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Everything posted by Grovenor

  1. Network Rail at Fenchurch St use 5 scissors crossovers. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Fenchurch+Street+Station+(Cooper's+Row+entrance)/@51.5107384,-0.0711778,19z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x48760314ac9dc937:0x103634b8a3471789!8m2!3d51.5110539!4d-0.0771269!16s%2Fg%2F11k_4n7s5q?entry=ttu (The lower two lines are the DLR)
  2. The through hole version is available as kit 236. Now sold as single boards rather than the original 4 packs.
  3. Since, presumably the system can operate two points toe to toe, then there should be no problem using the exact same controls for a double slip. The screen symbol may not look like a double slip but it will be functionally the same.
  4. There is one of each in the photos to show the difference. 🤨
  5. For bullhead track the rail in turnouts were normally canted at 20 degrees just as in plain line, this also applies to many versions of flatbottom but recent (ish) 113lb flatbottom do use vertical rails in turnouts, identified as such in the track manuals. More recently I understand that turnouts made with the heavier UIC60 rail have reverted to inclined rails. Referring to UK practice, overseas railways may well be different. Anyone building track with the plastic chairs used functionally should ensure their track gauge does not hold the rail vertical, thus avoiding the problem.
  6. https://www.scalefour.org/members/digests/dl.php?f=62-0v1-2.pdf But you need to be a member. This one is public, https://www.scalefour.org/p4-standards/ Better clearance info will be found on the back page of this, https://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk/documents/MoT_Requirements1950.pdf
  7. So not a random choice at all! Previous info in error. 😒
  8. http://www.kitmaster.org.uk/ Might give some help, Its a question that's never been clear to me. The Interfrigo van was not kitmaster, Airfix introduced it and it is H0.
  9. Given that the map suggests that the road connects a whole village to the main road, hence the high number of users one wonders why a user worked crossing is considered acceptable.
  10. The act, ISTR is an "Enabling act", that does not seem to imply that actually building it is compulsory. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/high-speed-rail-west-midlands-to-crewe-bill The wording in the bill is " Power to construct and maintain works for Phase 2a of High Speed 2 (1)The nominated undertaker may construct and maintain the works specified in Schedule 1, being—" Note that it uses "may" not "will". So far as I can see there is no need to repeal the bill, it can just be ignored. But there may be complications with any land compulsorily purchased as the powers only extend to purchase for the purposes of the project, so if the project does not go ahead there may be problems arising there.
  11. The way questions 4 and 5 are presented is wierd, IMHO. If I arrive at an exhibition, having made that my day out I'm going to pay the entry fee requested and not going to ask what the organiser is going to do with it then start haggling over bits. But if told that the ticket is a tenner but I can pay an extra fiver if I so wish I would most likely decline the optional part. But this may depend on what and how the environmental charge is to be used for, who gets it etc.
  12. I agree, if a banner is needed there it is more important for through trains on the main line that are not stopping, as such it would be better moved to the right close to the the point toes so it can be better seen when approaching from the through line.
  13. What are you thinking to connect the NCE unit to via the CANUSB4? The CANUSB4 is intended to connect a MERG CBUS system to a PC, an NCE power cab does not fit in that scenario.
  14. The track is fine, the OP says all his trains run. The ballast won't affect all the point motors.
  15. How do you know tha CDU output is fine? Its pretty obviously a power problem but surely your CDU does not have any connection to the rails where your short was. Get yourself a multimeter and use it to trace the power supply from the Power supply unit (PSU), through the CDU, the switches then the point motors. there must be a fault in the common part of the circuit, PSU or CDU or the feed wire to the switches or a common return connection from the point motors.
  16. It is specifically mentioned in the article that maintenance resources have been reduced on instruction from the government.
  17. Given that the 337 billion being saved only starts sometime after 2030 when they would have needed to borrow it to fund section 2A, where are they going to find the money for all these replacement schemes that Rishi says will be done quicker, and some papers were reporting as a blitz on transport fixes? If the money is readily available they could have accelerated HS2 instead of deferring/cancelling it.
  18. On Shinkansen turn round times 4 trains per hour per platform is do-able so 6 platforms should be plenty for the 18 tph originally planned for, the 11 then 10 platforms were very wasteful.
  19. The shinkansen manage intermediate stations where the loop ends are maybe 30% of a train length from the platform ends. eg. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@35.1267777,138.9094169,182m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
  20. Rule 1 is always applicable. While real country railways mostly have plenty of room that is not true of models so compromise is needed.
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