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Everything posted by sb67

  1. great pics Dave, really like the class 45 threading it's way out of Newcastle. J3719 reminds me of the opening credits of the Likely Lads. Happy days! Steve.
  2. As promised a few pics of the show. Shelvington Treeloar Sidings Rannoch ​Fisherton Sarum Bridge at Remagen And my fave, Arun Quay Got to mention the great show guide as well, I think there was a track plan for every layout. Also had a good senic demo by Roy Hickman, I made a tree! and had a go at the Flockit grass applicator courtesy of Maggie Gravett. All in all had a great day. Steve
  3. Been adding a few more weeds and a tiny bit of static grass. I must leave that alone now and get on with the next bit! Steve.
  4. Enjoy the book Andy, let us know what you think of it Brian Blessed is great, his book is on my 'to read' list! Steve
  5. Great stuff Kevo, shame about the sentinel, I think that would look great in your yard. Steve.
  6. Weathering powders are a good way to add a bit of variation but I'd always build the effects up slowly adding a small bit at a time. It's a lot easier to add a bit more than to try and take off too much. Looks good Jerry. Steve.
  7. Glad to hear you're home Andy. Hope you feel ok and you're taking it easy. Steve.
  8. Wow! Stunning little layout, looks so much bigger in the photos. I love the weathering on the blue class 37, how did you acheive that? The dirt on the nose top looks just like how I remember them. Steve.
  9. Does the screwfix stuff dry clear Pete? Steve.
  10. I was looking at the screwfix stuff. I also tried a £1 bottle from Wilkos and to be honest that's rubbish. Think I'm off to screwfix this morning. Steve.
  11. I need to get some more pva glue and was wondering is it worth buying in bulk. There's a few different types and I was wondering what other people use and where they get it? Steve.
  12. Enjoyed the show and was really impressed with your layout, the bridge looks great, fantastic model, well done :-) Steve
  13. Nightmare getting there this morning from London, ended up having to go to Luton Airport and get a bus to Stevenage. That was more than made up for by a fantastic show, great layouts and a good selection of traders and demos. The star of the show was, for me at least, Arun Quay. I thought it was just stunning although the forth rail bridge was really impressive to. Massive thank you and well done to everyone involved. I'll post a few pics when I get the chance. Steve.
  14. I like that grounded van a lot, I would only have room for a box van though. Although I have a couple of hut kits unbuilt! Steve.
  15. Fence all finished. I've now got to move on and put something in between the tracks in front of the bridge, I was thinking about a hut or grounded van body but I cant really make my mind up yet. Steve.
  16. Good luck with that operation, hope you get back to modelling soon. Steve
  17. You could try real earth, dried and sieved it can look good or das clay can also be really effective, look for stuff by Chris Nevard, he uses that a lot. Hope that helps. Steve.
  18. Just looked a your cakebox challenge, very nice indeed. To change your thread title I think if you click edit on one of your posts and use the full editor you can do it. Hope that helps. Steve.
  19. That's great Jerry, you've done well getting a few cameos in a small space. Great stuff. Steve.
  20. Jerry, as just said, angling the track could be a good idea but I like the simplicity of what you've got. If you're struggling for ideas what about having a go at something like the cakebox challenge? It's only small and you might get some ideas to go on and develop it further, just a thought. Steve.
  21. Started planting some weeds, got to be patient though as I get one bit to look right then stick another bit in and pull the first bit out of place! Steve.
  22. Wow that was a shock to hear, he seems ok so that's good. Thanks for letting us know George. Wish him all the best and a speedy recovery. Steve.
  23. Fence painted and fixed, I had a small problem as all the weeds I put in wouldn't let the fence sit upright so they had to come out! I'll put them back as soon as the glue has dried. Steve.
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