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Everything posted by Grovenor

  1. Still a bit like overkill, it would work just fine without FPL 8, crossover 7 would still be held normal by 6. So still covering for a very unlikely circumstance. None of the other 5 traps being locked in this way.
  2. Which is, of course the very reason we have timed approach release on diverging routes, to ensure that speed is reduced. The obvious loophol;e that then occurs when the signal is so far back that the train can easily accelerate to an unsafe speed between signal and turnout has been known since the 1960s at least and can be avoided at the design stagewith a bit of effort, so those who agreed on the relaxation of design standards that the SM references should take some of the responsibility for allowing a reduction in the safety provided by the design. Of course there are now mitigations possible that were not available earlier through use of TPWs, and evehtually ETCS, as Phil mentioned.
  3. Note that the upper left siding should also have a trap point to protect the running line. As Mike says, its the left hand blades on a slip that control the divergence to the right. (And the right hand frog polarity).
  4. Jim, The SM just put it correctly, it is always the first stop signal that must be expected at stop, and this is enforced by Rule 39a and its successors. There can be a different situation if leaving manual block and entering track circuit block where a distant, or its equivalent, may show a double yellow.
  5. Plenty such photos and drone flights in this thread, just try looking back a few pages. 🙂
  6. If its a scale version to 1:120 then you need wheels to 1:120, 3mm society wheels will be to big. One hopes Hornby or Peco will sell wheels seperately in due course.
  7. However I don't think there is any reason for moving with the body up that requires movement any faster than 1st gear so a warning or locking system based on gear or speed as has been suggested should be trivial to implement.
  8. Where have you got this info from? I have not seen any statement that suggests that the car crashed through the gates.
  9. Perhaps this one? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.2571625,-0.7695783,3a,15y,304.35h,86.67t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sknF7D7lV6-MX1bbLtGG-5w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DknF7D7lV6-MX1bbLtGG-5w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D120.07836%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
  10. Tank engines are mentioned in the magazine, letter and reply, bottom of page 32.
  11. Should you want to learn about current speed signalling, as opposed to an historical experiment, then it is essentially the North American standard and Google will find you all you want to know and more. Be warned, it takes a bit of effort to get your head around it, and there are a lot of minor variations used on different railroads that can make it tricky to work out what the asic system is.
  12. Isn't there an equivalent in the Trix range that is already DC?
  13. The DLR Train Captain, or whatever the current job title is, can be anywhere in a 3 car set so may not be seen in the front for significant periods. Door closing, which they must do, can be done from any doorway. When there is a need to drive manually then they do so from the front desk. Also if there is a report of tresspassers or there are staff trackside for some reason, usually on the sections adjacent to NR, then they may go to the front desk to be in a position to blow the horn or emergency brake. Doors can also be closed from the front desk using the platform mirrors.
  14. Lovely sunny day and so much work still to be done, and so much plant on site and nothing happening. There seemed to be in the region of a 100 earthmovers parked up as well as lots of cranes etc. How much does all that cost just to sit there idle. The management needs to get a grip.
  15. When that arrangement was introduced there was already many years experience with both types of signal so the likely effect was pretty obvious. 🙂
  16. Indeed, those press statements are a total distortion of history, alternative facts?
  17. The email has no mention of DCC that I can see, why do you assume its TSX fitted? Click through to the order page and the details say its "DCC ready with a 21 pin socket"! My assumption is that the sound player is a talking birthday card style cheapie that will play on DC operation. And given its very specific that they only have 1000 its not really going to do wonders for their bottom line, maybe they are hoping for a bunch of extra club members who will eventually buy a lot more. 🙂
  18. Saw a company selling Union Jack doormats the other day. Not sure what message that is intended to convey?
  19. See also, http://www.norgrove.me.uk/garratts.htm
  20. Thats pretty much the standard solution when the dogbone is single track. I looked at whether it could be done in that location using two reversers but running into the terminus from the outer track involves crossing a short section of the inner track thus creating the short section problem we are trying to avoid. To avoid restrictions that someone operating has to remember you need the 4 reversing sections as above.
  21. Thank you Mike, exactly what I said several posts back. Its the only reasonably simple solution that avoids any restrictions on the operation.
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