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Blog Comments posted by -missy-

  1. Hi Rich smile.gif


    Thats a neat looking idea and fantastic that is fits in such a small car too. Unfortunately Highclere wont be making such a glamorous entrance this year, I havent really thought out the transportation of it yet plus the fact its grown way too big to fit into my little car!


    When you think about it there is so much to take into consideration when building an exhibition layout. Its not all playing trains...


    See you soon (very soon!)


    Missy smile.gif

  2. Thank you Nigel and Don smile.gif


    I use shellac (crystals dissolved in meths) to fix the wire to my coils; paint a little on every now and then as I wind them. Mine can be tiny; 3mm x 3mm when finished for mounting inside locos (Missy has one I think).

    - Nigel


    Hello Nigel.


    Yes, I have two (thank you), they are currently fitted to my 08 shunter (which I need to finish as well!)


    Missy smile.gif

  3. Hello Andy smile.gif


    It nice to see you are modelling again. I do like the idea of using that shelf for a base though. You can almost add the layout on a little plinth sat ontop of it. I think Mark F was doing something similar too where the layout sat ontop of some plain black square baseboards. Its certianly got my imagination flowing now for sure.


    I am certianly appreciating these little layouts right now as Highclere is getting ever bigger!


    I am looking forward to seeing you at the Expo.


    Missy smile.gif

  4. Thank you John and Don for the replies smile.gif


    Its nothing new or clever really. The idea has been around for ages but its something that I have needed to do for a while now. I thought it was worthwhile posting it as it might be useful to someone else.


    I see you opted for set length of wire rather than count the turns. Somewhere in my loft is an article by John Langan which dealt with how many turns were needed. Mind you I should remember it all. I worked as a development engineer for Xpelair and spent some time experimenting with shaded pole motors.

    Basically the more turns the greater the magnetic field for the same current but the extra turns need finer wire so with thinner wire and extra turns the resistance id higher hence less current. The ideal of course is to find the optimum.


    Hi Don.


    I took the easy route and directly copied the SEEP coil as this worked. I have used the same diameter wire and simply worked out how long it needed to be by working out the resistance per meter of the new wire and multiplied this by the total resistance of the original SEEP coil. I have tested my coils and I can confirm they do work! These ones seem to be quite resiliant too and you can keep the power turned on for quite a while. I just need to fit them to the layout now...


    Missy smile.gif

  5. Hello Guys smile.gif


    Hi Missy.

    I love the light on the signal. fantastic stuff!

    Have you arranged a blackout room for expo?





    Hi Chris.


    Thank you. I have always wanted to add lights to the layout, I think it adds another ambience although I doubt it if it will be of any use at the Expo. The intention long term is to try and block out all the external light and rely purely on the layout lights, that way I can turn them off and operate the layout in the dark if I wish.


    Hi M


    The puddle on the platform in the second pic looks fantastic, can you tell me how you acheived this




    Hello Mark.


    The 'puddle' is purely accidential! Its caused by the diluted PVA painted on to hold the scenics down running onto the polyfilla tarmac bits. I dont know if I like it to be honest so it might be comming off sometime.


    Hi Missy,


    The layout looks superb-I'm really impressed.


    There's a lot I can learn from your approach to scenery as it looks natural and the railway blends into the landscape as it should. I love the detailing as well and goes to show what can be achieved in N gauge.


    I too have got to build some wire lineside fencing and was going to use light gauge fishing line. Can you tell me what you used please.


    I've just joined the 2mm FS Soc and was wondering also what track you have used.


    Keep up the excellent work and look forwards to the next installment.






    Hi Mark.


    Thank you for the praise. The fencing is made from small square brass pushed into the landscape for the posts and fine wire wrapped around them. It could be made to be finer but I felt that if it was it would becomme a little too fragile so I compromised a bit.


    Congratulations on joining the 2mm SA, you will find everyone to be really friendly and helpful. My track is just the plain PCB sleepers with the track soldered directly to it, the easitrack came around just after I finished building all the track so I wasnt going to bin it all and start again!


    That little signal looks gorgeous! Is it worked by a servo?wink.gif



    Hello Jon.


    Thank you. I have been enjoying your thread on signals. The signal will eventually be controlled by a servo but I havent got that far with it yet. Its been sat in a box for ages now and I have only just got round to fitting it to the layout! There is a post somewhere (I think its one the old RMWeb) on how I built it.


    That's looking lovely Missy, I'm looking forward to seeing it at Expo.


    p.s. it's not a race at all!


    Hiys Kris.


    Thank you. I dont know what state its going to be in for the Expo. ATM it looks like just the two scenic boards but not that much actually moving so I guess I will have to try and talk my way through the two days! I could shunt my little pannier tank around the layout but thats not gong to be very exciting. It kinda does feel a bit like a race sometimes with exhibition deadlines to work to. Not ideal but I guess its normal?


    I second that...top work Missy


    My suitcase includes scarf, hat and gloves to see Witney Euston...and now Infrared night vision specs to see Highclere wink.gif


    Hiya Pete.


    Thank you. I wouldnt worry about bringing them, its not going to be that dark and I am thinking a few people would get upset if I turn off the lights in the room!


    Awesome work Missy! I can't make the Expo but look forward to seeing the layout in the flesh soon. Tom


    Hello Tom.


    Thank you. Its a shame you cant make it but Im sure you will see it sometime.


