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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. I suspect they are simply planning to wind down stocks over the coming months and don’t wish to have rumours flying round that they have issues obtaining stock when retailers find they can’t reorder. Far East production lead times can easily hit six to nine months and so they almost certainly won’t be ordering any more now.
  2. Scanned into a depot but not onto the next trailer/van in the chain.
  3. Managing a team at a wholesaler that despatch tens of thousands of parcels by various courier each year, I would suggest 3 to 5 days is a realistic time for dpd to search and resolve to Hattons (their customer). This is frustrating and annoying for you as Hattons customer but does reflect the time it takes for : 1)Hattons to go to dpds central customer service team 2)them to track it and go to both the depot it was last tracked at and the one it was destined for 3)they can both conduct searches both in the building and any parcels left on every van when they return in the evening 4) any other depots can scan any misrouted parcels 5)the results of the searches can be relayed to central customer service 6) customer service can relay to hattons 7) hattons can decide on a course of action, based on good faith in the info from dpd and revert to you. It could be something as simple as the label wasn’t flat and a conveyor has ripped it off, Leading to it going to a unidentified parcel stack or placed on the wrong overnight trailer and going via another part of the country. This is all based around couriers that run on minimum financial margins, and staffing that go with it, in line with everyone’s expectations of the cheapest possible delivery charges. The only courier I have found that truly take 20 days to confirm lost is Royal Mail, which I believe deliver the majority of hattons orders and is therefore likely to guide their “standard” customer service responses.
  4. http://metro.co.uk/2018/04/17/free-nhs--enlargement-therapy-offered-to-4x4-drivers-7475078/
  5. Assuming these are not email notifications. If you have logged in via a browser on your phone it may still be logged in. Try opening the browser on the phone and go to Facebook. If it opens in your account it is logged in. Choose sign out and the notifications should stop. Alternatively if you go to settings > security and login, you should be able to see devices currently logged in.
  6. Who is responsible for any form or warranty on the masts and what terms would be involved? As a theoretical example would it “be install by date x as we ain’t prepared to warranty something that has been lying in puddles for months at a time”?
  7. I would email the manufacturers and ask, as a wholesaler of other products we issue excel pricelists routinely that have this, and deleting trade prices and emailing would take seconds. I cannot imagine this would be any more difficult for them, if you can get past the first level customer service team.
  8. Part of the joy of Readings new layout is that as an occasional user you never know which side the platform will be on on arrival, and invariably it will be someone that doesn’t know on the side with the platform..l
  9. Am I right in thinking this boiled down to Vettel exiting the track and speeding up on the approach to the pits, and the silver team miscalculating the time this would take? If so does the vsc delta cover the pit approach or does it need to extend to include it?
  10. Don’t forget we need a mid season dip from Hamilton, to give the media their annual opportunity to slag off his lifestyle and how he doesn’t commit enough focus to the sport
  11. Going back to the debate on convoys and slip roads, why not move the conveys into the Audi/BMW Lane and allow undertaking in the middle lane? With careful use of indicators it should work safely.
  12. How many laps did McLaren manage in races last season???
  13. But he has set an interesting pace this afternoon, depending on how much coasting the others are doing. Second fastest to kimi.
  14. One of our family has developed a medical condition for which a permenant cure seems unlikely, I wish we had two toilets as it would make life much easier when their symptoms are bad...
  15. Apparently the biggest issue with condenser boilers at the moment is the outlet water pipe freezing over, leading to a safety cut out. This is a plastic pipe running outside the house into a soak away, and gently running boiling water from a kettle down it is the remedy....
  16. Sadly times like this do show the oddity’s of modern logistic chains. For example if I courier parcels from Didcot to Swindon( or Brighton ) they go via a national hub in Stoke on Trent.... This then feed through to many more overnight motorway journeys than seem logical...
  17. Velleman also do a kit but it’s around the £50 mark.
  18. Interestingly I gave up trying to get tips for my maplin branded soldering station after all local branches ( and their website) were sold out for over 6 months.
  19. I think the big difference is that many services are outsourced by councils, meaning their employees can’t be diverted at a whim (apparently bin men be diverted to snow clearing etc round here). This and the relative infrequency makes it an unlikely area to invest in, for example looking at my employers stats we have had less than 10 days of disruption in a decade due to snow...
  20. The news today is a big shame, I always enjoyed a good wonder round their stores, I do however wonder what more they could have done to remain competitive and relevant to the modern market ? I always plan tasks and purchase materials ahead of time and can only think of one occasion in the last decade where I made a last minute dash to get some solder for use on the day. I do also feel for the staff, having watched various family members go through redundancy processes I wouldn’t wish the stress and uncertainty on anybody.
  21. http://www.espn.co.uk/f1/story/_/id/22595076/formula-one-launch-live-streaming-service-f1-tv Wonder if this will come to the uk or if Bernie stitched it up with the sky deal. At $8 to $12 a month it’s a lot more palitible than handing anything to the Murdoch empire.
  22. I wondered where he intended to stick it when he got back to the garage...
  23. What type of heating do you have, particularly in the room with the vent? Any fireplaces(even if unused by you at this time) or gas appliances? If so it will be to ensure adequate ventilation for them. It will likely also help suppress damp mold and damp from occurring, especially if you dry clothing indoors.
  24. Are you using the same usb socket each time, and as you have used previously? I have found on some pcs each time you use a different socket, it installs a “new” printer...
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