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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. with a 6 storey car park due to be built where the current station car park is, the overall effect will not be far off the provender...
  2. Its looking a bit odd down between Didcot and Milton Park. Different gantry's have over each track: a single registry arm off a single mount (vertical pole between the arm and gantry) some have two registry arms off a single mount some have two registry arms off two mounts - one each side of the gantry (bolted together for stability?) I will try and get some photos tomorrow.
  3. The Panalpina building has been divided into a few units around three years ago. It was empty for a year or so - DHL solutions (formally Danzas) had it before that for a pick/pack operation. Panalpina seemingly hold the back of the building near the railines, DHL have the front left corner as a courier depot, and a couple of smaller concerns utilise the office space (IT and fire alarm support companies), with a couple of spaces left on the address panel. The only train I can recall having seen on the siding in the last decade was a steam engine and gronk lashup from the railway centre which I guess was lowloader bound - this was a number of years ago. Network rail do seem to have kept up the maintenance and inspections on their part, based on activity seen over the years as driving to/from Didcot.
  4. Was it (the UWC) in public service when issues were discovered? Just wondering if a local(s) had started using it and then had it taken away again?
  5. There is a merge point at Milton Interchange A34 if you head onto Milton Park, this has signs saying "merge in turn" located on a bend....interesting moment of head scratching for me as a novice driver (over a decade ago I hasten to add) : Does it mean merge like a zip or merge on the turn....
  6. Magazine subscription £48 for 2 years or £48 for one year with a complimentry soldering iron...seems an odd definition of complimentry to me....

    1. bgman


      Yep you can easily get your fingers burnt with that offer !

    2. davefrk


      Yeah, I have a magazine on direct debit but I have found that their 'regular' special offers on annual subs can out do the convenience of the direct debit by quite a margin so I'll be cancelling it over the summer and get my 3 free issues or the free camera bag or the free treking trousers.

  7. RSS Boaty McBoaty...and this is why the internet can't be trusted with nice things :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Idiots let loose with toys that should be reserved for adults.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It probably sounded like a most erudite contribution after 15 pints of cheap lager.

    4. petethemole


      After 15 pints of gnat's p*** I'd expect it to be called 'Ralph' or 'Hughie'.

  8. RSS Boaty McBoaty...and this is why the internet can't be trusted with nice things :)

  9. I have seen a few comments about the indicating right to go straight over a roundabout. On the roundabout closest to my flat I have had to adopt that strategy after around 10 incidents in the first 3 months of moving in, of other road users assuming no indicator he must be turning left....I tried returning to highway code recommendations around 5 years later and had two further occurrence's within a week on the same roundabout. With a suitable speed it wasn't an issue, but my car does look nicer in its natural shape, regardless of who would be at fault in an incident....over indication will therefore prevail for some time to come....
  10. Do the BBC mean the person or the limb?
  11. Do you think that if I start a community protest about the same spans towering above the town of Didcot across the embankment and demanding changes to all the masts, per the precedent being set in Goring, that NR would see some kind of sense against wasting public funds to this extent? Could then go onto protest the ruining of the view from the Ridgeway, The Clumps, Great Western Park, White Horse Hill etc... Or do they intend to stall the Goring residents for a while, and then claim the failure to act as promised is all the fault of the next CEO or significant figurehead to fall on their sword over the project, and that its now too late to act without significant disruption/cost?
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORq6O5x0zOQ but then I like my pop cheesy...
  13. Not impressed with pressure sales technique in a certain high street electical store yesterday - left the goods at the till...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoD


      You have just spent 20 minutes covincing me what a good quality reliable product this is. Why are you trying to sell me an extra warranty? Did you tell porkies?

    3. big jim

      big jim

      ive done the same, told them when i first got in dont try and sell me a warentee, chose the cooker then they tried the sales spiel so i just walked out without completing the sale

    4. John Tomlinson

      John Tomlinson

      Had something similar in Oak Furnitureland a while ago, a shame as we do like their stuff. Stood firm against the assistant who suddenly suggested the previously excellent product might well fall apart after a year.


      Concluded these dreadful people are probably on commission for the guarantees they flog, one way for businesses to make back the margins they've had to reduce with our oversupplied retail sector.

  14. Why bother spending on studying the traffic when you can just announce what you intend to do, and then analyse the howls of complaint to see if there are any genuine concerns built on local knowledge?
  15. I notice a larger number of the poles are going up through Didcot, particularly alongside Aldi.
  16. whats happened to the FGW website???

    1. Horsetan


      It's probably being repainted in that new livery...

    2. bigP
  17. And it came in such a big almost flat box that when given one for xmas at 4 years old I didn't realise it was there in its wrapped form and sat down on top of it to open my presents...
  18. Nah the one that gets on my nerves this week is the drivers that expect a thank you on a silver platter simply because they fulfilled their legal obligation of giving way at a zebra crossing...I would rather pedestrians just thanked me by making their way across as swiftly as they can...
  19. Where is the "Why TF are these people allowed to breed" button when you need it....
  20. No but try it on a London yellow box junction as our company van driver found out a few years back....
  21. Don't worry Phil I thought your recent post was bang on the money.
  22. Indeed I have driven around 10,000 miles in the last 12 months and the only level crossing I have been over is the one over the bunk line in Wallingford, not exactly a hotbed of activity, although the wife finds it funny how disappointed I can get at not being stopped
  23. Have the actual final production weights, opposed to the design spec, been released into the public domain? I understand from comments on another forum that Hitachi are being a bit coy about them and the test unit didn't have them printed on the end of the vehicles. This may make any power to weight comparisons subject to revision?
  24. I saw the CCTV footage before it got pulled from YouTube and can say that the car involved was third in a line of traffic, and it did stop immediately and the drivers door opened before the footage ended. If I were to speculate I would suggest the driver had assumed they were ok for the crossing as part of a group of cars and was therefore looking out towards the right hand side of the vehicle to check for oncoming traffic coming round the white building and turning opposite, as the gate started to swing in from the left.
  25. My first thought on reading this debate is fair play to the members who have still turned out to help the event even though they don't support the traction - it can be all too easy for volunteers to find alternative plans if they don't like a planned activity....
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