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Everything posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. There was an N gauge layout in the 1970s that portrayed the line, it was featured in the Railway Modeller. Diseasels though (25s?). Looking forward to seeing this build.
  2. is contemplating EM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Go the extra mile. Go P4.

    3. Metr0Land


      Stay with OO - life's too short

    4. bgman


      Egg mayonnaise mmmmmm

  3. I was thinking along the same lines when I suggested a wheeled unit. I was thinking back to moulding a fairing for a mini based sidecar outfit in the mid seventies. We moulded glass fibre onto plaster formers. Then they were mounted on wheeled frames to allow moving without flexing whilst aligning and drilling mounting holes etc.
  4. Can you put wheels on the removable bit of fell? Just a hollow shell on a frame to keep weight down?
  5. I remember the 50cc class here well and rode clubmans 125s myself (hundreds of) years ago .. Being about 8 1/2 stone wet through made up for being over 6 ft tall (ish). I lost a lot of interest in the World Championship (Moto Wot?) when they did away with the angry wasps. So it's real road racing for me, not much opportunity to see it though, Oliver's Mount in April is my next hope.
  6. 4mm footpump for sale .. Last time I saw tyres that flat was on a Pickfords low loader that was still too hight to get it's load under the Woodhead line. Just a gentle flat and a peg to slot into a corresponding hole in the road surface will do. (Plus araldite and alarm wiring if on an exhibition layout - ask me how I know). Great to see the progress Jeff, grass seed in tthe post ...
  7. I can't see the templates being the same in different scales. http://www.peco-uk.com/page.asp?id=tempc55 for code 55 templates.
  8. England 600 - 5 I may have to go and lie down in a darkened room

    1. Re6/6


      Landmark score. Brilliant!

    2. Metr0Land


      Is this some kind of darts match?

    3. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      Its definitely not a bladder-kicking match by that score.

  9. is wondering why?

    1. steveb860


      because they can

    2. HeeleyBridge


      ain't that the truth...

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      an error occurred with this status.

  10. Watching Miss Marple (Joan Hickson version) this week, the most often heard comment from both SWMBO and myself was "Allan Downes built that village". (Yes even our Gert has been an Allan fan since the early 1980s todeller articles - she even bought me a can of Colron for my birthday one year ...)
  11. Now Humbuggery is over, no more brussels sprouts for me, back to Guinness for me dinner, then more Guinness for me tea ...

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      My sister-in-law managed to create the ultimate food of confusion on Christmas day: Sprouts with bacon. Sacrilege!

    2. Re6/6


      Ah..my favourite vegetable!

    3. Kylestrome


      Bacon is my favourite vegetable too!

  12. Blowing a hoolie here this morning too. Great start to the South Africa test match too 6 overs and everybody off for a thunderstorm. Sore throat has gone away. Yesterday passed without problems or anything else really. SWMBO gone off to see MiL who is not having a good time at the moment, not health related so nothing that can't be sorted out. Grandkids just arrived with scooter and Spiderman 'motorbike' so there goes the peace and quiet. Off to make milkshakes.. I may be some time
  13. Got to give Mr R time to put the reindeer away Allan, he only does real work one day a year. All the best to you and yours. *Bah Humbug hat, reindeer jumper, grinch wellies - slamming door ...
  14. Better than Julia finding you in her stockings Jeff. Merry Humbug chaps.
  15. Raging tonzi tonsul sore throat, totally amazed to get an appointment at the Doctors. Usually you have recovered or died before the next available appointment. So .. Braved Eva to get to the quack's for 8.30. Soaked to the skin and almost blown away getting there. Ditto coming back. Then on the bus to Mum's, unavoidable unfortunately. Hopefully keeping as far away from her as possible while I was there so as not to pass on the lurgy. Back on the next bus to Asda for the bits SWMBO "didn't forget" and then finally home, where I collapsed in a wet, steaming heap. (Settle down at the back there - I know who you are!) A large cup of tea and an very large dose of Glenfiddich Special reserve later I don't feel any better but really don't give a damn any more. Roll on the Test Match on Saturday Merry Crimbo all.
  16. Thomas and the Santa Special? Please not Larry's "Track Maintenance" machine!!
  17. Sorry Jeff, I was trying to say how great it was to see something moving again on KL, but my phone took exception to everything I tryped after Brewdolf. Watching the video on the computer now, so I can see* how you "turned the loco in the tunnel" without stopping the video. *Wish I'd gone to Specsavers
  18. The "fell" looks suitably snowy for C****mas,I half expected to see Brewdolf the half cut reindeer and his crew on the tops in the video. grr .. my phone really didn't like that at all.
  19. A Tinsley engine carrying the name Vulcan could have something to do with the fact that a statue of Vulcan (some old naked Roman blacksmith apparently) adorns the Sheffield Town Hall and appears on many things associated with the city. Or not ... (edit tripos)
  20. The aged parent's house was wired by demented amateurs in the 20s and 30s. Finally managed to get it rewired after the old fellow shuffled off in 97 and workmen could finally access the house. For some reason he wouldn't have anything done to the house (or throw anything away for that matter - three skips and a month of clearing out when he'd gone). It's wonderful to have electricity on all four floors (instead of two rooms on the ground and one on the first) without extension cables. Also got the ancient self installed(!) 1960s gas fires condemned and removed and safe central heating and double glazing fitted for Mum. She's as snug as a bug these days. I remember being a teenager and having a huge row with the old man because I replaced the 1½" oval nail in the fuse with fuse wire! Elf n' safety? Didn't exist in our house...
  21. I recall in the 70's the trackwork of a new layout at a club being complete, the 'old blokes' connecting it up to a switch. The hall lights were turned out and the switch thrown. Sparks were seen, cracks were heard and burning was in the air. The supply was some ex-MOD transformer and it burned out what they called whiskers from the copper clad sleepers of the handbuilt track. Unfortunately from my point of view, that was the only interesting thing about that club layout. Ever.
  22. Full body splint to support the aching bones/muscles from the wiring 'yoga' ? Waiting here for a similar knock, bringing a new kettle (for making tea, not pulling trains) ...
  23. Great progress Jeff and I'm enjoying watching your work again, but TTIMWG ... (This thread is meaningless without grass) Sorry - hat, coat, scarf, gloves etc.
  24. 8. ... you never grow sick and tired of wasting your life on things which obviously don't work and are not HO scale anyway.
  25. Here's my not quite finished attempt at the Heeley Station building, 4mm scale.
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