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Everything posted by adb968008

  1. China is a big country, but model railways is a small town. It's highly unlikely any tooling will end up scrapped, there's too many people who know a tools worth and able to sniff a bargain when times get rough. Should anything happen to Hornby, the tooling might unexplainably disappear in a whoosh of smoke, but once the accountancy is complete, the tooling will no doubt resurface from some factory dark corner. There's not much (that was worth keeping) that truly disappeared never to reemerge over the last 50 years.
  2. Agree, but the back of my mind taunts me that Hornby may have a new princess in their sights, I wouldn't be surprised if they turbo'd that Princess too. A rebuilt WC from Dapol could be a winner or something smaller /affordable like a Pannier or Jinty. The ultimate Class 55 Deltic might be a popular choice too, they were well known for "exhausting" their gasses.
  3. I'm hoping that means an 'extension' at the rear end...
  4. Whilst a OO gauge s160 sounds good, reality is for UK modellers, it's a very limited number of liveries (black or grey) to represent a 4 year wartime period in the UK. For post war modellers, theres only one, periodically working the LMR only, for 5 years, between 1952-57. The s160 was unknown to the UK enthusiast for 33 years until 5820 came to Keighley in 1977, followed by Greek/Hungarian/Polish and Chinese imports in the late 80's/90s. In preservation theres 5 preserved ones that have worked in the U.K. so far (5820 in grey, 6046/5197 in a very nice, but maybe not accurate Black, 2253 in usatc Black and 3278 which was restored in LMR blue as WD 701. Its said the 0-6-0 s100 was a run of 6000 models over 10 liveries / variants, covering a period of 1942-2017. Assuming all five of the preserved ones were modelled (which gives 4 liveries, 2 of which are preservation only) then it's down to different running numbers and duplication to sell enough of the rest. How many people would buy 2,3,4 s160's ? (Given 2 together in the U.K. has only happened once in the last 72 years), especially considering the latest one is £340, discounted you can get for £300 and such a OO gauge one is likely to be the same. Would there be enough demand for a fictional 95820 in BR black as was for a few weeks a few years ago ?, how about both LMR variants ..WD700 in the 50's to go with the MHR's 1980/90s WD701 ? You could try PKP livery as 2253 ran in this at the NYMR ?, but for all the European, Asia, US liveries that market will surely go to Rocos new s160 which is HO and suited to those modellers. The UK only has so many s160's because they were cheap, fitted the loading gauge and in working order when acquired by the various preserved lines, 3 more have yet to run in the U.K, though 2 of these are very unlikely), that there's more working s160's than A4's right now is down to coincidence & economics, not popularity, just like the 8 or so PKP ferrum's imported which have no U.K. History. Several times I've heard rumour of an s160 going mainline! Even as far as a london suburbs railtour mentioned, but since that climate changed I suspect that's more of a dream than reality now, but even then would it sell 6000 models ? Now to myself, I bought the one above, was suitably impressed to buy the black one too, but as I have an international element to my collection (I model DB/PKP too) I'm happy to have them in different worlds of my layout.. much as I would like, at £300 I can't bring myself to put isoprop to the "US zone Osterreich" lettering on the tender to make it a pure USATC black one, I do have US numbers too.. Personally in HO it's not too bad against OO, I'll post some comparisons in the s160 thread, i have a few flieschmann Bulleids in HO to go with it. I have two HO s100's too, they live separate to my OO ones, but were bought based on acceptance there wasn't a OO one, so never say never eh ?, but until then I'm quite happy to mix and match.
  5. Here's the HO one, £275-300 ready to run. Doesn't look too bad.
  6. Heljans 02 can.. and some. It out pulls all my freight locos, bar the double motored 9f. (haven't tried it against the garratt) However put a Roco S160 in the mix and it's game over for anything British, steam or diesel.
  7. Agreed, as and when a bargain class 37/47/pretty much any 6 wheel tender drive Hornby chassis turns up, I've been dual motorising my loco driven Hornby 9f's which when done can pull anything !
  8. That weight isn't Mazak. It's a std Lima metal weight put into most of their 80/90s range. It's not even secured in the chassis usually it'll lift straight out. However dropping the model will also cause the weight to shift, and often models which had a clear glazing unit above the weight get a crack from impact, as can the plastic chassis.
  9. Given the massive redevelopment of some stations over the years, putting some locos on display at places like York, KX, a revitalised Euston etc might be a nice thing to do, certainly 7819 at Swindon looks great in its mall setting. There's enough space on or even above Waterloos concourse, or the Eurostar area. What's probably more concerning is that a number of groups have suggested that come the day they can't look after their steads, that the NRM would be offered their engines... guess they can't rely on having them accepted as a gift could cause concern for the locomotives well being in the long term future. My count makes it 4 engines passed on to date, T3, NSR tank and the class 50 / 84. I wonder if D5500/D6700 and D200 are safe, there is a case for duplication between 4003/4073 and 6000 too. I do think the NRM missed a trick in letting the Turkish 8F go to Israel, there was a real war time / UK heavy freight / international gap missed. What's odd is that the NRM actually has claim on two class 91's at some point, 91111 and 91131, as well as 2x full HST sets, both Class 139 Parry people movers and a 142/150/2 and 159.
  10. The most confusing part about today's 5 bulleids at Swanage, is they all sound the same !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M.I.B


      And all look the same..........

