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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Heavy-handed? Give me a break and please, at least, note that I have tried to explain the imperatives. I accept there needs to be improvement on the latter point but I just stay logged in.
  2. I've known some pub customers make a pint stretch all night, but 6 months? The crisps will go soft too.
  3. I'm not saying that blocker will be there all the time but it's only fair that as many as possible pay a bit rather than leaning on those of you who do pay towards the upkeep so it will appear periodically - or I adopt different approaches. I'm not saying that everyone has to pay; but if they don't want to they should accept the ads.
  4. And since that time I pushed for something that was just targetted at making RMweb users have a better experience for a low-cost.
  5. I've been back again. Virtually all of the images back to the beginning of your topic would have been lost March/April (and no further ones since then) - if you still saw images in early posts it's likely that they were held in your local cache.
  6. Thank you; that's useful and I'll take a further look at it. Honestly no; it said 'send all my hydraulics to Andy'.
  7. I came here again to look at where you may have any image issues (after you told me to) but I haven't observed anything in the pages I've looked at at random over the last year. What I do see is the comment quoted. That 'gold crap' along with 'unwanted' adverts is helping pay for your usage of the site; the server needs paying for, a portion of my time too and surely any business has a right to cover its costs at least. If it didn't there wouldn't be a site. I work hard to try and ensure we give good value and user experience but comments like those above make me wonder why I bother sometimes; thankfully not everyone thinks and feels the same way and they value the site and its longevity so I get up and do it all again every day. Some even say "I can't chip in but I do appreciate what the site has meant to me over the years" and, you know what, that's just fine by me. I don't come here to be insulted though. You could have just kept quiet and under the radar (without offending me) and just got on with life.
  8. I'm stating the patently obvious. Another one to lob silly antagonistic comments now. 🙄
  9. I went and looked and could see recently posted images - be a little more helpful (rather than antagonistic) and provide a link to any posts with an issue and I'll take a look. Lobbing stroppy comments isn't the best way of going about it.
  10. It's all a balancing act. If a site can't be viable ultimately it disappears, I (and the business) have a long term commitment to making it viable.
  11. I would if I could but, as previously advised, it's not possible. Sorry, what else can be said? Many users have restored images from their original files. Second time? There was only one instance - Mar/April this year.
  12. I wouldn't disagree with the implementation of some of them. Believe me, I do say my piece and I do get very frustrated with the speed of resolving identified issues. This is why I pushed Premium through - a low-cost solution for the equivalent of £1 per month so that people have the choice.
  13. Advertisers pay for exposure; you can also pay if you don't want to see adverts.
  14. You've had free use for the last 13 years and aren't prepared to accept adverts? It was a polite notice.
  15. When you are logged in they shouldn't appear.
  16. I've only just started configuring it. When complete it shouldn't affect Gold/Premium members.
  17. You've seen all the Black Friday offers around but this is, genuinely, our best ever package that we've put together. For this week only World of Railways plus access which includes RMweb Gold membership is £4.99. If that's the price you sign up at that's the price you'll continue to pay. World of Railways Plus gives you all this... Every digital issue of BRM, Garden Rail, Traction, Narrow Gauge World and Engineering in Miniature as soon as they are published - that's 52 magazines a year. Every digital back issue! Additional content No Google Ads on RMweb plus access to sell your items In addition to the fantastic £4.99 a month offer we are holding a prize draw; firstly every new customer who signs up this week will have a chance to win either a Locomotion Models Precedent 'Hardwicke' or a Bachmann Narrow Gauge OO9 Mainline Hunslet loco. You must enter your RMweb username in the correct field in the signup process and/or use the same email address you are registered on here with. If you sign up to WoR+ you must also have an RMweb login - if you haven't it's free to join here - https://www.rmweb.co.uk/register/ We are note forgetting our existing Gold users either as everyone who is a Gold/WoR+ member by the end of Wednesday 30th November will go into a draw for either as Bachmann 4BEP unit of a Farish Class 319 unit! Theoretically the same person could win both draws but the likelihood is one of the big prizes will end up in the hands of one of our existing members. We will hold the draw by Friday 2nd December and contact the winner(s) by RMweb PM and email. So, no spin, no frills, it is what it says it is - a genuinely great offer giving the best value for money we can give possible with the added chance to get lucky. Click here to start your sign-up process. This offer will finish at the end of Wednesday 30th November.
  18. That seems worse than most have encountered, it's something to do with cookies but can't get to the bottom of it. It's worth trying an RMweb enema and clear any site cookies and history; it's worked for some but no means all. Also try in another browser.
  19. AY Mod


    Sticky enter key? Sticky space bar?
  20. The dogs are most impressed.
  21. Life goes on in all its trivial forms, if there were any justice today Elon Musk would concede that he's nothing more than a spiteful child and our local Amazon driver would be suspended by his plums from the lamppost across the road; purely for my visual entertainment.
  22. I have only been able to administer the verbal and written equivalent to the incompetent fatherless individual. Permanent physical reminders would be satisfying but of no merit to our cause. If such injuries were likely to elicit a successful outcome I'd have probably done the deed.
  23. Give us a clue Lee, which subforum? I'll put a couple of quid on UK Prototype.
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