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Status Replies posted by loickebros

  1. If you’re unsure this email is from HMRC click here to report it as suspicious.

  2. If you’re unsure this email is from HMRC click here to report it as suspicious.

    1. loickebros


      hmrc will never contact you by email unless you phone them first then they will send you an email to register you.

      if you get a random one it isefinately a scam.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. first trip to NRM today after over 2 years

    1. loickebros


      next week will be my first visit to the NRM for 36 years for my 50th birthday where does the time go!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Alas, the last of the last of the summer wine.

    1. loickebros


      Will be sadly missed don't think i will get anywhere near 96 I feel done in approaching 50 in a few weeks!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I don't want a new Sofa or Bed or Carpet or some Oak Furniture

  6. I give up, Making a DB MXA body has cost me 2 finger tips and a lot of blood. Time for whisky now.

  7. currys are hopeless phoned today to be told repaired computer would be with by 7 tonight phoned to find out where it is to be told they are awaiting parts and will now be with on Wednesday :-(

  8. Is it bad that when Prince Charles is coming to my town, I am more excited to see the Royal Train he arrives in than himself?

  9. Why is it a thankyou is so hard to do, spent sometime sorting out info on a station, photo's drawings , sent and not a word back

    1. loickebros


      i know the feeling i sent someone on here some Bachmann bodyshell screws a few years back and heard nothing just rude!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Monarch of the glen train set, brand new for £50, bargain?

  11. Attended Doncaster Show this weekend. Great layouts and interesting stands. Generally enjoyable but why are so many visitors so inconsiderate to others? Barging, pushing and blocking stands is only part of it. In Worlds of their own. Left after 3 hours as getting so fed up with it. Old subject I know but fresh in mind again.

    1. loickebros


      no point in using stink bombs they have inbuilt ones so are probably immune!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory. I hate working in the factory........

  13. Is listening to Tuxedo Junction by The Manhattan Transfer....

  14. Well done and a big thank you from me to the NR gangs who rectified the problems at Cowley Bridge so quickly.

  15. It's nice to have a First World Problem for a change: Do I go to Warley on Saturday or Sunday?

  16. I think Ive seen it all.. a model layout. completely set up running within in a guitar case... a T gauge layout with HST / DMUs.

    1. loickebros


      anyone going to warley can see forth bridge in T scale looking forward to seeing it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. RIP Jimmy Perry......You have been watching...

  18. Just been 'upgraded' to Windows10. HELPPPPPP!!!!!

    1. loickebros


      as i said earlier download & install "never 10" and it won;t do it again

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just been 'upgraded' to Windows10. HELPPPPPP!!!!!

    1. loickebros


      as long as you do not click agree to the licence it will revert back then install never 10

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. It's absolutely chucking it down at the moment here in South Devon!

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