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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. It has been noted elsewhere on RMweb that the Spitting Image looks similar to a Stingray character, Surface Agent X-2-Zero, Titan's inept agent on land. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_(1964_TV_series)#Recurring_villains I think "inept" is the mot juste.....
  2. Hroth


    They cut them with their metal knives They boil them for 20 of their minutes Then they smash them all to bits!!! Clearly an unintelligent people!!!
  3. Hroth


    As is well known but if they're green, don't eat 'em...
  4. You should live next door to a Fence. Good fences make good Neighbours......
  5. Regimental localities weren't the problem, that came from the creation of the "Pals" battalions. God knows who came up with the brilliant idea of encouraging young men to enlist in town based groups. It was The Somme that showed how foolish the idea was. Entire streets in northern towns got telegrams on the same day... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pals_battalion
  6. Hornby appear to use DPD. You should get the following sequence of emails. Hornby say its being processed Hornby say its due for delivery on "X" Hornby say it will be delivered at "time" If you haven't had these messages, it might be a good idea to get in touch with Hornby.
  7. Arrived this morning as promised, with Certificate of Orthenticity (17xx) 10% off coupon for next purchase from Hornby website Free entry ticket to Margate attraction Oh, and the loco too! Well done Hornby!
  8. Just to veer off course... Here's one of the new Spitting Image puppets that might amuse the Mayor. He's having problems...
  9. Not only that, but why do they have to run around a rat maze?
  10. With the added advamtage that the Metcalfe and Dapol houses are both far cheaper than buying the real thing!
  11. I completely agree. The only problem with folk memories is that they become the difference between "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance" and "Sent three and fourpence, we're going to a dance". Or Terry Pratchetts analysis of the Battle of Koom Valley...
  12. What you might also take into account is that the US Civil War finished a mere 155 years ago. Given the conditions and philosophies under which it was fought and the lingering effects that it has on the US today, its not surprising that it hasn't been "forgotten", and it may well live on in family memory. On the other hand, the English Civil War(s) ended nearly 370 years ago so its not surprising that its influence on folk memory is nearly zero. An interesting factoid is that Oliver Cromwell was on the verge of emigrating to the Colonies at the time and that if he had gone, the absence of his charismatic leadership may well have resulted in a victory for the Royalists. Quick someone, find a joke to get the thread back on topic!!!!
  13. After BOTH their cars qualified above the Ferraris? They're living the Dream!
  14. More fuel for the whingers. Hulk gets into the car for a second race and makes P3, and there's going to be a LOT of unhappiness at Ferrari!
  15. Yep, the "Edge" update Bulleid its way onto my screen this afternoon. After dismissing it using the Task Manager, I unpinned it from the taskbar, deleted the shortcut from the desktop and checked to make sure it hadn't usurped the default browser role.
  16. You're doing well with the Cruisers book! I've just got up to the bit discussing why different sorts of ships were so called, but as far as I'm concerned its fighting for bedtime reading with Roman crime novels and not a race.... Fascinating that the first sea-going boilers were more or less the type used for Newcomen beam engines, merely a kettle, no wonder that they were coal-guzzlers and had to rely on sail to eke out the coal.
  17. Given the angle of the illustration, the writhing victims in the middle ground must be standing in the Thames. Its similar to the Triang 7th edition catalogue cover, which appears to show Britannia chugging across Westminster Bridge...
  18. Its those damn Martians again! The miserably hot weather seems to be a phenomenon affecting the South more than the "North" and so commented on by Metropolitan based news media. Here, its warm and muggy which is just as unbearable as extreme heat. I'm looking forward to the promised thunderstorms to clear the air!
  19. I recall hearing the Biology teachers at my school amusing themselves with the Examiners' Report for O level Biology. One of the answers quoted, that has stuck in my mind ever since, is that "A Hydra swims by waving its testicles"... Painful!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydra_(genus)
  20. Don't think I'd dive into undergrowth wearing nothing! A brave man, though it does explain why Noch produce those nekkid layout figures!
  21. I think my order went through when Hornby were going to produce 1500 models so I expect orders are being posted out in order. My delivery email came through just before 5pm Friday, so its possible that orders placed in the 2020-3500 window will get dealt with next Monday. Unless Hornby dispatch are going to get some weekend overtime!
  22. Vettels foot in his mouth?
  23. Mine will arrive on Monday. According to the email I just got...
  24. Ferrari are special...
  25. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Real Dettol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloroxylenol Good stuff!
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