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Torbay Express

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Everything posted by Torbay Express

  1. Only Europe? I thought your Accurafolk had passports and diplomatic immunity...... Good luck with the competition. If you don't win, maybe there will be a prize for the most travelled figures, to get you a set of replacements with full anatomies! Allegedly Fran is quite jealous of all the places that he has been in 4mm, so if your case is heavy next time check for stowaways!
  2. To celebrate 5 years in style, I herd everyone was to get a full refund for all models purchased, and a free set of Caledonian Sleeper Coaches.......
  3. I think that the largest issue with the ebay thing, is simply the Chinese are a pretty intelligent bunch, and they can see all this 'third party inflation' by logging on a computer or their mobile phones. They start seeing those prices and you wonder why prices go up extortionatly year after year, like with other manufacturers. Its simple - they produce an item for x, see on e-bay a few sell for 3 or 4 times, and all of a sudden models are costing much more from the manufacturers, because they think every item should be selling for 'that much!', and are happy to increase prices accordingly....
  4. Will it matter when you weather and graffiti yours up?????
  5. Patience is a virtue! Sure there will be a another batch made in good time.
  6. At least Accurafolk don't come dressed as TPE Senior Conductors and Drivers!
  7. Unfortunately model railways production don't quite fall into your rosey world. Production quantities are set many months in advance, components ordered, factory slots made etc., etc.. Accurascale have increased quantities for previous items. Everyone can pre-order, if it has a genuine reason for return you can return it, plus I would say that Accurascale has a reputation for high quality, so what is not to like. If you want to see before you buy, nothing wrong with it, but you cannot expect companies to make another 500 extra to ensure on the off chance, one is available for you, should you decide to buy one. If your local retailer happens to have one when you visit, and you like it, great. But ultimately its not really anyones fault but yours if you miss out. Not everything sells out, few recent model wagons of note. Also, when the funds come in from this product, they can then be ploughed back i to fund the next item. Companies in this day and age do not like stock hanging around, that is true of most manufacturers and is a fact of life.
  8. Of course if Accurascale send out these TPE Mk5's, it will be totally unprototypical to run them.......
  9. At one time EPS was difficult to get licensing for I believe, hence only Hornby bothered and Lima didn't! Shame someone didn't think about the night star coaches, instead of letting them rot and eventually giving them away, they could have been used to displace Mk3 sleepers many years ago!
  10. Apararantly they are going to Cornwall next week, but in the meantime to give you hope they have been billing people in advance of its arrival!
  11. Try inflammatory bowel disease, a real crap illness! It could be worse - have you ever tried to shovel it in a stool sample pot...... Never designed by anyone who has ever used one. Its amazing what still pops out the bottom of older trains.......
  12. Allegedly the reason its taking so long to announce the next batch, is Fran's insisting that they make his favourite 37 - 'Brewster' from Chuggington. Its just taking a while for McC to get the rights.....
  13. Not wishing to detract from the new one being discussed here which is a work of art. BUT....... If you look at something like 'Two Bridges' on YouTube, then not much at all! Tonbridge West Yard has also used mainly Lima in the past too.
  14. I still love my....... A few GBRf's in the fleet...... ..... Perhaps I should join Sheds Annonymous, although as part of my 'therapy' I may thin them out a little to make room for a Class 69 and GBRf Class 50's.
  15. Praise where its due..... Good old Hornby ones spotted below. Totally wrong shade of blue,but grilles firmly attached........
  16. Just investigated...... Good news..... A modelling website does say that it is the same! Bad news..... apparently stopped making it in January 2022! Why.......oh why...... Revive seems to be as light or dark wood oils now, instead of the Revive Gloss!
  17. Thanks, will try..... But not cleaning the wooden flooring again.
  18. Bachy had them tooled in their Collectors Club bit at Warley. Would be a nice taste of your own medicine for 043.....
  19. Let's hope that they run better. Some 180's may be meeting the cutters torch soon. Little men.... Are you sure you have not been commendered by a competor and took a shrink ray and fly squatter. Fran and McC been quite recently.... Its a hard one. There is a lot to balance. Economic situation, response of competitor to announcements, factory slots, other products - Class 31/50/89 and coaches all due by the end of the year. Personally I'd keep the faith.....Very good model, competively priced and sooner or later with A/S having their foot on the ball, what you want is pretty much guaranteed to come. Its just a little harder for them. What do they say about patience, bustling dogs and fools and their money ?
  20. Production sample sent to Kernow to before the bulk. Be quite a task to send a few hundred back! Hoping the Accurascale Designer has been given free reign to design something special for the box. If its just their standard Cornish Flag will look like a side view of the Penzance Shunter.....
  21. I was just thinking of that myself. I don't know what the staff turnover is at the factory Accurascales locomotives are produced at, but expect that it is less than others as the staff are supposidly treated well. You only have to look how clean everything is, good lighting, staff in HV vests etc., as evidence. The worst part of the Chinese New Year if virus rates in the factory are so high, is staff going home, and inevitably some from the factory taking Covid to their families, and vice-versa. As long as people have remained as safe as they can be, very little else that can be done. Models will come when they come. Not important in the grand scheme of things.
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