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Everything posted by JackB95

  1. Welcome Jim. My arch was scratch built from leftover bits before the actual arch was released. As you say, it is possible, and quite choice! Good old John. North Wales' finest!
  2. Hi Rob. Unfortunately it was made by a fellow friend and volunteer, and not made available for general sale. Sorry!
  3. Absolutely. The mk3 range of units is vast, and whilst details do vary, it'd be a fantastic range to announce. With the Desiros, the 350/450s are 20m vehicles, and 185s and 444s are 23m. The 185s and 444s don't share the same sides either, so they'd have to be unique toolings. That said, I'd absolutely love a 185.
  4. Absolutely. Happened a few times for me. Purchased an S Kits RHTT set (fully built etc), then 12hrs later, Hattons announced theirs. I purchased a CMAC 3D printed 175 kit, then before I started building it, Revolution dropped by. I got a TfW 67 painted too before Hornby announced theirs. But at least my colours will be consistent across the fleet as I got a 153 done too.
  5. More 158s are a must! Although now I've got an ex-EMT one in for TfW colours, I now predict we'll finally get a TfW one. Same goes for 150s...
  6. Are there any updates @Wild Boar Fell? Remembered about this layout yesterday and was hoping to see some updates, but guess things are busy at your end with life.
  7. I'd agree that two are just right. Enough interest in the foreground to add extra realism, but at the same time not too much in the way to view trains. Amazing work as always!
  8. Oooh right! Gen. Thanks for that. Took this photo yesterday whilst sorting out back to backs on the Mk4s. Love it. I'm yet to put the pipes on the DVT, but I've put some black electrical tape between the cluser lenses and the lights so the unused marker lights aren't as obvious.
  9. Don't 😂 Probably not. But never say never 😂
  10. FINALLY after 2 months of waiting (since the shops started getting their allocations), I find myself with a new TfW Mk4 set! I'm still missing the buffet which the model shop hasn't received yet, but voila! And just a comparison shot between the respray @CazRaildid for me and Hornby's efforts, fair play lad. Very impressed.
  11. You just know looking at the first second of that CCTV what's going to happen. However, fair play to you guys for being 100% honest about what's gone on, and obviously announcing this news quickly to hopefully avoid any issues later down the line as you say of "where's my order" etc. Credit where credit's due, keep up the amazing work and all the best with sorting out the mess. Fingers crossed it's not as bad as it looks.
  12. Just came across this thread - following with great interest! Managed to tick off the Greenford branch earlier this year and picked up on the interesting track layout. Keep up the excellent progress!
  13. Because they want it to be longer? They don't have to justify everything
  14. Accurascale posted this video on their Facebook yesterday demonstrating how good the stay-alive capacitors are on their Mk5s. Wow. That's all I can say. https://www.facebook.com/AccurascaleUK/videos/842615173534793 Nearly a whole minute before they're out! That's bloody incredible. Wonder how Hornby's APT is feeling after seeing that... 🤪
  15. Saw that last night on Facebook. Absolutely gorgeous. The light clusters are the biggest difference as you say. They're at a different height so not just a simple case of removing the main headlight on the driver's side and converting markers to tails etc. Middle gangway window appears to be the narrower one. Black grill looks a bit different too. Couple of extra jumper connections etc, and of course the top marker light, and you're onto a winner!
  16. That's very frustrating! You'd thing they'd acknowledge this issue and produce the newer version with a different product number. Hope you find what you need.
  17. I'd also look at maybe drilling out the light holes a bit bigger too given the newer WIPACs have much bigger apertures than previously. You'd obviously then need to source some new acrylic pieces to fit in the gaps, but nothing too strenuous.
  18. Another problem with Hornby models! Pathetic attention to detail yet again. I'll add it to my never ending list of problems with their models. Ugh.
  19. Couldn't agree more. A shared bodywork design with minor alterations across the fleet, mostly cab design differences. It's a no brainer. Anyone won the Postcode Lottery recently?
  20. Oh those EP pictures are gorgeous! Can't wait to empty my wallet 🤪
  21. Given that Accurascale have announced exactly the same thing, is this project now being worked on by Accura, or is it another duplicate product? Obviously your announcement was first, but I lose track of things.
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