    3. PhilEakins


      I agree. I'm sitting here listening to the gala and they can't be told apart by exhaust or whistle.

    4. DonB
  11. 34052 passes 34053...https://youtu.be/lk2AfmOuaAM

  12. An update on this, I've hesitantly phoned kernow this morning and have an update. They explained there's over 2000 D600 preorders which they are working on chronologically, as mine was further down the list it's taking longer to reach out. They say there's still a way to go, so at this I am happy. Whilst on the subject I asked about the 102xx, but a decision hasn't been taken on this, but if it was subject to increase it probably wouldn't be taken until the d600 preorder customers are contacted. The offer for the 1500 points stands to pre-order customers, per loco, regardless if prepaid with the £10 discount now, or if paid at the new full price later. No update on the DJ class 74, which makes me a little uneasy, having prepaid it, especially given its apparent low interest in the DJ thread here, compared to the class 92 thread!, but understand the expectation is to have more information after the class 71 is delivered. Points program was explained, feeling better about the whole thing. Personally, It seems timing the phone call is the thing, they had time to talk me through their program more in depth and it was appreciated. They might want to jump on the communication thing now as it could be a busy summer for with gate stock, 4TC, clas 71, 2x D600,2x 102xx most likely during the year it's going to eat their time ! At this I've left my orders to stand, and await the mail on the D600's, I hope anyone else reading this wondering if they've missed out of the price notification finds this helpful.
  13. Vienna for breakfast and Graz for dinner tonight, Germany tomorrow and then to Swanage for the weekend !!!

  14. 100% yes they do.. my login is my email, and I get their weekly letter too, I also have the original order confirmations spanning several years in my inbox.I have spoken on the phone in the past and never quite seemed to have gel'led with them, their calls have always felt a bit "short" as if I'm bothering them, so I've tended to minimise it. The offer/deal etc has been rumoured on here for a few months now, and I've waited patient and silent, knowing their busy, but at this stage I felt it's appropriate to speak up as the dates quoted have passed and no communication was received on any objects I preordered. As I said when the fun stops stop, they seem to busy and I don't feel my business is of interest. I then don't want to push water uphill, the models, whilst exclusive will inevitably appear on ebay, and having waited 6 years for some, I can wait a few more months. With regards the diesels, I have 2xD600's, 2x 102xx, 2xclass 71/4 as well as gate stock, railmotor etc etc on preorder. I've logged into my account and see with regards the d6/102x the prices have now been zeroed out, from their original value indicative of either a price change or cancel by their end. I don't want be a downer on the subject or labour it, kernow clearly have a huge fan base and support, but in this case I'm not appearing to have met the criteria. I will add I've never had an issue with instock orders or deliveries only the subject of pre-orders, communication of which I've found wanting, cancelling all items and ordering on release may be a better route, though I have no issue paying up front in advance, the fact I've been missed out of the oppourtunty is the part that grates, which leads to want to decline and pass. I wish them the best and success the models deserve.
  15. With a £1000+ of pre orders, and 2 paid in advance, I'm a bit disconcerted that the only way I am hearing from kernow is via this forum. I get the weekly mail, and my login is my email, so it's not as if I'm hard to reach. I can only presume this offer is selective based on who they feel is worthy of contact. I've never had luck with the whole points thing either, with years of past orders, I've asked a few times about the points but never got an answer either. I will of course call them, but given what I read, I can only deduce my money isn't wanted, and I've been excluded, which isn't a nice feeling. I'll most likely hit the reset button, cancel all, refund the 2 and see how it goes down the road if I resume or decide to pass. At the end of the day it's a hobby, not a job., when the fun stops, stop... and reading of secret deals to select customers, on stuff I ordered years ago isn't fun.
  16. Heading to Vienna, from Holland, i am quite definitely in the EU today.

    1. irishmail


      But will Teresa May let you back in the UK? :)


  17. just arrived in Schiphol from Lisbon, but my luggage with suit for tomorrow hasn't..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      Try some deep fried goats brains. Most problems seem to pale into insignificance in comparison!

    3. MarkC


      It's usually when you're in transit there that stuff gets lost - might be the Lisbon end's fault this time

    4. adb968008


      I think My life is in transit

  18. This evening I am in Madrid, having fantastic food.

    1. Horsetan


      This evening I am at home, in bed.

