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Black 5 Bear

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Everything posted by Black 5 Bear

  1. "Certain Models" being the Hornby Stanier Black 5, 8F, Rebuilt Merchant Navy to start with. Any upgrades to these model would infact be most welcome and IMHO sell very well. At the end of day, each to their own !
  2. You only have to look at the pricing of some of his other items to see this is the case. For instance, an LMS Railroad Compound for £187 odd !
  3. Or this, an early Railroad 9f. Someone is having a laugh ! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/667-Hornby-R2248-Class-9F-2-10-0-92239-BR-black-Weathered-Mint-Unopened-/353458542661?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  4. Because "Certain" models made by a certain manufacturer are well past it detail and mechanism wise and need to be updated. After all, that is still the plan at Hornby, which is upgrades of existing models, some of which have already been done like the Duchess, Princess, King and Coronation Pacifics.
  5. Or another 4.6.0 in the form of a Stanier Black 5. Loads of variations for a ubiquitous locomotive.
  6. My favourite is their delicious Chocolate Stout.
  7. On offer at Morrison's today was this golden ale Breadwinner, produced from unsold bread. This beer is Brewed by the Saltaire Brewery of West Yorkshire fame. Coming in at a healthy 4.4.% ABV with an orange tangy taste. The best is yet to come, it's on offer for £1 per bottle. Thoroughly recommended !
  8. The 3 axle Palethorpes van has got to be in line for a serious revamp to modern standards in the near future.
  9. I'm reliably informed that authorised dealers get a credit for returned items. These are then apparently returned to Hornby via courier. I can only see a model shop losing out financially if the item was posted out to you. As you describe it as local you're probably going to collect it from them. Better that than being stuck with something that isn't up to the mark and grates the eyes !
  10. Somewhat disappointing to say the least on a model that we've had to wait literally ages to reappear into their range. Hornby have yet again ruined an otherwise fantastic loco with another poor rendition/interpretation of "Brunswick Green". This will only change and strike home in Margate, when potential purchasers vote with their wallets.
  11. No beer, now that is serious lol !
  12. Or try the English Whisky Company (Rudham) and their range of malts. The Norfolk Original MW really takes some beating. An extremely palatable, smooth and fragrant drink matured in bourbon oak casks. Pricey compared to other products, however definitely something different from a small family distillery. Recommended !
  13. Just been notified by Hattons that the N7 ORN70004, BR late crest with depot embellishments is in stock and ready to order.
  14. Hopefully yes that will be the case. However, the Prairie tank, which was announced long before the Manor isn't due until next month. Fingers crossed for a nice Pre-Christmas surprise!
  15. For me it's the heavily peated/smokey and sharp taste that I personally favour. Still, each to their own, personal preference and all that !
  16. "A Malt whisky for those who don't like whisky taste". Sorry, but I have the ask the question, why buy a whisky when you don't like the whisky taste ?
  17. All I'm saying is spares are or will be available from the two relatively new manufacturers mentioned for current and new releases. For whatever reason, spares from Hornby are like hens teeth !
  18. Yet Dapol and Accurascale are the complete opposite to Hornby with regard to spares. Looking forward to an ever growing range of steam locomotives particularly from Accurascale.
  19. Latest edition of the Engine Shed blog is now available :-
  20. To be fair to Hornby, I've always found their customer service department pretty good in responding to enquiries. They do stipulate on the automated response that they will endeavour to respond within 3 working day. After all we don't know how many people actually work within that department and what their other duties may entail.
  21. A newly announced product from Aldi in the form of an very palatable Harper's Plum Porter coming in at 4.8% ABV. Not sure who produces this for Aldi, but it tastes very much like a certain other Porter from a brewery in Bungay. Recommended !
  22. Unfortunately, yes but not with my particular model of 35029. I had a late crest S15 from the first batch which had a sloping cab number. Hornby said they could send a replacement but this particular model all appeared to have the same defect. To remedy this, I decided to have this loco renumbered/weathered by Steve of Grimytimes in Warrington and what a superb job he did of it.
  23. Have we any evidence that they have made more 500? Or could it be the case, 500 of each variant applies specifically to the UK market?
  24. But why would Hornby even mention "limited to 500" if it was a main range/general release? That was the implied impression on their advance marketing, as evidenced by Mike on the Hornby Signal Box blog - 5/01/2021 https://youtu.be/Ld1RUHInXFM. Additionally, the "Limited to 500 Models" appears to have disappeared from the range list for R3970/3971.
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