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Everything posted by rab

  1. Well I started the second round of chemo on Tuesday. I felt ok for most of the time the drip was running, apart from the tingling in the hands which I was ready for this time, but towards the end I began to feel quite strange. I felt really weak and was sweating. I tried to get up to go to the loo and could hardly move my feet. They had to put me in a wheelchair! They kept me there for an hour, checking bp, temp etc, but everything was normal so they put me in the wheelchair again and wheeled me out to a taxi. I felt a little better once I'd got home and lay down for an hour, but all day yesterday my hands were shaking. And they tell me it gets worse each round, oh well.
  2. rab

    EBay madness

    Should have gone to Specsavers.
  3. I thought there was a shortage of CO2, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the frothing in RMWeb.
  4. I think if you go to the existing Hattons thread you will find a number of similar posts
  5. Thanks for clarifying that. When I read the first post I thought it might have been our old friend Dakota Dibben.
  6. My son showed a keen interest in gardening, from an early age, encouraged in no small part by his grandad. One evening when they were in the garden, he saw a slug and pointed it out to grandad. "Ah yes", says grandad, "We need to get those, but there's a special way to catch them. You have to grab them by the back legs"! As my son got older he of course saw the funny side, but he's never forgotten it, and often comments on it if we see a slug
  7. In view of the way this thread is going, perhaps it should be renamed 'Mainline Steam - Dream Over? "
  8. Under the circumstances it might be more appropriate to 'scratch build' one
  9. Looking at the thread title, I didn't realise an animal could be spayed more than once!
  10. I think it's going to be announcement of a forthcoming announcement.
  11. We'd better make a start now then!
  12. Your 2 years of chemo puts my 3 months into perspective. It seemed a long time when I started, but it's nothing compared to 2 years.
  13. Well I've got through the first week of chemo, there have been bad days and some not so bad. I was sick on the second day, but then realised I'd been a typical man and not read the instructions properly, I was only taking one anti-sickness tablet instead of two. Had trouble with diarrhoea over the weekend, but that's settled down again now. The fatigue really set in yesterday, but of course it's difficult to know how much of that is down to the hot weather. As well as the expected side effects, I've had 1 or 2 unexpected ones, like first bite syndrome, really bad pain in the jaw when starting to eat. After the 1st mouthful, it goes away, hence the name The trick is to take a small bite to start, then it's not so painful. The vein where they pumped in the chemo is still sore, it's gone hard; apparently the veins do soften up after the treatment ends, but it can take a while. So another week of the oral chemo then a week off. I have all sorts planned for that week, but it will probably take most of the week just to get to somewhere nearly normal. Only eleven more weeks to go
  14. I suspect if heritage railways reliedon enthusiasts for their income,.they would struggle to even cover day to day running costs, let alone find money to repair/restore stock
  15. I had my 1st dose of oxalyplatin today. The only real problem I've had so far is pins and needles in my arm. When it started, the nurse reduced the pump rate which helped a bit but of course that meant it took an hour longer to run it all through. The numbness is gradually going but I must remember next time to have it in my right arm; I'm left handed and my fingers aren't quite going where I want them too. I'm starting the tablets this evening, apparently the side effects (if any) may take a couple of days to kick in.
  16. I was "having a play" this afternoon with my N gauge Dapol 4570,when it decided to attempt to fly. When it realised it couldn't, it fell on the carpet. I think this has damaged the motion; it still runs but not freely and makes a clicking noise. I've had a look at it, but think it would be easier to check with the body off. So, how do you remove the body. Edited to remove ref to Dapol repairs. Have done what should have done, in the first place, contacted them direct. Would still like info on removing body, if anyone can help.
  17. Can I suggest you take a step back,and just calm down a bit. Not only are you in danger of getting this thread locked, but also of getting yourself banned frem RMWeb
  18. I'm sure Mr. Cameron would welcome your offer of time and money to put the loco through another full overhaul to Network Rail standards
  19. All change! I got to the hospital and my chemo prescription wasn't ready. Because I've got a long term blood condition which is being treated with a very mild chemo dose, the pharmacy weren't sure about making up the chemo for the cancer. They need to talk to the haematologist and the oncologist and they can't get hold of them both together to discuss it. I'm provisionally booked in for Tuesday now. At least I get to enjoy the weekend and I might even get to the Plymouth exhibition tomorrow.
  20. Well it's day 1 of chemo today. I've read all the info from the hospital heard all the horror stories, so will be interested to know what it's actually like.
  21. As long as he didn't go nuts and make a bolt for it.
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