    2. SHMD


      The main railway station is well worth a visit and there is also a very good railway museum not far from it too.

  19. This evening I am in Madrid, having fantastic food.

  20. Pity they couldn't follow through with British India line, that said if the rumours are true, its owners retained its unique characteristics, but have chosen to paint it BR lined black !!!
  21. £510, is that a record for a post 2000 made DC rtr locomotive ? Be interested to see if the sale actually closes successfully.
  22. quite here's 44422 outside Beehive Mill, near Mayfield Ave in Bolton.. https://mikemorant.smugmug.com/keyword/Bolton;4f;060/i-985jFSV/A It's allocation history was Bristol / Bath & S&D Territory, the closest it's allocation was to Bolton, was Gloucester from for 4 months until withdrawal between February 65 and July 65. According to the owning group, it's last Horwich overhaul was summer 1953.. however that pre-dates the late BR Emblem on the tender in this photograph by some years. so at some point it made a very low speed 450 mile round trip to Lancashire to operate a local trip working before going back south. Judging by the picture, and lancashires weather, this must have been a summer journey. In preservation it's been to the ELR at Bury, but this is 100% the down line siding just north of Moses Gate in Bolton, the location pretty much looks the same today, except the extra siding to the Mill behind it which is long gone. here's it today on google maps. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.5637114,-2.4151808,3a,75y,189.12h,69.83t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8GvCEFhTFDAOAyqb8-LLnQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en or in Google 3D.. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.5645426,-2.4155573,55a,35y,160.75h,75.67t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
  23. Forgive me, but if it's a merchant vessel hired for the job, then surely it's a commercial move on a government contract, how is this different to any other shipping contract to move goods ? The ship might be loaded with buses, parts & food to another part of the world next week ? it's not the Royal Navy at work, though it might be their budget and planning behind it ? Or has all ships, including this one to Estonia always been fully taken over, armed, crewed & maintained by RN personnel under full control and command for a permanent dedicated basis ? Back in 2003 I recall hundreds of tiny freighters hired by the military wandering the gulf, all of them local registered and crewed, supported a whole economy, but it didn't make them military vessels for a western government, just contractors doing a job, much of the time it was western goods air freighted in, broken down and despatched up the gulf by forwarding agents until delivered to their customer (which in this case was military). I don't want to argue about it, but to me the navy is the size it is, and in a modern world of mass commercial transportation it makes more sense to "hire in" or "contract out" as needed, than have a transport system based on the days of empire, when only governments could really afford, and few others could supply on demand, to face a threat anywhere in the world, when communications took months rather than seconds to cross the globe. Maybe it's me, but the threats are different these days, and it's not so common for the rum drinking navy to have to cross the globe to kick out a tribe from some castle that over run a whisky loving cavalry commsnder in some far flung insurgent part of the empire. We need a navy, but one the scale of 200 years ago doesn't make sense, were not going to ever beat China or Russia in a fight on our own, some despot regimes maybe, or supporting a coalition hence a mix of the new carriers, subs etc to fit roles. Our navy, compared to some I've seen is distinctly modern ! I went on HMS Dragon not too long ago, it's basically an armed IT facility.. the days of low height, narrow passages with screw lock doors really are for WW2 films. Modern ships are very much more intelligent, one US ship I went on could show real time HD TV quality live footage of civilian airliners as they fly through the sky.. I could even real the tail...(and no it wasn't a movie... I verified it by flight radar on my phone !) You don't need 20 Catalina PBY's and hundreds of support crew and logistic support vessels to scan a few hundred miles of horizon anymore.
  24. If you think the Royal Navy is small, consider that our neighbouring Viking friends in Denmark only have 5 ships larger than our 240 year old HMS Victory..., and even then there not massively larger ! Long range aircraft, (and ability to hire commercial aircraft cheaply) makes it easier and faster, the US didn't sail everyone to the gulf, I used to regularly see ATA Boeing 757's at commercial airports in Eastern Europe refuelling enroute between the two. If you look at military strategy these days, first job of an armed force is to secure the local air strip. Navy has its place, but it's not the "railway of the seas" any more the bulk of the burden moved to the sky.
  25. Ah so it's a tug in a bog I'm looking at. :-) 31's were known as Toilets in the 1990s on the Barrow runs, as they had a reputation for failure when inside another loco, or as a pair, though I think first time I heard it was a Pwheli train with 31146/7 as a pair and one failed, neccessitating a complex run round to swap them for the return working (leaving it dead on the back wasn't the done thing in those days). One of the Network North West enthusiasts Days in the 90's was particularly bad (iirc) it was in heat season, so 31/4's were inside to various freight locos, and invariably caused havoc in the schedule. Toilet was : Thirty One, Inside Loco, Expect Trouble.
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