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Everything posted by bimble

  1. is it any more significant than that bridge built by Brunel over the GW main line that's giving them clearance problems??
  2. Well, to spread the blame of luxury car/poor driving a bit wider, I was very nearly side swiped by a Mercedes Benz driving into Oxford this morning, after they drove past the queue of traffic turning off the A40 and then tried to pull in our lane at the lights at the turnoff. He was being followed by a BMW who was doing exactly the same thing (I could tell, as he WAS indicating).
  3. I would have thought that under fair use laws, making a model for personal use would be fine... unless you were planning on selling them for profit, in which case permission might be needed.
  4. Probably for the same reason that the first loco that hit 100mph WAS Flying Scotsman, no matter how strong the argument for City of Turo is, because FS was proven, whereas CoT was only claimed. So whilst the S1 claims to have hit up to 156mph, Mallard could prove 126mph.
  5. It looks to be one of the variants of the V100, that became Classes 211/212/213 DB V100
  6. well, we're losing our nice brightly coloured trains for some dull grey livery... though as I've yet to see one in that livery that doesn't appear to be high on the list either...
  7. can you imagine the outrage if the NRM had decided for any reason to do something similar with Flying Scotsman...
  8. coming back from a week working in Manchester and driving south on the M6 through the 50mph section round Crewe when I saw a HGV driver who's driving could best be described as 'aggressive'. Even though the traffic was quite heavy, it was moving at 50mph, but that didn't stop him from speeding (to undertake) whenever possible, tailgating cars, flashing lights, driving in the 3rd lane...
  9. fixed it for you... what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander... but no doubt that after investigations, various recommendations will be made, and when we next have weather like that in four or five years we'll find out if anyone recalls them at the time.
  10. I will admit, after being up at 5.30 yesterday to go to Bristol to photograph the university archery champs, not getting home till 22.30, then having to get up again at 5.30 this morning to get to Pimlico for work... it would have been nice to have a car that I could just have told "home" and then woken up a couple of hours later at my destination... but I did have a nice nap this afternoon...
  11. I know the plan is to run shortened rakes in Scotland, but even so!!
  12. Though if you were to ignore the through lines at Richmond, and look at the four terminal lines, one pair is used by Overground (3rd rail), whilst the other pair is used by Underground, which then combine and head off to Kew Gardens together. If you were pretend that the Overground lines continued that would give you something similar. Amersham is another station where on combined tracks separate and 4th rail lines terminate and (I think in this case) unelectrified carry on. Though in this case the Underground lines continue past and the trains use that to change platforms for the return journey.
  13. Was watching 'Charlotte Grey' on Film4, and in one scene they blow up some tracks in France to derail a train hauling tanks on flat beds. Some vague shots in the dark showing some large 2-10-0 locomotive, and then a nice close up of the smokebox to show the number 92240, demonstrating the loco in question was a BR 9F, not built until Oct '58 and that that scene must have been shot on the Bluebell line.
  14. Would the journeys that the railway staff took to get to work to run a service be deemed "life or death" then...?? Because if no-one is supposed to be travelling, what would be the point of putting a service on? There is no money in running empty trains up and down the track because everyone is supposed to be staying at home. If it is acceptable for you to go into work, why is it not acceptable for me to go into work? I wouldn't consider the majority of railway staff to be a "life or death" service* (unlike let's say, the emergency services), so in theory they should all of stayed at home... at which point there's no train service for people to take, no packed passenger train to break down, no stranded passengers, etc... if a Train Company is going to provide a service, you can't then blame the passengers for making use of that service. Don't want people to travel... don't run the trains. * - and I'm including myself there** ** - though I actually did stay home on the Thur... mostly because I'd finished my work the day before so didn't have anything that needed doing
  15. And yet the drivers and other railway staff also felt the need to be at work... and without whom, there would have been no train there to break down in the first place... if The Service doesn't want people to travel, it's very easy... don't allow passengers on (and take that flak), but you can't them lay (all) the blame on the passengers if they make use of a service running when people have been told not to travel. Whilst there certainly is blame to be laid at the passengers who endangered lives by making a forced evacuation on to live lines, being broken down, literally, a stones throw from a platform of a busy, staffed, station for three hours... I'm not 100% certain I wouldn't have gone "screw it" and joined them.
  16. presumably, the old, non-retention tank style train toilets had fewer issues with breaking... just saying... (they were out of order on the train in question, as opposed to non-present?? I can't remember...)
  17. Well, if we're getting rid of all the current classes, the new engines can be whatever you want, and possibly better suited to a topic such as the 'imaginary locos' thread. Otherwise expanding the newer classes, such as the 68s, 70s and 88s, but everything brought in to replace the removed locomotives will be new enough to be whatever you want. Though you may have to retire some class numbers, Class 19 for your Type 1, Classes 34/39 for your Type 3 and Class 49 for your Type 4 are available. Cup holders, in cab A/C, comfy seats, good traction plus however much power that each requires...
  18. Surely it would still be cheaper, if the bizarre political oucome given was to come about, for a BR2.0 to buy the stock that's currently being used, and has an expected lifetime of beyond 2023 (didn't the last lot of 66's arrive only a handful of years ago?), than to scrap and replace everything? Talk about a magic money tree and all that...
  19. They have them at Edinburgh Zoo.... Penguin Cam
  20. There were a couple of photos from Big Jim is his 'Down by the tracks with Colas' thread yesterday (the link should jump to the correct post)
  21. That's ok, it's an average after all... I'm about ten years in and only just laying track...
  22. As a Canadian comedy band I enjoy listening to once sung, "I am not American"
  23. congratulations to all involved, I certainly enjoyed watching the show and am glad that Silver Lady got to the end! So... where next??
  24. those last two photos make a passable attempt at a nice, snowy day... who needs to add grass??
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