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Status Replies posted by bgman

  1. sea waal dawlish

  2. Wherefore art thou, O bowl of strawberry jelly?

  3. I've just had a nice toasted tea cake.

  4. New strimmer works perfectly! Long Live Makita!

  5. That is not just any cat, its a dirty stop out cat

  6. Chip Butty

  7. perhaps I should have modelled a rural layout

  8. Happy St Petroc's Day to all (Devon's patron saint).

  9. I would visit a pox on all those selfish barstewards who use the lavatory in the supermarket and then exit without washing their hands, but I suspect the pox will fall on those who subsequently touch the surfaces contaminated by these gits.

  10. No. 1 son is 24 today, so we're on the SDR :)

  11. Off for a two week training course in Derby tomorrow

  12. Yes! That would be an ecumenical matter.

  13. 7mm Show at Donny....Rob Pulham's wife's painting of an 8F. Absolutely superb. The best loco painting I have ever seen.

  14. Yes! That would be an ecumenical matter.

  15. Scenes that some viewers might find distressing.....

  16. Don't believe any of the rumours you might hear.

  17. It's a little humid but fairly breezy at the moment.

  18. is considering whether a laxative chocolate cake might make a good practical joke....

  19. has been enjoying a Pimms and catching a few rays!

  20. Package of code 75 flexitrack arrived this morning, almost bent in two. Its either the unseaonable warmth over the weekend, or ham-handed Yo#el. But Grrrrr. Lots of Grrrrrrrrr....

  21. You can say „have a nice day“, and no problem. But you can’t say „enjoy the next 24 hours“ and not sound vaguely threatening.

  22. GWR 4082 is the centre of the world's media attention this weekend.

  23. GWR 4082 is the centre of the world's media attention this weekend.

  24. Speak to me of summer

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