that you cannot have too many Castles...

  9. I've suffered a catastrophic loss of modelling mojo over the last 6 weeks or so...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AndrewC


      Did you look down the back of the sofa? Found mine there once.

    3. Londontram


      I didn't find mine there but I did find that set of loco steps that flicked off the work bench six months ago so it wasn't all bad news

    4. The Fatadder

      The Fatadder

      I was looking through my blogs today, and realized I have hardly touched Brent this year. Hoping warmer weather will spur me back out into the garage...

  10. Have finally, finally purchased some coach kits from David Geen, and met the man himself - a true gent!

  11. I don't usually condone chequebook modelling but I've felt grotty for a week and have treated myself.

    1. gwrrob
    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      What scale is the model chequebook?

    3. County of Yorkshire

      County of Yorkshire

      It's a T gauge chequebook.

  12. Blown away by Liverpool Lime Street at the Donny show. Honourable mentions also go to Sidmouth and Much Murkle!

    1. gwrrob


      But did you buy anything ?

    2. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon


    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      Donny Osmond was there?

  13. Not a bad few weeks for workbench productivity: a GWR O24 open renovated, a Cambrian 2-plank, a GWR O30 open and a T12/T13 all built and weighted.... very pleasing!

    1. Mikkel


      Sounds good. Nice combination of wagons.

  14. Thanks to an excellent little emporium in the Dean Forest, I can now look forward to recieving a product of William Dean, and a product of... AEC? In the same box in the very near future!

  15. Any advice on how to straighten 4mm brass GWR nameplates would be very much appreciated...

  16. I notice that there's a lot of GWR Shunters Trucks in various sales. How many would I therefore need for a prototypical rake? 15 or so?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Daniel W

      Daniel W

      I see what you did there...

    3. Horsetan


      You presumably need 15 shunting engines to go with them.

    4. vitalspark


      Thats just being silly..ten will suffice.

  17. It's been a day of rolling stock arrivals today...

    1. gwrrob
    2. Liam



    3. County of Yorkshire

      County of Yorkshire

      A Toad, some toplights and a NE 4 plank van!

  18. First time in a few years i'm have a good running in session on the rolling road. Now i'm hypnotised by Castle 5072 in full cry and dreaming of having a completed layout on which to hang 12 on her!

  19. First time in a few years i'm have a good running in session on the rolling road. Now i'm hypnotised by Castle 5072 in full cry and dreaming of having a completed layout on which to hang 12 on her!

  20. Amount spent on Halfords spray paints this weekend: £35. Time spent browsing RMweb for painting advice: 4 hours. Time spent modelling this weekend: 0.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Fatadder

      The Fatadder

      Which shades have you gone for?

    3. gwrrob


      50 of grey....

    4. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      For everything else theres mastercard...

  21. Have acquired a new Bachmann Modified Hall. Now to take a hacksaw to the incorrect front end!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gwrrob


      Have they done one in GWR livery.

    3. The Fatadder

      The Fatadder

      Not yet,

      And right now I don't fancy redoing the lining on a BR green one.

    4. Horsetan


      Presumably you have the Brassmasters correction kit.

  22. There are many catalysts for wanting to kick-start stalled layout construction: an inspirational layout thread on here, attending a show... but receiveing my Hattons 14xx yesterday has put a rocket up my motivation. I no longer want a secondary GWR main line, I want a... GWR BLT!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cromptonnut


      BLT with or without mayonnaise?

    3. gwrrob


      Have both,I did !

    4. muddys-blues


      Both ? Mayonnaise and what else ?


  23. There are many catalysts for wanting to kick-start stalled layout construction: an insirational model thread on here, attending a show... but received my Hattons 14xx yesterday has put a rocket up my motivation. I no longer want a secondary GWR main line, I want a... GWR BLT!!!

  24. There are many catalyst for wanting to kick-start stalled layout construction: an insirational model thread on here, attending a show... but received my Hattons 14xx yesterday has put a rocket up my motivation. I no longer want a secondary GWR main line, I want a... GWR BLT!!!

  25. Heading to the Dee Valley for the weekend. Wonder if I'll see any steam...

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