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Status Replies posted by bgman

  1. has enjoyed a delious pudding in Pembroke. Better than sausages in Haverfordwest.

  2. Pudding in Pembroke

  3. Your call is important to us, thanks for holding..........

  4. Today I bought a self assembly wardrobe but so far nothings happened.

  5. Opal fruits or Starburst’s...

  6. I am surprised to find that the word 'discombobulate' has been around since the nineteenth century, as I always thought it was a more modern, made-up and rather childish expression.

  7. Just finished my interview, lets wait and see

  8. I have just had some cake and eaten it.

  9. is finding the whole CX thing very much like making love to a beautiful woman.... #swisstoni

  10. I'm getting sorely tempted now. If SWMBO asks, what's O Gauge?

  11. Has anyone used their wife's eye-shadow to weather card buildings and/or rolling stock?

  12. Must... resist... O Gauge...

  13. Well that's another computer gone down and no parts available.... Most stuff backed up but annoying just the same. I suppose 10 years isn't bad but the dreaded Windows 10 on a new one is a worry.

  14. wonders why it invariably seems to rain when I need to do something with the Citroën.

  15. Actually felt quite sorry for Steve Smith today..

  16. Why are some things heavier than others?

  17. is so thoroughly browned off with all this damp weather.

  18. Lovely day here in sunny Blantyre, sun is out, morning tea and biscuits served outside, or are we just hardy folks...

  19. Been invited for interview for a Signalling Designer Position :)

  20. Well boll0cked Mr. Speaker...........

  21. is going for a curry.....

  22. Having reached rock bottom....I started to dig

  23. Having reached rock bottom....I started to dig

  24. We have lost a great modeller this week with the passing of John Flann / Hintock / Hintock St Loe.

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