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Status Replies posted by Hroth

  1. White Rabbits!

  2. It's Christmas Time....

  3. I was going to say something earlier.

  4. Cause I am Jack, from a burning ring. My face is slack, and I think, think, think...

  5. What are the 3 things you would like most for your model railway? More space, more time and more money!

  6. Man on state benefits to marry foreigner and bring her to live in the UK at taxpayers expense. That's the DM headline we probably won't read tomorrow...

  7. Well cover me in eggs and flour, and bake me for forty minutes.

  8. Grouting, the DIY equivalent of ballasting

  9. Would Sir like a D-Max with that?....,

  10. A two hour wait in the queue to get in the Pandora shop in Bicester village, what's that about.

  11. If I keep putting off buying something that I want, does the eventual purchase have that much more pleasure attached, or will I simply miss out because I've left it too late?

  12. We're Black Friday free!

  13. I see the Warley Show thread is hotting up; what is it with some folk?

  14. I had an email this morning for a BRM Black Friday sale... If it had been a BRM Black Five sale I might have been interested!

  15. O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.

  16. Was looking up some Van der Graaf Generator lyrics when the guy on The Chase said VDGG was his favorite band - what are the odds of that?

  17. Just bought my first rule 1 item a Derby Lightweight DMU - if only this bronchitus would go i could play with it!

  18. Has just been told by a lady that "You are so efficient". That lady was not my wife!

  19. ERM guys, Can diesel locos lay eggs, I woke up this moring to find my HST's Lion prototype and Class 70 all nesting on a egg each, is this normal

  20. It's black Friday tomorrow, don't all rush at once.

  21. Finally Monsieur, a wafer thin mint

  22. Finally Monsieur, a wafer thin mint

  23. Finally Monsieur, a wafer thin mint

  24. well dont ask how but my cranes have spawned a small yellow 4 wheel yard crane

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