    Well I'm repeating myself here Missy, but these scenes are simply so recognizable - when I see them I am immediately reminded of the many photos that I have pored over in the books on the real DN&SR.


    I also really like the way you have captured the vegetation in the cutting, very inspiring.


    Hiya Mikkel.


    Thank you, that means alot to me after all its hopefully what I am trying to achieve. I spent quite a bit of time this weekend studying the cutting on my layout trying out different things. If you notice I have stripped one side of the cutting back to bare 'earth' and stuck down new grass as I was not convinced on how it looked. The darker areas are intended to be brambles as I have noticed in real life they have quite dark foliage. There is still quite a bit to do to this, the main thing is shrubs and trees but they will come later...


    Thank you all again for the positive comments. Its great to know I am heading in the right direction with the whole thing.


    Missy smile.gif

  6. Hello :)


    Thank you guys. That has helped loads as I have been in a bit of a panic for a while now trying to get my head around how I was going to get so much done in time for the show. Now I feel alot better about bringing the layout to the show in pretty much the condition it is now. As some of you have said "not to rush things to get them done for the show"


    Thank you.


    Missy :)

  7. Hi Missy - Thanks for this.


    In terms of the overall master plan I assume you mean like the system used on Welton Down - That FL 9F oil train sounds superb...perhaps you might even it run it with your Q1, if only for my request biggrin.gif


    I thought I also noticed that Highclere is down for Railex next year...I better get checking flights with Easyjet for next year then wink.gif




    Hi Pete smile.gif


    Yes, the intention is to end up with something like Welton Down although I plan to keep a track running through the fiddle yard so I can run trains through if I wish.


    Highclere is not going to be anywhere near finished for the Expo in July and will be displayed as a very much work in progress. The oil train currently consists of 6 wagons! The plan right now is for Railex next year to be its debut in a finished state. I am trying my best though to get bits done ready for July blink.gif


    Missy smile.gif

  8. Hi,


    I've only just realised this, but I remember your layout being at my club having it's backscene painted by Ron North!




    Hello Simon smile.gif


    You are correct, Ron did do an excellent job doing the backscene and he did take it to your club to do it.


    Hi Missy - Like the top shot - really get a good sense of the layout and the proportions of train to landscape - can I ask what lights you are using? - Pete


    EDIT - Missy, Hi - Been thinking...after long following your thread from RMWeb 3, I can't recall you describing how you are going to do the fiddleyards for Highclere? Are you going to have 2 turntables, or perhaps cassettes...or is the masterplan to extend one day into a big 'roundy roundy'? - Sorry for all the questions wink.gif Pete


    Hello Pete smile.gif


    Thank you. The lights are two 30w Warm White Fluorescent tubes. The starters are two 12v electronic ones. Im glad you commented about the railway in the landscape though as its something I am really trying to achieve.


    I am aiming for a big 'roundy roundy' fiddleyard using cassettes. I dont know if this is going to be ready for the Expo so I might have to knock together something a little simpler. The main reason for a circuit of track is so I can oneday run full length oil trains with a 9F smile.gif


    Missy smile.gif

  9. Hello Guys :)


    Thank you once again for all the comments. as I have said once before they are always welcome, especially right now as I am trying to get my modelling mojo back.


    Hi Missy, that looks good, the background is really convincing I think :). Seems there's a slight shade behind the tree, maybe worth adjusting?


    I'm wondering what the pun about lighting was ?! :) "Let there be" etc ....?


    Hello Mikkel :)


    I am very aware of casting shadows onto the backscene and I am trying not to so this is useful. I will check this out although the tree isnt in the right position right now, its just been temporarily planted 'for effect'. You are right about the "Let there be..." bit though, it could have been so easily done!


    Missy :)

    • Like 1
  10. Hello :)


    Thank you Mark and Trevor.


    Excellent work Missy, you can't beat using wood when representing um! wood:)


    Something beyond me but that lazer etching looks to be a very useful tool.




    Hello Trevor :)


    Think of it as the same as chemical etching but not with metal. I have found it very useful for bits on Highclere.


    Missy :)

  11. Hello Nick smile.gif


    I do understand how you feel about postings here on the blogs but dont feel dishartened about it. The same happens for me with my blog and its so easy to loose interest because of it. The way I treat it is as a record of your modelling and achievements, think of it as a kind of diary that oneday you will be able to look back on and admire your own work. Another tip would be to post pictures as much as you can, I find people respond much better to a picture than text.


    Dont give up though.


    Missy smile.gif

  12. Hello Pete smile.gif


    The couplings look so much better than the standard N gauge ones. I would suggest though that maybe you chemically blacken them. It really makes a difference and hides them even more.


    How did you fix the couplings to the engines? I am assuming the one in the middle has one of those standard pockets (is it NEM?). I would be interested to know.


    The track looks great once ballasted.


    Missy smile.gif

  13. Hello Guys smile.gif


    Thank you. Im glad its done now, the track is all painted and ready for the new ballast. This time I am being more careful and testing the ballasts I have collected to make sure I use the right one! The real weird thing is that the ballat I used on the first board according to the label is exactly the same stuff! The problem I am having at the moment is that on the first board I spent quite a bit of time with different colour washes, drybrushing, and weathering powders I am having trouble remembering what I exactly did to it so to repeat it on the second board blink.gif


    Missy smile.gif


    P.S. Jim, no I am not tongue.gif although there is a tenuous link there.

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