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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. There's now a railway preservation scheme at both ends of the bridge ........ could they get together and emulate the Great Central with a reunification project ? ........................................................................................ maybe not !
  2. Shouldn't there be very large inverted commas round the word "life" when talking about a judicial sentence ........ nobody actually gets locked up for life nowadays, whatever they've done ! ( and they seem to get spat back out into society after a couple of years anyway )
  3. None of these guys boating the canals on the telly ever seem to take the vessel back !
  4. If a train had come along at the 'wrong' moment and serious loss of life had occurred the relevant charges would have been far more serious than mere motoring and drugs offences.
  5. .... then charged him with every offence they could think of - except anything relating to endangering the public or trespass on a railway or ............
  6. Ditto the trams in Kolkatta - or is it Calcutta ? ................... but you can always have one standard for trams and another standard for real trains.
  7. But is she a 'locomotive' or a 'railmotor' ....... into which category, I don't think anyone's mentioned Drummond's 'Bug'. Has anyone mentioned "Judy" & "Alfred" by the way ? ........ though I don't think they would win the prize.
  8. That logic's somewhat awry as it would only fit D3159 ( withdrawn 9/67, cut 4/68 ) ....D2407 wasn't withdrawn until January '69 and cut August '70. The Spring '62 Loco Shed Book lists D2407 as allocated to Lincoln and D3159 to Immingham so somewhere in that neck of the woods is more likely.
  9. Looks like those bars are designed to keep the guard firmly in his box rather than to support the glazing !
  10. Standard gauge ? ............ perhaps a visit to SpecSavers is called or !
  11. Isn't it heresy to suggest such things in the 'UK Prototype Discussions' thread ??!?
  12. c'mon - I bet you've had tender drives like that on you layout at one time or another .....
  13. Hopefully his employers will question him over damage to their vehicle - presumably significant damage if it caused significant damage to a substantial bridge.
  14. One coach has a sort of outrigger which is pivoted in the centre of the bogie and the second coach has a similar outrigger pivoted on that .......... most books on LNER coaches will show a picture or two.
  15. ...... bounced in the air and landed on the track without even touching the platform ??!?
  16. I guess what I thought, initially, to be a fuel tank must be a concrete block to keep the driving wheels on the track !!?!
  17. Most railways with a two-colour carriage livery used just one colour on NPCS which wasn't of carriage profile ........ the dividing line could get rather messy wandering over different stanchions ........................................ an' it makes it a lot easier for us modellers not having to mask the damned things !
  18. A rather different sort of Pullman 'Camping Coach', a few miles to the south and a few years later ......
  19. Definitely Waterloo .... judging by the door hinges I'd guess the coach was a BSK - probably from the Exhibition Van fleet based at Salisbury : which ties in with waterloo, of course ................... but why the 'K9' / APT snout is a mystery.
  20. Ah - that makes more sense ! ...... I was thinking the Loch was behind the photographer in the first picture and couldn't figure out how he'd got Ben Nevis in shot from that angle : clearly it was some lesser summit and the Loch is off to the left. Anyway, THIS photo seems to show a replacement Camping Car as the panelling doesn't look very pullmanesque and I think there's a turnunder to the bodyside.
  21. She was built as a Parlour Car in 1910 ( Birmingham C.& .W.) , "was partly wrecked whilst stationary on the Dover Admiralty Pier Extension by heavy seas" (!) in October 1911, rebuilt as a Kitchen Car in January 1924 and ended up as Camping Coach in '61. Profile 5 gives no further details between those dates so presumably Savona led a relatively uneventful life trundling round the Southern. ( This volume has a specific chapter on S.E.C.R. services 1910-14 and details of all Camping Coach conversions in an appendix ...... hopefully more details will emerge in a future volume.)
  22. Camping Coach 44 - ex "Savona" - was converted in 1961 and - according to Pullman Profile No.5 - was at Corpach from '61 to'64 .......... in which case the land in the background doesn't come any higher in these islands.
  23. According to the 1982 / 1983 edition of Departmental Coaching Stock ( 1, Southern Region ) ADS1459 was an Outdoor Machinery Department Generator Van - hence the vents ! ( ASD1459 worked with former SECR PMV - Staff & Tool Van - ADS1035 : this was preserved at the K&ESR but is now at the Bluebell.)
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