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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. To change direction of the thread a little, does anyone have a reference for what the pre RCH head codes were? DrDuncan
  2. Richard, Many thanks. I look forward to the update on your excellent website! Regards Duncan
  3. Looks good. What’s the plan for painting? D
  4. Yes he does, but understandably Richard is concentrating on the diagrams he is most interested in and it struck me while perusing Russell vol one and considering its errors, that a comprehensive list matching diagrams to Lewis classification might help modellers identify problems with drawings (I’m told the eaves on a few of the Russell drawings are inaccurate so will throw off any attempts to use the drawing) and flesh out some of the captions.
  5. That’s very kind. I’ll see what comes along in this thread and then get back to you if I may. D
  6. Yes brown vehicles were grey before WW1, but before 1904 (probably but could be as early as 1892) the year is uncertain) grey vehicles were red... DrDuncan
  7. Dear all, Is there a list of Dean coach diagrams and the corresponding Lewis classification? DrDuncan
  8. Hi Chris, Yes the suspension rods at each end of the bogie are fixed to the solebars. I’d cut them just below the solebar (or just above the bogie) and that should give the movement needed. Duncan
  9. I’ll see if I can find a good picture or drawing. D
  10. Mike, Excellent work. The scale four newsletter article about using vinyl for framing Isle of Wight coaching stock I mentioned in another post used a vinyl that had pressure activated adhesive to allow easy positioning over the main shell. I look forward to the next instalment! Duncan
  11. On Empire Mills, the MRC’s now sold EM layout, we had a dry about 1m long based on a rather unique dry with a central furnace (the name of the real dry escapes me). We had to reduce the length of the model by about 1/2 to 2/3rds and it still looked massive! See the defunct EMpire project blog especially the photos from the Alexandra Place 2015 show:
  12. Mike, Outstanding work. I think the use of vinyl overlays would be the way to do the livery. - but you'd need multiple layers and have a lot of removing of panels/beading to do on each layer. I think a compromise of using paint - probably sprayed on for the main body colour(s), with the vinyl used to overlay beading to give the colour and lining on raised mouldings. That said, if you could match paint to vinyl colours you could do cream panels with the thin chocolate line around them as per Wenlock's recent blog posts on his 7mm bogie Brake Third. Keep up the excellent work. Duncan
  13. So since the last update I’ve painted the track for the left baseboard, removed it from the work board and temporarily installed it to mark out the wiring runs and turnout operating runs. To lift the track off the work board I used a very thin cake slice. Kate is currently wondering where it went. I’ve also (finally) cut the hole for the fold up control panel. My prevarication was ended by Kipford taking pity and lending me a plunge cutter to do the job. This led me to think about the Powercab panel position and the plunge cutter made light work of it. It also occurred to me that the empty space when the control panel is down could be used to make a holder for the Powercab handset. Some final finishing of the edges is still to be done. Finally, with the work board clear the track plan for the right baseboard has been stuck down and I’ve started cutting sleepers to length ready for staining. Duncan
  14. The Culm Vally coach looks fantastic as does the BG tender. What’s next? I cant wait to see... Duncan
  15. Mike, as always I learn a great deal from your posts and experiments. Long may the blog continue! Duncan
  16. NB I’m still waiting to get my hands on a 4mm Ricer class. Been promised one is possibly en route, but.... D
  17. Dave, Wonderful work. Can’t wait to see the finished coach being pulled into Sheraton, maybe by a River class! BTW, I’ve a load of 4mm coach sides that will need lining if you feel you’re not getting enough practice... Duncan
  18. The vinyl might be a very effective way of doing pannelling. A South Hants member has lent me a 2016 S4 society newsletter which has on article on producing Isle of Wight ex LBSC and SECR bogie stock in just that way. DrDuncan
  19. Can you post a link to the earlier discussion? DrDuncan
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