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Status Replies posted by Hroth

  1. I bought a big roll of bubble wrap, it was delivered at 07:00 this morning. "Where do you want it ?" I asked the Mrs "Just pop it in the corne of the family roomr" she said - here I am, 30 minutes later and I'm about half way through.

  2. It’s Wednesday, Warley is on Saturday, should I have a shave and shower, or wait till Sunday and attempt to blend in ?

  3. It’s Wednesday, Warley is on Saturday, should I have a shave and shower, or wait till Sunday and attempt to blend in ?

  4. The recursion; see: recursion, the.

  5. Me, the 13th Duke of Wybourne? Here? At a french maids finishing school? At three o'clock in the morning? With my reputation?

  6. I'll find the person who took my copy of Microsoft Office - you have my word

  7. Whats this black Friday? Though it was only Tuesday today.

  8. A white horse goes into a bar. “We’ve got a whisky named after you,” says the bartender. “What, Eric?” Says the horse.

  9. All I said was that this piece of Halibut was good enough for Jehovah.

  10. well i think i need to seperate my breakdown cranes, i put my two red cranes in the shed last night and found them with a BR Black one, who knew cranes could multiply like that

  11. is off to Welshpool for a day. Anything worth visiting on the way?

  12. Strawberry Mivvi anyone ?

  13. How many layouts can/should one person have?

  14. In the constellation of Cygnus, there lies a mysterious hidden force...

  15. He who is tired of breakfast is tired of life.

  16. My hovercraft is full of eels..

  17. I know that people criticise 'round robin' letters, but what is Farcebook, if not some huge electronic version of the same?

  18. I'm sorry? You want HOW MUCH for a Hornby Track Mat? You are having a laugh...

  19. now the proud owner of TWO red Hornby breakdown cranes

  20. Boris’ dad and Jamie Vardy’s wife. Welcome to I’m a celeb 2017...

  21. Since when was "Black Friday" ten days in duration?

  22. Today I have mainly being eating lentils

  23. I do believe that some modelling is actually about to occur here today!

  24. Will everything become Wordy McWordWord soon?

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