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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Isn't that the Blackpool Tower? Book early for the Illuminations!
  2. I've a softback book called "25 Years on Independent Television" that covers shows broadcast from 1955 to 1980 year by year considered "important" by the compilers, with photos. I could just find it and start listing old, forgotten stuff.... Off the top of my head: In the Kitchen Sink Drama category: No Trams to Lime Street. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Trams_to_Lime_Street Turgid multi-episode drama: A Family At War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Family_at_War Both, oddly enough, set in Liverpool...
  3. How about Redcap, a military police series featuring a young John Thaw. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redcap_(TV_series)
  4. I've come to terms with that, I write up a new list each month on the whiteboard in the kitchen and rub out the appropriate date when the bin has been put out. Looking out the previous evening to see what the neighbours have put out doesn't help, its difficult telling the difference between grey and green wheelie bins in streetlighting and you can never trust next-door to put out the right bin anyway!
  5. Those were in the days before big budgets came in and you'd get one or perhaps two expensive drama series with location shooting and big name performers per year. The rest were studio bound new plays written for TV or adaptations of stage plays, though filmed and creatively edited rather than the live productions of earlier years. It wasn't just Dr Who which had "cardboard" sets flapping around! One of the reasons that the BBC in particular don't do relatively inexpensive productions like that nowadays is that they were required by terms of government imposed Licence Fee agreements over the past few decades to farm output to external production companies to enhance competition in the broadcast sector and had their studios, etc cut back because they weren't using them any more. Of course, handing off stuff to outside companies makes things more expensive to buy in in the long run...
  6. Hroth

    Panic buying

    Only works with Izal, not the modern blotting paper...
  7. That's the problem with model railways, lots of locos ( esp big ones ) and carriages, but not nearly enough wagons, and of those, too few open ones!
  8. Must admit, as I record the highlights and don't watch the programme "live", I skip the talking heads at the beginning (plus all the adverts throughout), and stop viewing once the cars have crossed the finishing line! I'll have another look later and skip the podium...
  9. The photo is a bit dark, but it does look close to the original colour that HD produced it in. Take the body off and you'll see the original colour inside, people seldom paint inside when they're repainting! I think they were sold separately, but they were the loco in the HD 2 rail 2007 trainset with two tinplate carriages. Good luck with getting it to go, the magnet is usually dead so it won't pull the skin off a rice pudding...
  10. Well, at least the FIA are being open about penalising Hamilton at the drop of a hat. I'm surprised they didn't try to nobble him when he managed to cross the line a second before the flag dropped at the end of Q2! There's some sort of conspiracy? Nahhhhhhh..... A most unsatisfactory race.
  11. Keeping an eye on the BBC F1 stream ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/formula1/50296861 ). Start well up to par, Stroll and Sainz out after barely starting and the safety car has them trundling about, waiting for the wreckage to be cleared. It seems Stroll was shunted and thus unlucky... All in the first lap!
  12. I wouldn't like to say that a driver would contemplate wrecking his car near the end of Q2 just after another drivers lap time had been discounted, but... Followed it on the BBC webstream, looking forward to watching the highlights!
  13. Hroth

    Panic buying

    Amazing! though I feel that the STOP button should be a bit larger. What perturbs me is the "Pulsating massage function"... "Why are you taking so long in the loo, dear"? "Ahh..hh....."
  14. Anthropomorphic personification! (There was a mini-dictionary in my breakfast cereal this morning...)
  15. Oh well, put the C4 highlights for the qualifying and the race on to record. See how things eventuate....
  16. Lets do the Resurrection Shuffle!
  17. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine, though the BBC had to explain the proverb for its younger viewers yesterday... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-54262657
  18. Two crashes and two spins from drivers who were trying too hard in FP1. If Hamilton is confident with his car, he knows he can do better than the others who are laying down "fast" times in free practice. Far better to revise the track and how the corners feel than going hell for leather to set a fast time when it doesn't really matter! I expect there will be improvement in his figures through the practice sessions this afternoon and tomorrow morning, followed by greater gains in qualifying!
  19. Hroth

    Panic buying

    This time round, its probably the people who couldn't get stuff when the locusts had stripped the shelves last time getting in their preemptive collecting. I'm not defending them, but there is reason behind the madness. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen stocks have been "difficult" since before lockdown started in March, I expect that they won't improve any time soon. Both Aldi and Home Bargains have also had problems maintaining stocks of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements too.
  20. Hroth

    Panic buying

    I've not (touch wood) had any problem with either the 2 or 4 pint bottles splitting due to the expansion of the contents. Admittedly they do look a bit odd when frozen...
  21. Hroth

    Panic buying

    You just have to let it defrost SLOWLY in the fridge. Don't nuke it in the microwave or leave it out to defrost and it'll be just as good as when you put it in the freezer. I recently used the last bottle from the end of March without any problems. Bread keeps quite well in the freezer too, just defrost it in the same way.
  22. Good lord.... (No, not going to translate that into Unwinese) One of the more forgettable GA products, that and Joe90. Coming after the SIG Captain Scarlett, they were truely dire. Space Precinct was from the end of Andersons career, only one series and then canned because the US networks couldn't make head nor tail of it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Precinct Space Patrol was made by a former associate of Gerry Anderson, written and produced by Roberta Leigh who cooked up "The Adventures of Twizzel" with Gerry Anderson... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Patrol_(1962_TV_series)
  23. Hroth

    Panic buying

    You'll be looking for the editor and a reporter for the Daily Wail then...
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