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Judge Dread

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Status Replies posted by Judge Dread

  1. Just had a fight meshing a gearbox. It thought it had the better if me until I dished it a haymaker. gearbox nil - simon 1

  2. Not happy, my 2 weeks easter leave it rains. Come back to work and its gorgeous weather!!!

  3. Another month goes by without a call from Ernie.

  4. Final stage of becoming a trainee driver ive got my medical on the 9th of April just 4days short of two years since I originally applied ?

  5. Been offered a new job, went for a job interview for one job and ended up getting offered a better post!

  6. Thinking of getting rid of the N gauge layout, but chucking it out would be such a waste :(

  7. "Have you seen the refuse collectors?" "No. But follow the rubbish left on the floor and I'm sure you'll find them" I am now definitely sick and tired of all the cr*p our bin men leave behind them after the visit. It's simple. If you drop it PICK IT UP!!!!!!!!

  8. British Home Stores iron-clad Dreadnought class underpants

  9. has received a new 2-BIL toy at a super bargain Kernow price and hopes that the sort of price will apply to the 2-HALs a little way down the line!

  10. First day without a cig and all is going well, apart from my electric one not playing! Things are going to get stressy!

  11. is wondering where the best place would be to hide a lemon in plain sight....

  12. I bought some examples of a new type of sausage today from the local farm shop. I'm really excited about it.

  13. I bought some examples of a new type of sausage today from the local farm shop. I'm really excited about it.

  14. This is the night mail crossing the border bringing the cheque and the postal order

  15. I'm a fifty year old man. What ya gonna do about it?

  16. Open, Shut, For Sale - a shop in Leconfield, E. Yorks.

  17. Just got the rubberised horsehair in the post. Looks good and I cannot wait to trial it on Chalk Lane :)

  18. Feelin' pretty stoopid - caught out by an e-mail scam

  19. One of life's great debate, which is the superior sausage - Cumberland or Lincolnshire?

  20. Is one considered eccentric if one has an entire drawer dedicated to the storage of hats?

  21. You'll hear my voice, on the wind, 'cross the sand If you should return, to that black barren land that bears the name of Xanadu - RIP Dozy

  22. has managed to get more spray on the garden furniture than the baseboards... and the Mrs is due back any minute, whoopsy!

  23. For those who don't think about chloresteral maybe you should. Just been put on Statins due to my numbers (at medium risk of major heart attack) and I'm not even 50 yet.

  24. believes that by being slightly eccentric helps me from being mad !

  25. The Antex Model C Iron that Mr. Harnett sold me 40 odd years ago has just given up the ghost. Gutted :(

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