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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. When I was in the cadets one of the officers had a nifty trick with rear fog lights for tailgaters...
  2. For me it is not a question of not being prepared to pay to be entertained, it is a)paying anything towards a service controlled by the Murdocks. b) the total cost of even just race day access on now tv (cheapest way I can find to get skyf1 access) is more than I am prepared to pay to sit at home. At £3.50 Per race weekend I would buy in to a different service.
  3. I would check your credit files (equifax and Experian) to see if they have added entries to this that may cause you grief with any finance application in the next few years. Don’t get suckered into the monthly sign up for a fee, simply get the £2 statutory report...
  4. We had quotes for dpd and their rep told us they don’t accept multiples taped or strapped together due, to the type of conveyor they use in their depots.
  5. Got mine this week, thanks for the heads up.
  6. Simply because not everyone makes it to adulthood. The higher the child mortality rate (accident, illness etc) of a country the higher the ratio to maintain a stable population.
  7. I would suggest it is, doing so in public less so....
  8. What frequency do these work on and is it anywhere near that of WiFi repeaters?
  9. They did seem to be busy with hacksaws on the track a few times, and the comment in the next week preview about expansion joints would seem to be the explanation to the separate joining piece.
  10. Interested to know where they got the “2nd most popular hobby” statistic from... I will stick with it as light entertainment but suspect the fashion for impending doom in tv programs is not too far away.
  11. In my industry there has been a significant drop in the number of on the road sales reps across almost every company over the last five years or so. This is because of a significant shift in the interaction our customers want with us day to day and a move over to social media/online relationships. I have also had a significant drop in the number of approaches to meet reps from everything from photocopier to freight suppliers in a similar period.
  12. It’s an interesting strategy, how many of their regular advertisers rely on these shows for their income as traders?
  13. The sprinkler systems I have seen within warehouses have a glass bulb in the sprinkler head. If it reaches a certain temperature the bulb breaks and lets the pressurised water behind it flow out. They appeared to be fed directly off a rising main. I don’t know if other systems work differently.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-42533830 The damage to the floor is apparent in the pictures in this article, not sure what it says for the rest of the structure.
  15. With our local one I turned up an hour before advertised closing and got waved in without payment.
  16. Having seen some involvement as a supplier to one of these channels, for a show we would typically offer 10 related products or kits. Of the 10 typically 1 or 2 will sell out during the live show and the rest during repeats or online catchup times. Obviously with it being a repeat showing of a live show they don’t edit it down, and if there is a demonstrator showing how to use the product and you edit bits out people get quite upset.
  17. The frustration I have with Microsoft is when their own software stops working nicely together such as the latest internet explorer not playing nicely with the web access interface to Microsoft exchange.
  18. But surely if they form a breakaway using Ferrari engines and chassis on a Haas type agreement to all participants they couldn’t lose???
  19. I tend to use it as a starting point, and then look for further information to backup, or disprove its information.
  20. http://www.espn.co.uk/f1/story/_/id/21565642/fia-considers-using-f1-power-units-multiple-championships I know there is a new engine formula proposed, but has any f1 team managed this season on only their allocation of engines and no penalties? Would an endurance team want to put all their eggs into this basket?
  21. I think a lot of this boils down to education and a sceptism toward the politicians who authorise such action , a lot of younger people(myself included) don’t equate recent military actions (Iraq x 2, afghan, Bosnia etc) with a direct threat to themselves and theiir way of life and so don’t feel it is much of a priority. If there was a greater explanation of how these conflicts are actually protecting us it might change the attitudes.
  22. The issue with that is the reservoir was intended to support London and would have not done anything to Oxfordshire’s issues...
  23. My understanding is it’s the combination of regrading the road profiles and utilities running under the bridge, but others may have more info.
  24. I work in wholesale, I am already putting together our Halloween and Xmas 2018 plans...
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